ohsu-cedar-comp-hub / SlurmStats

Tools to study sacct data to optimize Slurm Jobs

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Optimizing Slurm Usage

There are two tools that can be used separately or together to learn about the performance of specific Slurm jobs and help optimization by improving CPU, GPU, Memory and Time efficiencies.

Tool 1- Slurm Job Assessment:

This tool generates an HTML report based on Slurm accounting information, helping users understand the resource consumption of their jobs. It includes information grouped by state and user and also allows users to download their resulting data and visualizations are provided to understand which specific jobs can be improved.

Tool 2- Slurm Track Usage:

This tool also generates an HTML report but focuses on creating visualizations for tracking CPU and GPU usage over time. Visualizations are also included for data by top 8 users and data by account. The budget is also provided as reference.


Both tools can be run on the head node of the Exacloud cluster in two primary ways:

  1. Directly with Parameters: Use command-line options to specify details for querying Slurm accounting data.
  2. Using a Pre-generated File: Input a file that contains Slurm accounting data.

Files Included (in SlurmTools folder)

For Slurm Job Assessment Tool:

  • slurm_environment.yml – File containing the required conda environment.
  • JobAssess.sh – Main script to run the tool.
  • SlurmJobAssessment.Rmd – R Markdown file that summarizes data and generates an HTML report.

For Slurm Track Usage Tool:

  • slurm_environment.yml – File containing the required conda environment.
  • TrackUsage.sh – Main script to run the tool.
  • SlurmTrackUsage.Rmd – R Markdown file that creates visualizations to track usage in an HTML report.


You can run the tools in two primary ways:

1. Using Command-Line Parameters

Run the script directly with the following command:

./JobAssess.sh -u <user> -s <start_date> -e <end_date> -a <accounts> -all <all_info>

./TrackUsage.sh -u <user> -s <start_date> -e <end_date> -a <accounts> 
  • -u <user> : User(s) to filer by. Filter for multiple users by inputting comma separated values. If omitted, data for all users will be included.

  • -s <start_date> : Start date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. If omitted, start date will be 7 days before end date.

  • -e <end_date> : End date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. If omitted, end date will be the current date.

  • -a <accounts> : Account(s) to filter by. Include multiple accounts by inputting comma separated values. If omitted, default will be cedar,cedar2.

  • -all <all_info> : Shows all information (individual user plots and full tables). Accepts TRUE or FALSE. If omitted, default will be TRUE.

Both tools have the same parameters EXCEPT -all <all_info> is NOT in the Slurm Track Usage tool!

For example, to summarize all job information and track usage for user chaoe from 2024-07-01 to 2024-07-10 for accounts cedar and cedar2:

./JobAssess.sh -u chaoe -s 2024-07-01 -e 2024-07-10

./TrackUsage.sh -u chaoe -s 2024-07-01 -e 2024-07-10

2. Using a Pre-generated File

If you have a file already generated from sacct, you can input the file directly with the following command:

./JobAssess.sh -f <file>

./TrackUsage.sh -f <file>
  • -f <file> : Path to sacct file. The file must include the neccessary columns required to calculate the slurm statistics and generate the HTML report.

For example, an acceptable file would be generated like this :

sacct --units=G --format=JobIdRaw,JobName,User,Group,Account,State,Submit,Start,End,Cluster,Partition,AllocNodes,AllocTRES,AllocCPUS,ReqCPUs,AveCPU,TotalCPU,CPUTime,UserCPU,SystemCPU,Elapsed,Timelimit,ReqMem,MaxRSS,MaxVMSize,MaxDiskWrite,MaxDiskRead,CPUTimeRaw,ElapsedRaw,TimelimitRaw --parsable2 -a -A cedar,cedar2 --starttime=2023-07-01 --endtime=2024-06-30 > data.txt

You cannot use both methods at the same time for either tool. If you provide both a file and other parameters into the tool, the tool will ignore your extra parameters and use only the file.

  • This doesn't apply for -all <all_info>. The -all parameter can be used for either methods for the SlurmJobAssessment tool.

Running on Exacloud Compute Node

For optimal performance, it is recommended to run the tools on the head node of Exacloud. However, it can be run on a compute node using this command:

srun ./JobAssess.sh

srun ./TrackUsage.sh


No Data is Retrieved

This will be stated on the resulting HTML report and indicates that no jobs were found from the given inputs.

Recheck the parameters inputted. If you had inputted a file, refer to the example of an acceptable file above to see if the required sacct columns were present in your file.

Permission Denied when Executing Shell Script

This will appear in the terminal when execute permissions have not been allowed. Add permissions with this command:

chmod 755 JobAssess.sh 

chmod 755 TrackUsage.sh

Report is Taking Too Long to Load

If the report from the Slurm Job Assessment tool is taking too long to load, you can use -all FALSE to get a faster report.

Requesting to look at a lot of data will mean a longer wait time for all information to be loaded. This will usually only come up if you are looking for FY reports for all users.

Additional Information

SlurmStatsWrangling.rmd is a separate script to parse through sacct outputs.

Resources about slurm usage and sacct data can be found here: https://slurm.schedmd.com/sacct.html https://ohsu-cedar-comp-hub.github.io/2023/09/19/Right-Sizing-Slurm-Jobs.html

If you have any questions about anything, feel free to reach out to me! (chaoe@ohsu.edu)


Tools to study sacct data to optimize Slurm Jobs


Language:Shell 100.0%