ohmae / preference-activity-compat

This is a compatibility class of PreferenceActivity

Repository from Github https://github.comohmae/preference-activity-compatRepository from Github https://github.comohmae/preference-activity-compat

This Library is EOL. Please use PreferenceHeaderFragmentCompat instead.


license GitHub release GitHub issues GitHub closed issues Maven Central

This is a compatibility library of PreferenceActivity.

This class can be used in much the same way as PreferenceActivity. Moreover, the material design is applied, It is also possible to manage PreferenceFragmentCompat instead of PreferenceFragment.


As you know, PreferenceFragmentCompat which is a compatibility class corresponding to PreferenceFragment is provided in SupportLibrary. (com.android.support:preference-v7) But compatibility class corresponding to PreferenceActivity is not provided.

When adding a new activity in AndroidStudio, AppCompatPreferenceActivity is created by selecting "Settings Activity" from the gallery. Guessing from the name of "AppCompatPreferenceActivity", we will get an impression like the PreferenceActivity version of AppCompatActivity. In the fact, it allows us to use some new APIs, but doesn't allows we to use material design theme in Android 4.x.

Also, since AppCompatPreferenceActivity can inflate only native Fragment, it can not inflate PreferenceFragmentCompat inheriting Fragment of support library. There is also a Support Library version of PreferenceFragment that inherits the native Fragment.

But the native Fragment is deprecated.


Android 4.4 (Tablet)

PreferenceActivityCompat:smile: Native PreferenceActivity:scream:

Android 7.1 (Tablet)

PreferenceActivityCompat:smile: Native PreferenceActivity:smile:

Android 4.4 (Phone)


Native PreferenceActivity:scream:

Android 7.1 (Phone)


Native PreferenceActivity:smile:

How to use

jCenter will close in May. In 0.2.6 moved to mavenCentral from jcenter.
Please note that the groupID has changed

Download from mavenCentral.
The latest version is: Maven Central

dependencies {
    implementation 'net.mm2d.preference:preference:0.2.6'

Versions below 0.2.6 were distributed with jCenter. However, jCenter will close and old versions are not migrated to mavenCentral. If you need an older version, please use the Github Pages repository.

repositories {
    maven { url = URI("https://ohmae.github.com/maven") }
dependencies {
    implementation 'net.mm2d.preference:preference:0.2.5'

0.1.0~ this library depends on androidx. If you need to use support library 28.0.0, use 0.0.4.

If you are using ProGuard, to load preference-header from xml, you might need to add the following option.

-keep public class * extends androidx.preference.PreferenceFragmentCompat


This class is only partially compatible with PreferenceActivity. Only functions that are likely to be used are implemented.


  • The method to handle Preference is deprecated in Activity and is not implemented.
  • FragmentBreadCrumbs is not used.

This class can handle only preference-headers.

This class was created with the premise of using PreferenceFragmentCompat. Therefore, it is not a restriction of this class itself, but it has the same restrictions as PreferenceFragmentCompat.

androidx.preference has various problems, so I recommend to use this library together with other OSS for further improvement.

Please see the next section.

Migrate from AppCompatPreferenceActivity

1. Add preferenceTheme in PreferenceActivity's theme.

    <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
        <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
        <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
        <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>

+        <item name="preferenceTheme">@style/PreferenceCompatTheme</item>

2. Replace SettingsActivity's super class

- public class SettingsActivity extends AppCompatPreferenceActivity {
+ public class SettingsActivity extends PreferenceActivityCompat {

At that time, change the isValidFragment from protected to public.

-     protected boolean isValidFragment(final String fragmentName) {
+     public boolean isValidFragment(final String fragmentName) {

If you override onMenuItemSelected, replace it with onOptionsItemSelected.

-    public boolean onMenuItemSelected(int featureId, MenuItem item) {
+    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(final MenuItem item) {
        final int id = item.getItemId();
        if (id == android.R.id.home) {
-            if (!super.onMenuItemSelected(featureId, item)) {
+            if (!super.onOptionsItemSelected(item)) {
            return true;
-        return super.onMenuItemSelected(featureId, item);
+        return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

If you use Kotlin. onBuildHeaders argument type must be MutableList. Because PreferenceActivityCompat is implemented by Kotlin.

-    override fun onBuildHeaders(target: List<Header>)
+    override fun onBuildHeaders(target: MutableList<Header>)

3. Replace PreferenceFragment to PreferenceFragmentCompat

And implement onCreatePreferences instead of onCreate

-     public static class GeneralPreferenceFragment extends PreferenceFragment {
+     public static class GeneralPreferenceFragment extends PreferenceFragmentCompat {
-         public void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) {
-             super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
+         public void onCreatePreferences(final Bundle savedInstanceState,final String rootKey) {

4. Change package import

Use net.mm2d.preference.Header instead of android.preference.PreferenceActivity.Header

- import android.preference.PreferenceActivity.Header;
+ import net.mm2d.preference.Header;

Use androidx.preference instead of android.preference

- import android.preference.ListPreference;
- import android.preference.Preference;
- import android.preference.Preference.OnPreferenceChangeListener;
- import android.preference.PreferenceFragment;
- import android.preference.PreferenceManager;
+ import androidx.preference.ListPreference;
+ import androidx.preference.Preference;
+ import androidx.preference.Preference.OnPreferenceChangeListener;
+ import androidx.preference.PreferenceFragmentCompat;
+ import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager;

5. Change namespace of attributes to app instead of android in xml of preference-headers

-     xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
+     xmlns:app="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto">
-         android:fragment="net.mm2d.preference.sample.SettingsActivity$GeneralPreferenceFragment"
-         android:icon="@drawable/ic_info_black_24dp"
-         android:title="@string/pref_header_general"
+         app:fragment="net.mm2d.preference.sample.SettingsActivity$GeneralPreferenceFragment"
+         app:icon="@drawable/ic_info_black_24dp"
+         app:title="@string/pref_header_general"

6. Replace SwtichPreference to SwitchPreferenceCompat, if you need

(This is a description of PreferenceFragmentCompat, not this library)

<PreferenceScreen xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
-     <SwitchPreference
+     <!--suppress AndroidElementNotAllowed -->
+     <SwitchPreferenceCompat

Because SwitchPreference looks legacy in Android 4.4 or less.

SwitchPreference SwitchPreferenceCompat

If your target is Android 5 or later, you do not have to replace it.

7. Add app:iconSpaceReserved="false", If you do not need the space for the icon

(This is a description of PreferenceFragmentCompat, not this library)

+         app:iconSpaceReserved="false"
default app:iconSpaceReserved="false"

Dependent OSS


  • Kotlin
  • Android Jetpack
    • androidx.appcompat:appcompat
    • androidx.preference:preference
    • androidx.core:core-ktx

Sample app


大前 良介 (OHMAE Ryosuke) http://www.mm2d.net/


MIT License


This is a compatibility class of PreferenceActivity

License:MIT License


Language:Kotlin 100.0%