okaj / BitcoinJKit

Repository from Github https://github.comokaj/BitcoinJKitRepository from Github https://github.comokaj/BitcoinJKit


BitcoinJKit.framework allows you to access and use bitcoinj wallets in your applications. It uses BitcoinJ.

About BitcoinJKit.framework

The BitcoinJKit.framework uses bitcoinj sources to deliver bitcoin functionality with SPV. Your application will need to request for java support because - up till now - BitcoinJKit.framework requires external JVM. That may change in the future.

Build Instructions for BitcoinJKit.framework

For that you need to have java and maven installed

brew install maven

And you also have to remember to fetch all submodules!

git submodule update --init --recursive

Time to compile!

How to use

BitcoinJKit.framework delivers a singleton of class HIBitcoinManager. With this object you are able to access bitcoin network and manage your wallet

First you need to prepare the library for launching.

Set up where wallet and bitcoin network data should be kept

[HIBitcoinManager defaultManager].dataURL = [[self applicationSupportDir] URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"com.mycompany.MyBitcoinWalletData"];

Decide if you want to use a testing network (or not)

[HIBitcoinManager defaultManager].testingNetwork = YES;

...and start the network!

[[HIBitcoinManager defaultManager] start];

Now you can easily get the balance or wallet address:

NSString *walletAddress [HIBitcoinManager defaultManager].walletAddress;
uint64_t balance = [HIBitcoinManager defaultManager].balance

You can send coins

[[HIBitcoinManager defaultManager] sendCoins:1000 toReceipent:receipentHashAddress comment:@"Here's some money for you!" completion:nil];

And more!

Demo App

There's a demo application included with the sources. Start it up and check out how to use BitcoinJKit.framework!


BitcoinJKit.framework are available under the MIT license.


License:MIT License