oising / Orleans.StorageProvider.Redis

A Redis implementation of the Orleans Storage Provider model. Uses the Azure Redis Cache to persist grain states.

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Orleans Redis Providers

1.5.x branch Build status 2.x.x branch Build status

A Redis implementation of the Orleans v3 Storage Provider model. Uses the Azure Redis Cache to persist grain states.

Orleans is a framework that provides a straight-forward approach to building distributed high-scale computing applications, without the need to learn and apply complex concurrency or other scaling patterns.

Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker.

Orleans.Redis is a package that use Redis as a backend for Orleans providers. It uses the great StackExchange.Redis library underneath.


PS> Install-Package Orleans.Persistence.Redis -prerelease


Configure your Orleans-cluster.

var silo = new SiloHostBuilder()
    .AddRedisGrainStorage("Redis", optionsBuilder => optionsBuilder.Configure(options =>
        options.DataConnectionString = "localhost:6379"; // This is the deafult
        options.UseJson = true;
        options.DatabaseNumber = 1;
await silo.StartAsync();

Decorate your grain classes with the StorageProvider attribute.

[StorageProvider(ProviderName = "RedisGrainStorage")]
public class SomeGrain : Grain<SomeGrainState>, ISomeGrain

and update your appsettings.json configuration file as described below.

These settings will enable the redis cache to act as the store for grains that have

  • State
  • Need to persist their state


Example Redis configuration (appsettings.json):

        "Logging": {
        "Orleans" : {
            "Storage": {
            "Provider": "Redis",
            "Redis": {
                "DataConnectionString": "your-redis-server:6379",
                "DatabaseNumber": 1,
                "UseJson": false,
                "NumberOfConnectionRetries": 30,
                "DeltaBackOff": "00:00:10"


  • UseJson=true/false (optional) Defaults to true, if set to false the Orleans binary serializer is used (this is recommended, as the JSON serializer is unable to serialize certain types).
  • DataConnectionString="..." (required) the connection string to your redis database (i.e. <youraccount>.redis.cache.windows.net,abortConnect=false,ssl=true,password=<yourkey>)
  • DatabaseNumber="1" (optional) the number of the redis database to connect to

Example initialization code:

    public static class Program
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            await CreateHostBuilder(args).Build().RunAsync();

        private static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
            .UseOrleans(config =>
                var webHostBuilderContext = (WebHostBuilderContext)config.Properties.Values.First(v => v.GetType() == typeof(WebHostBuilderContext));
                var options = webHostBuilderContext.Configuration.GetSection("Orleans").Get<OrleansOptions>();

                config = options.Storage.Provider switch
                    "Memory" => config.AddMemoryGrainStorageAsDefault(),
                    "Redis" => config.AddRedisGrainStorageAsDefault(storageOptions =>
                        storageOptions.DataConnectionString = options.Storage.Redis.DataConnectionString;
                        storageOptions.DatabaseNumber = options.Storage.Redis.DatabaseNumber;
                        storageOptions.UseJson = options.Storage.Redis.UseJson;
                        storageOptions.NumberOfConnectionRetries = options.Storage.Redis.NumberOfConnectionRetries;
                        storageOptions.DeltaBackOffMilliseconds = (int)options.Storage.Redis.DeltaBackOff.TotalMilliseconds;
                    _ => config

                ConfigureSiloBuilder(config, options);





A Redis implementation of the Orleans Storage Provider model. Uses the Azure Redis Cache to persist grain states.


Language:C# 100.0%