oicr-gsi / ncov2019ArticNf

ncov2019ArticNf workflow executes the ncov2019-artic-nf Nextflow workflow from connor-lab (https://github.com/connor-lab/ncov2019-artic-nf).

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


ncov2019ArticNf workflow executes the ncov2019-artic-nf Nextflow workflow from connor-lab (https://github.com/connor-lab/ncov2019-artic-nf).





java -jar cromwell.jar run ncov2019ArticNf.wdl --inputs inputs.json


Required workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Description
fastqR1 File Read 1 fastq file.
fastqR2 File Read 2 fastq file.
outputFileNamePrefix String Output prefix to prefix output file names with.
schemeVersion String The Artic primer scheme version that was used.

Optional workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description

Optional task parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description
renameInputs.mem Int 1 Memory (in GB) to allocate to the job.
renameInputs.timeout Int 1 Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for.
illumina_ncov2019ArticNf.viralContigName String "MN908947.3" Viral contig name to retain during non-human filtering step.
illumina_ncov2019ArticNf.allowNoprimer Boolean? None Allow reads that don't have primer sequence? Ligation prep = false, nextera = true.
illumina_ncov2019ArticNf.illuminaKeepLen Int? None Length of illumina reads to keep after primer trimming.
illumina_ncov2019ArticNf.illuminaQualThreshold Int? None Sliding window quality threshold for keeping reads after primer trimming (illumina).
illumina_ncov2019ArticNf.mpileupDepth Int? None Mpileup depth for ivar.
illumina_ncov2019ArticNf.ivarFreqThreshold Float? None ivar frequency threshold for variant.
illumina_ncov2019ArticNf.ivarMinDepth Float? None Minimum coverage depth to call variant.
illumina_ncov2019ArticNf.additionalParameters String? None Additional parameters to add to the nextflow command.
illumina_ncov2019ArticNf.mem Int 8 Memory (in GB) to allocate to the job.
illumina_ncov2019ArticNf.timeout Int 5 Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for.
illumina_ncov2019ArticNf.modules String "ncov2019-artic-nf-illumina/20210406 artic-ncov2019/2 ncov2019primernames/20201112 hg38-sars-covid-2/20200714" Environment module name and version to load (space separated) before command execution.
illumina_ncov2019ArticNf.ncov2019ArticNextflowPath String "$NCOV2019_ARTIC_NF_ILLUMINA_ROOT" Path to the ncov2019-artic-nf-illumina repository directory.
illumina_ncov2019ArticNf.ncov2019ArticPath String "$ARTIC_NCOV2019_ROOT" Path to the artic-ncov2019 repository directory or url
illumina_ncov2019ArticNf.compositeHumanVirusReferencePath String "$HG38_SARS_COVID_2_ROOT/composite_human_virus_reference.fasta" Path to the composite reference to use during non-human filtering step.
illumina_ncov2019ArticNf.ncov2019primerNames String "$NCOV2019PRIMERNAMES_ROOT/nCoV-2019.outer.V3.primernames.tsv" Path to primer names for improved primer trimming.


Output Type Description Labels
readTrimmingFastqR1 File Fastq R1 from readTrimming step. vidarr_label: readTrimmingFastqR1
readTrimmingFastqR2 File Fastq R1 from readTrimming step. vidarr_label: readTrimmingFastqR2
readMappingBam File Sorted bam from readMapping step. vidarr_label: readMappingBam
trimPrimerSequencesBam File Mapped bam from trimPrimerSequences step. vidarr_label: trimPrimerSequencesBam
trimPrimerSequencesPrimerTrimmedBam File Mapped + primer trimmer bam from trimPrimerSequences step. vidarr_label: trimPrimerSequencesPrimerTrimmedBam
makeConsensusFasta File Consensus fasta from makeConsensus step. vidarr_label: makeConsensusFasta
makeConsensusVcf File Consensus vcf from makeConsensus step. vidarr_label: makeConsensusVcf
qcPlotsPng File Qc plot (depth) png from qcPlots step. vidarr_label: qcPlotsPng
qcCsv File Qc csv from qc step. vidarr_label: qcCsv
nextflowLogs File All nextflow workflow task stdout and stderr logs gzipped and named by task. vidarr_label: nextflowLogs


This section lists command(s) run by ncov2019Artic workflow

  • Running ncov2019Artic

Linking fastq files

    ln -s ~{fastqR1} ~{outputFileNamePrefix}_R1.fastq.gz
    ln -s ~{fastqR2} ~{outputFileNamePrefix}_R2.fastq.gz

Running workflow as Nextflow wf

    set -euo pipefail

    nextflow run ~{ncov2019ArticNextflowPath} \
    --illumina \
    --directory "$(dirname ~{fastqR1})" \
    --prefix "~{outputFileNamePrefix}" \
    --schemeRepoURL ~{ncov2019ArticPath} \
    --schemeVersion ~{schemeVersion} \
    ~{true="--allowNoprimer true" false="--allowNoprimer false" allowNoprimer} \
    ~{"--illuminaKeepLen " + illuminaKeepLen} \
    ~{"--illuminaQualThreshold " + illuminaQualThreshold} \
    ~{"--mpileupDepth " + mpileupDepth} \
    ~{"--ivarFreqThreshold " + ivarFreqThreshold} \
    ~{"--ivarMinDepth " + ivarMinDepth} \
    --composite_ref ~{compositeHumanVirusReferencePath} \
    --viral_contig_name ~{viralContigName} \
    --primer_pairs_tsv ~{ncov2019primerNames} \

    # rename some of the outputs
    ln -s "results/ncovIllumina_sequenceAnalysis_readTrimming/~{outputFileNamePrefix}_hostfiltered_R1_val_1.fq.gz" \
    ln -s "results/ncovIllumina_sequenceAnalysis_readTrimming/~{outputFileNamePrefix}_hostfiltered_R2_val_2.fq.gz" \

    # extract all logs from the nextflow working directory
    NEXTFLOW_ID="$(nextflow log -q | head -1)"
    NEXTFLOW_TASKS=$(nextflow log "${NEXTFLOW_ID}" -f "name,workdir" -s '\t')
    mkdir -p logs
    while IFS=$'\t' read -r name workdir; do
      FILENAME="$(echo "${name}" | sed -e 's/[^A-Za-z0-9._-]/_/g')"
      if [ -f "$workdir/.command.log" ]; then
        cp "$workdir/.command.log" "logs/$FILENAME.stdout"
      if [ -f "$workdir/.command.err" ]; then
        cp "$workdir/.command.err" "logs/$FILENAME.stderr"
    done <<< ${NEXTFLOW_TASKS}
    tar -zcvf ~{outputFileNamePrefix}.logs.tar.gz logs/


For support, please file an issue on the Github project or send an email to gsi@oicr.on.ca .

Generated with generate-markdown-readme (https://github.com/oicr-gsi/gsi-wdl-tools/)


ncov2019ArticNf workflow executes the ncov2019-artic-nf Nextflow workflow from connor-lab (https://github.com/connor-lab/ncov2019-artic-nf).


Language:WDL 95.9%Language:Shell 4.1%