ojdon / vuejs-wordpress-theme-starter

🎨 A WordPress theme powered by Vue.js

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Vue + Wordpress.


A true WordPress theme with the guts ripped out and replaced with Vue. Based on EvanAgee's billiant work, which was originally based on the BlankSlate WP starter theme.


  • VueRouter integrated
  • Vuex integrated (with sample WordPress-centric modules)
  • Axios for API requests
  • Bootstrap Vue for easy Bootstrap 4 Components
  • Font Awesome 5 for vector & social icons
  • Follows the development guidelines/structure set forth by Vuejs
  • Bare essentials needed for a functional WordPress theme
  • All requests are redirected back to the index.php so your Vue routing is respected.
  • SCSS support

Getting started

  • Clone the repo inside of your wp-content/themes/ directory
  • Navigate to the theme directory and run npm install npm run watch for development npm run production when you're ready to deploy the theme.

Dependencies & Requirements

There are some useful plugins that are required for this theme. In order to install them, use WP-cli or WPackagist:

Install plugins via WP-Cli

wp plugin install wp-api-menus acf-to-rest-api wp-rest-api-frontpage wp-pwa-yoast-seo wordpress-seo --activate


Install plugins via WPackagist

    "require": {


  • Open up src/app.js this is the main JS file for the app and will give you a glimpse into what's going on behind the scenes.
  • Next open up src/App.vue this is the primary app component, a page wrapper of sorts. It contains the header/footer and the <router-view> component which is what loads in all of the other screens as you navigate around the app. Note that by default src/components/Home.vue is loaded into the router-view initially.
  • Next open up src/routes/index.js and notice how the routes are setup by default. Out of the box there is only one route, the / or home view. For more information on setting up routing within your app checkout Vue-Router.

The first thing you're probably going to want to do is start editing and components in src/components/views/.

Code Organization

All of the code you're going to edit is located in /src/. From there it's broken into a few logical directories.

  • /src
    • /api for API requests
    • /assets for images mostly
    • /components Vue components
    • /router vue-router directives
    • /store vuex store and modules
    • /styles SCSS styles
    • /vendor 3rd party scripts and libraries

All scripts and styles in /src are compiled down to the /dist directory, which is what you will deploy. When you're ready to deploy don't deploy the src/ directory.


By default, this theme sets up three separate routes. One for the homepage, one for WordPress pages and one for WordPress posts. These routes can be found in /src/router/index.js

In order to separate pages from posts, you'll need to change the permalinks settings. By default, we've created a home page and a news page. Next, set these up as the static pages via:

  1. In the admin dashboard
  2. Go to Settings > Reading option
  3. Select A static page (select below) option for Your homepage displays.
  4. Set Homepage: as Home
  5. Set Posts: as News
  6. Press Saves Changes button
  7. Go to Settings > Permalinks
  8. Select the permalinks structure as Custom Structure with the entry /news/%postname%/
  9. Press the Save Changes button

External References


🎨 A WordPress theme powered by Vue.js


Language:Vue 38.9%Language:JavaScript 36.8%Language:PHP 21.4%Language:CSS 3.0%