okanaganrusty / ctraffic

Test traffic generator for continuous traffic

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ctraffic - A continous-traffic test program

This program targets tests of disturbances for instance fail-over, rolling upgrades and network problems. Ctraffic generates continuous traffic over a period of time and monitors problems such as lost connections, traffic disturbancies and retransmissions.

Even though ctraffic is pretty fast it is not a performance measurement tool since some bottlenecks are likely in ctraffic itself.

A ctraffic server is started, usually in a cluster behind some load balancer for instance a Kubernetes service. Then ctraffic is started in client mode to generate traffic on a number of connection. This command runs 100 KB/sec over a 1 minute period on 200 connections;

> ctraffic -timeout 1m -address [1000::1]:5003 -rate 100 -nconn 200 -monitor | jq .
Conn act/fail/connecting: 200/0/0, Packets send/rec/dropped: 86/86/0
Conn act/fail/connecting: 200/0/0, Packets send/rec/dropped: 194/194/0
Conn act/fail/connecting: 200/0/0, Packets send/rec/dropped: 286/286/0
Conn act/fail/connecting: 200/0/0, Packets send/rec/dropped: 5816/5816/0
Conn act/fail/connecting: 200/0/0, Packets send/rec/dropped: 5908/5908/0
  "Started": "2019-01-21T08:40:08.293474852Z",
  "Duration": 59993832043,
  "Rate": 100,
  "Connections": 200,
  "PacketSize": 1024,
  "FailedConnections": 0,
  "Sent": 5994,
  "Received": 5994,
  "Dropped": 0,
  "Retransmits": 0,
  "FailedConnects": 0

See also the xcluster mconnect ovl.


Basic usage;

# Start the server;
ctraffic -server
# In another shell;
ctraffic -nconn 100 -monitor

In Kubernetes;

kubectl apply -f https://github.com/Nordix/ctraffic/raw/master/ctraffic.yaml
# Check the external ip;
kubectl get svc ctraffic
# On some external machine;
externalip=....      # from the printout above
ctraffic -timeout 1m -address $externalip:5003 -rate 100 -nconn 200 -monitor

Analyze saved data

In automatic testing the statistics is saved for later analysis. The -analyze option has 3 options throughput|connections|hosts.

In the example below a local server is used and is killed around 5 seconds after the test is started;

# Start the server in a shell;
ctraffic -server
# In another shell start the client;
ctraffic -nconn 40 -rate 10 -stats all -monitor -timeout 12s > /tmp/data.json
# In the first shell, kill the server after ~5s;

Analyze the saved data;

ctraffic -stat_file /tmp/data.json -analyze connections
Time Active New Failed Connecting
0.5 40 40 0 0
1.5 40 0 0 0
2.5 40 0 0 0
3.5 40 0 0 0
4.5 37 3 3 3
5.5 28 9 9 12
6.5 16 12 12 24
7.5 8 8 8 32
8.5 0 8 8 40
9.5 0 0 0 40

Normally new and failed are the same because failed connections are immediately renewed. Since the server is stopped in this example the new connections will go to connecting. The packets/second on each connection is 10/40 which means one packet every 4'th second so it takes ~4 sec for all connections to fail.

The data can be used to create a plot with gnuplot. Below is an example how to do this maually;

ctraffic -stat_file /tmp/data.json -analyze connections > /tmp/data.data
# In gnuplot;
set yrange [0:48]
set xrange [0:10]
set key autotitle columnhead
set boxwidth 0.5 relative
set border 0
set style fill solid 0.5 border -1
plot '/tmp/data.data' using ($1-0.25):2 with boxes, '' using 1:5 with boxes, '' using ($1+0.25):4 with boxes

The scripts/plot.sh script described later can be used for greating graphs automatically.

Server hostname data can be analyzed;

$ ctraffic -analyze hosts -stat_file /tmp/scale.out 
Lost connections: 26
  vm-001 6
  vm-002 12
  vm-004 2
  vm-005 4
  vm-010 2
Lasting connections: 100
  vm-003 10
  vm-004 11
  vm-005 11
  vm-006 13
  vm-007 16
  vm-008 13
  vm-009 16
  vm-010 10


At the end of a test run statistics is printed to stdout in (unformatted) json format. Pipe to jq to get formatted output. The "monitor" printouts goes to stderr so they are visible and will not interfere with the statistics output;

> ctraffic ... -monitor | jq .
  "Started": "2019-01-21T08:40:08.293474852Z",
  "Duration": 59993832043,
  "Rate": 100,
  "Connections": 200,
  "PacketSize": 1024,
  "FailedConnections": 0,
  "Sent": 5994,
  "Received": 5994,
  "Dropped": 0,
  "Retransmits": 0,
  "FailedConnects": 0

If sent and received packets packet counters differs packets have been lost "in flight" when connections fails.

Dropped are packets deliberate dropped on the sending side because of disturbancies such as network delays (caused by packet-loss/retransmit).

Figure drop-packes

If the interval between packets is larger than the re-transmit interval, usually 200mS on Linux, no packet will be dropped on a single packet-loss. If you want to see packet loss as dropped packets (and reduced throughput) make sure the packet rate per connection is higher than 5 packets/S.

If --stats=all is specified additional statistics for connections and samples are included. This is necessary for post-test analysis.


The scripts/plot.sh script is a utility for creating graphs. Example;

scripts/plot.sh connections Active < /tmp/data.json > /tmp/conn.svg

with the data from the example above produces this graph;

example graph

Here is another example where packet-loss is introduced for some time with;

iptables -A INPUT -i eth1 -m statistic --mode random --probability 0.05 -j DROP

Traffic at 500 KB/S is started towards a k8s cluster and the statistics is saved;

ctraffic -timeout 30s -address -nconn 40 -rate 500 -stats=all > /tmp/packet-loss.json

The graph is produced with;

./scripts/plot.sh throughput < /tmp/packet-loss.json > /tmp/packet-loss.svg

example graph


go get -u github.com/Nordix/ctraffic
ver=$(date +%F:%T)
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go install -a \
  -ldflags "-extldflags '-static' -X main.version=$ver" \
strip $GOPATH/bin/ctraffic

# Build a docker image;
./build.sh image --image=registry.nordix.org/cloud-native/ctraffic --version=latest


The net.Conn on the server side opens 3 file descriptors (1 socket + 2 pipes) so even though the "ulimit" is 1024 fd's only ~330 simultaneous connections cen be served.


Test traffic generator for continuous traffic

License:MIT License


Language:Go 81.3%Language:Shell 17.4%Language:Gnuplot 0.9%Language:Dockerfile 0.4%