ojasjain24 / neon_widgets_flutter

🌟This is a flutter package which provides most commonly used widgets with their normal and neon version. There are multiple different types of widgets under this package, which can be used to create more neon theme widget

Home Page:https://pub.dev/packages/neon_widgets

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Neon Widgets💡

Most commonly used flutter widgets in neon version.

License Pub GitHub stars

Neon Widgets 2.0 => Breaking Changes

Animation disposal issues resolved. and every class' name have been changed, to comply with the standard dart syntax.

All the class names have been changed, to comply with the standard dart syntax. Previously every class had the name convention such that non-neon class' name started with the letter 'o', and neon classes started with 'oNeon'. But in the update, the neon class names now starts with 'Neon', and the letter 'o' has been removed from the starting of non-neon classes.

For example :

1 : 'oNeonContainer' is now changed to 'NeonContainer'.

2 : 'oNeonCustomVerticesProgressBar' is now changed to 'NeonCustomVerticesProgressBar'.

3 : 'oSearchBar' is now changed to 'SearchBar'.

Getting started

Readme Changelog Installing Versions Scores Admin Activity log Use this package as a library Depend on it Run this command:

Run this command:

With Dart:

 $ dart pub add neon_widgets

With Flutter:

 $ flutter pub add neon_widgets

This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit dart pub get):

  neon_widgets: ^2.0.0

Alternatively, your editor might support dart pub get or flutter pub get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.

Import it Now in your Dart code, you can use:

import 'package:neon_widgets/neon_widgets.dart';



Neon Widgets :

Flickering Neon Widgets (with random flicker rate) :

Loaders :


neonText :

// neon text

   text: "Neon text",
   spreadColor: Colors.pink,
   blurRadius: 20,
   textSize: 74,
   textColor: Colors.white,

// flickering neon text

   text: "Flicker neon text",
   flickerTimeInMilliSeconds: 600,
   spreadColor: Colors.blue,
   blurRadius: 20,
   textSize: 74,

neonSearchBar :


Chat widgets :

// Left message card in neon theme
  lightBlurRadius: 20,
  lightSpreadRadius: 5,
      "Hi all, this is brand new library that provides most used widgets in neon and normal effect",
  time: "10:45",

const SizedBox(
  height: 20,

// Right message card in neon theme
    lightBlurRadius: 20,
    lightSpreadRadius: 10,
    backgroundColor: Colors.deepPurple,
    "Hi all, this is brand new library that provides most used widgets in neon and normal effect",
    time: "10:45",

const SizedBox(
  height: 20,

// Left massage card

    "Hi all, this is brand new library that provides most used widgets in neon and normal effect",
    time: "10:45",

const SizedBox(
  height: 20,

// Right massage card

    "Hi all, this is brand new library that provides most used widgets in neon and normal effect",
    time: "10:45",

const SizedBox(
  height: 20,

Add items widget :

direction: Axis.horizontal,
children: <Widget>[
  ...(searchedResults.map((e) =>
          data: e,
          borderColor: Colors.deepOrange.shade50,
          spreadColor: Colors.deepOrange,
          lightSpreadRadius: 3,
          lightBlurRadius: 18))),

NeonPoint widget :

  pointSize: 00,
  pointColor: Colors.red.shade100,
  spreadColor: Colors.red,

NeonLine widget :

  spreadColor: Colors.brown,
  lightSpreadRadius: 30,
  lightBlurRadius: 90,
  lineWidth: 400,
  lineHeight: 0.02,
  lineColor: Colors.brown.shade100,

Flickering Neon widgets :

// Flickering neon line
  spreadColor: Colors.brown,
  lightSpreadRadius: 30,
  lightBlurRadius: 60,
  lineWidth: 300,
  lineHeight: 2,
  lineColor: Colors.brown.shade100,

  // flicker rate which is selects a random value by default
  randomFlicker: false,
  flickerTimeInMilliSeconds: 1000,
// Flickering neon point
  pointSize: 010,
  pointColor: Colors.blue.shade100,
  spreadColor: Colors.blue,
// Flickering neon container
    spreadColor: Colors.green.shade700,
    child: WIDGET

Loaders :

 //loader type 1 : loader made of polynomial of n number of side
 NeonShapeVerticesProgressBar(number: 4)

 //loader type 2 : triangle shape with all colors customizable

 //loader type 3 : square shape with all colors customizable

 //loader type 4 : image
 ImageProgressBar(image : "assets/images/abc.png")

Non Neon widgets :

const SizedBox(
  height: 20,
  direction: Axis.horizontal,
  children: <Widget>[
        .map((e) => AddItemButton(data: e))),
const SizedBox(
  height: 20,
  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20),
  child: CircumscribingIconButton(
      icon: Icons.keyboard_arrow_left_sharp,
      onTap: () {},
      backgroundColor: Colors.purple),


Example code provided

  spreadColor: Colors.green.shade700,
  child: CircumscribingIconButton(
        icon: Icons.arrow_right_alt_sharp,
        onTap: () {},
        backgroundColor: Colors.green.shade700),
    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(100),
    lightBlurRadius: 100,
    lightSpreadRadius: 50,
  borderColor: Colors.green.shade100

Additional information

Wanna improve this package? Contribute to project on

github : https://github.com/ojasjain24/neon_widgets_flutter

create issue : https://github.com/ojasjain24/neon_widgets_flutter/issues

Contributing rules :

1 : create an issue describing the feature.

2 : comment on this issue that you are interested in resolving this issue.

3 : Create a Pull request in dev branch.


🌟This is a flutter package which provides most commonly used widgets with their normal and neon version. There are multiple different types of widgets under this package, which can be used to create more neon theme widget


License:MIT License


Language:Dart 100.0%