ohld / rubic-sdk

Simplify dApp creation

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Rubic SDK

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Latest API Documentation

Table of contents


Installation with cdn

<script src="https://unpkg.com/rubic-sdk@latest/dist/rubic-sdk.min.js"></script>

Installation with npm and webpack (React, ...)

  1. npm install rubic-sdk

ℹ️️ Skip the rest of the steps if your have already installed web3 in your project.

  1. npm install --save-dev http-browserify https-browserify stream-browserify crypto-browserify
  2. modify webpack.config.js. If you use create-react-app, run npm run eject to extract config
    1. add to plugins
      new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
        Buffer: ['buffer', 'Buffer'],
        process: 'process/browser'
    2. add resolve.fallback
      "fallback": {
        "fs": false,
        "constants": false,
        "querystring": false,
        "url": false,
        "path": false,
        "os": false,
        "http": require.resolve("http-browserify"),
        "https": require.resolve("https-browserify"),
        "zlib": false,
        "stream": require.resolve("stream-browserify"),
        "crypto": require.resolve("crypto-browserify")

Installation with npm for Angular

  1. npm install rubic-sdk

ℹ️️ Skip the rest of the steps if your have already installed web3 in your project.

  1. npm install --save-dev stream-browserify assert https-browserify os-browserify stream-http crypto-browserify process buffer
  2. Modify tsconfig.json
      "compilerOptions": {
        "paths" : {
          "stream": ["./node_modules/stream-browserify"],
          "assert": ["./node_modules/assert"],
          "https": ["./node_modules/https-browserify"],
          "os": ["./node_modules/os-browserify"],
          "http": ["./node_modules/stream-http"],
          "crypto": ["./node_modules/crypto-browserify"]
  3. Modify polyfills.ts
    import Process = NodeJS.Process;
    export interface AppWindow extends Window {
      process: Process;
      Buffer: Buffer;
    (window as AppWindow).process = window.process || require('process');
    (window as AppWindow).Buffer = (window as any).Buffer || require('buffer').Buffer;


Get started after cdn installation

        // you have to declare rpc links only for networks you will use
        const configuration = {
            rpcProviders: {
                ETH: {
                    mainRpc: '<your ethereum rpc>'
                BSC: {
                    mainRpc: '<your bsc rpc>'
            // if you are whitelisted integrator, provide your wallet address here
            providerAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
        async function main() {
            // create SDK instance
            const sdk = await RubicSDK.SDK.createSDK(configuration);
            // define example trade parameters
            const blockchain = 'ETH';
            const fromTokenAddress = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
            const fromAmount = 1;
            const toTokenAddress = '0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7';
            // calculate trades
            const trades = await sdk.instantTrades
                .calculateTrade({blockchain, address: fromTokenAddress}, fromAmount, toTokenAddress);


Get started after npm installation

  1. Create configuration

    import { BLOCKCHAIN_NAME, Configuration } from 'rubic-sdk';
    // you have to declare rpc links only for networks you will use
    export const configuration: Configuration = {
        rpcProviders: {
                mainRpc: '<your ethereum rpc>'
                mainRpc: '<your bsc rpc>'
        // if you are whitelisted integrator, provide your wallet address here
        providerAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
  2. Create sdk instance

    const sdk = await SDK.createSDK(configuration);
  3. Use sdk instance for trade calculation

    import { BLOCKCHAIN_NAME } from 'rubic-sdk';
    const blockchain = BLOCKCHAIN_NAME.ETHEREUM;
    const fromTokenAddress = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; // ETH
    const fromAmount = 1;
    const toTokenAddress = '0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7'; // USDT
    const trades = await sdk.instantTrades.calculateTrade(
        { blockchain, address: fromTokenAddress }, 
    const bestTrade = trades[0];
    // explore trades info
    Object.entries(trades).forEach(([tradeType, trade]) =>
        console.log(tradeType, `to amount: ${trade.to.tokenAmount.toFormat(3)}`)
  4. When user connects wallet (e.g. MetaMask) you should change configuration to use non-view contracts methods, and being able to use trade swap method. You not have to recalculate trades after it.

    import { BLOCKCHAIN_NAME, Configuration, WalletProvider } from 'rubic-sdk';
    const accounts: string[] = await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' });
    const chainId = await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_chainId' });
    const walletProvider: WalletProvider = {
            address: accounts[0],
            core: window.ethereum
    export const configuration: Configuration = {
        rpcProviders: {
                mainRpc: '<your ethereum rpc>'
                mainRpc: '<your bsc rpc>'
        // if you are whitelisted integrator, provide your wallet address here
        providerAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
    await sdk.updateConfiguration(configuration);
  5. Now you can use swap method of trade instance. Approve transaction will be sent automatically if needed.

    const onConfirm = (hash: string) => console.log(hash);
    const receipt = await trades[TRADE_TYPE.UNISWAP_V2].swap({ onConfirm });

Get started with cross-chain swaps

Steps 1. and 2. is the same. You can use single sdk instance for instant trades and cross-chain swaps calculations.

  1. Use sdk instance for trade calculation
    import { BLOCKCHAIN_NAME, BINANCE_SMART_CHAIN } from 'rubic-sdk';
    const fromBlockchain = BLOCKCHAIN_NAME.ETHEREUM;
    const fromTokenAddress = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; // ETH
    const fromAmount = 1;
    const toTokenAddress = '0xe9e7cea3dedca5984780bafc599bd69add087d56'; // BUSD
    const wrappedTrades = await sdk.crossChain.calculateTrade(
        { blockchain: fromBlockchain, address: fromTokenAddress }, 
        { blockchain: toBlockchain, address: toTokenAddress }
    const bestTrade = wrappedTrades[0];
    Object.entries(wrappedTrades).forEach((wrappedTrade) => {
        if (wrappedTrade.trade) {
            console.log(wrappedTrade.tradeType, `to amount: ${wrappedTrade.trade.to.tokenAmount.toFormat(3)}`);
        if (wrappedTrade.error) {
            console.log(wrappedTrade.tradeType, `error: ${wrappedTrade.error}`);

Step 4. is the same.

  1. Now you can use swap method of trade instance. Approve transaction will be sent automatically if needed.
    const onConfirm = (hash: string) => console.log(hash);
    const receipt = await trade.swap({ onConfirm });

Get started with tokens

You can pass type TokenBaseStruct = { blockchain: BLOCKCHAIN_NAME; address: string; } to calculateTrade method, but also you can pass Token. You can use SDK to create Token, PriceToken, or PriceTokenAmount.

import { BLOCKCHAIN_NAME } from 'rubic-sdk';

const token = await sdk.tokens.createToken({ 
    address:  '0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7'

console.log(token.symbol); // USDT
console.log(token.name); // Tether USD
console.log(token.decimals); // 6

If you need token price, you can create PriceToken

import { BLOCKCHAIN_NAME } from 'rubic-sdk';

const token = await sdk.tokens.createPriceToken({ 
    address:  '0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7'

console.log(token.price.toFormat(2)); // 1.00

You can create PriceTokenAmount if you want to store amount of tokens in the same object, e.g. user balance, or from/to amount:

import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
import { BLOCKCHAIN_NAME } from 'rubic-sdk';

const token = await sdk.tokens.createPriceTokenAmount({
    address: '0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7',
    tokenAmount: new BigNumber(1)

console.log(token.tokenAmount.toNumber()); // 1
console.log(token.stringWeiAmount); // 1000000



SDK.createSDK static method

SDK.createSDK(configuration: Configuration): Promise<SDK>

Creates new sdk instance. Changes dependencies of all sdk entities according to new configuration (even for entities created with other previous sdk instances).

Parameter Type Description
configuration Configuration Object contains main sdk settings like .env: rpc providers links, wallet object, etc.

Configuration structure

interface Configuration {
    readonly rpcProviders: Partial<Record<BLOCKCHAIN_NAME, RpcProvider>>;
    readonly walletProvider?: WalletProvider;
    readonly httpClient?: HttpClient;

interface RpcProvider {
    readonly mainRpc: string;
    readonly spareRpc?: string;
    readonly mainPrcTimeout?: number;
    readonly healthCheckTimeout?: number;

interface WalletProvider {
    readonly core: provider | Web3;
    readonly address: string;
    readonly chainId: number | string;

Configuration description:

Property Type Description Default
rpcProviders Partial<Record<BLOCKCHAIN_NAME, RpcProvider>> Rpc data to connect to blockchains you will use. You have to pass rpcProvider for each blockchain you will use with sdk. Not set.
walletProvider? WalletProvider Required to use swap, approve and other methods which sends transactions. But you can calculate and encode trades without walletProvider. Pass it when user connects wallet. Please note that address and chainId must match account address and selected chain id in a user's wallet. Not set.
httpClient? HttpClient You can pass your own http client (e.g. HttpClient in Angular) if you have it, to not duplicate http clients and decrease bundle size. Please note that default axios or native js fetch clients can't be used as HttpClient without modifications. Your http client must return promise which will resolve with parsed response body (like Angular HttpClient). See interface below. Lazy loading axios with interceptor.

HttpClient interface:

interface HttpClient {
    post<ResponseBody>(url: string, body: Object): Promise<ResponseBody>;
        url: string,
        options?: {
            headers?: {
                [header: string]: string | string[];
            params?: {
                [param: string]:
                    | string
                    | number
                    | boolean
                    | ReadonlyArray<string | number | boolean>;
    ): Promise<ResponseBody>;

RpcProvider description:

Property Type Description Default
mainRpc string Rpc link. Copy it from your rpc provider (like Infura, Quicknode, Getblock, Moralis, etc.) website. Not set.
spareRpc? string Same as mainRpc. Will be used instead mainRpc if mainRpc is out of timeout = mainPrcTimeout. Not set.
mainPrcTimeout? number Specifies timeout in ms after which mainRpc will be replaced with spareRpc (if spareRpc is defined) 10_000
healthCheckTimeout? number Before the mainRpc link is applied to the sdk, all the mainRpc links will be health-checked by receiving from the blockchain and verifying the predefined data. If an error occurs during the request, the received data does not match the specified one, or the timeout is exceeded, the mainRpc will be replaced with a spare one. This healthCheckTimeout parameter allows you to set the maximum allowable timeout when checking the mainRpc. 4_000

sdk.updateConfiguration method

sdk.updateConfiguration(configuration: Configuration): Promise<void>

Updates sdk configuration and sdk entities dependencies. Call it if user connects wallet or changes network or account in their wallet.

sdk.instantTrades readonly field

sdk.instantTrades: InstantTradesManager

Instant trades manager object. Use it to calculate and create instant trades. See more.

sdk.crossChain readonly field

sdk.crossChain: CrossChainManager

Cross-chain trades manager object. Use it to calculate and create cross-chain trades. See more.

sdk.crossChainSymbiosisManager readonly field

sdk.crossChainSymbiosisManager: CrossChainSymbiosisManager

Cross-chain symbiosis manager object. Use it to get pending trades in symbiosis and revert them. See more.

sdk.tokens readonly field

sdk.tokens: TokensManager

Tokens manager object. Use it to fetch tokens data, to create new Token, PriceToken, PriceTokenAmount objects. See more.

sdk.web3PublicService readonly field

sdk.web3PublicService: Web3PublicService

Use it to get Web3Public instance by blockchain name to get public information from blockchain.

const web3Public = sdk.web3PublicService.getWeb3Public(BLOCKCHAIN_NAME.ETHEREUM);
const ethBalance = await web3Public.getBalance('<user address>');
const tokenBalance = await web3Public.getBalance('<user address>', '<token address>');

Explore Web3Public class to see available methods.

sdk.web3Private readonly field

sdk.web3Private: Web3Private

Use it to send transactions and execute smart contracts methods.

const web3Private = sdk.web3Private;
const transacionReceipt = await web3Private.transferTokens('<constract address>', ',toAddress>', 1000);

Explore Web3Private class to see available methods.

sdk.gasPriceApi readonly field

sdk.gasPriceApi: GasPriceApi

Use it to get gas price information.

const gasPriceApi = sdk.gasPriceApi;
const gasPrice = await gasPriceApi.getGasPrice(BLOCKCHAIN_NAME.ETHEREUM);

Explore GasPriceApi class to see available methods.

sdk.cryptoPriceApi readonly field

sdk.cryptoPriceApi: CoingeckoApi

Use it to get crypto price information.

const cryptoPriceApi = sdk.cryptoPriceApi;
const tokenUSDPrice = await cryptoPriceApi.getErc20TokenPrice('<token address>', '<BLOCKCHAIN_NAME.>');

Explore CoingeckoApi class to see available methods.

Instant Trades Manager

instantTrades.calculateTrade method

            | Token
            | {
                  address: string;
                  blockchain: BLOCKCHAIN_NAME;
        fromAmount: string | number,
        toToken: Token | string,
        options?: SwapManagerCalculationOptions
    ): Promise<InstantTrade[]>

ℹ️️ You have to set up rpc provider 🌐 for network in which you will calculate trade.

Method calculates instant trades and sorts them by output amount. First element of the array is trade with best course.

Method parameters:

Parameter Type Description
fromToken Token | { address: string; blockchain: BLOCKCHAIN_NAME;} Token to sell.
fromAmount string | number Amount in token units (not in wei) to swap.
toToken Token | string Token to get. You can pass Token object, or string token address. It must have same blockchain as fromToken if passed as Token.
options? SwapManagerCalculationOptions Swap calculation options.

SwapManagerCalculationOptions description:

Option Type Description Default
timeout? number Specify trade calculation timeout in ms (same timeout for every provider separately). 3000
disabledProviders? TradeType[] Specify providers which must be ignored. []
gasCalculation? 'disabled' | 'calculate' | 'rubicOptimisation' Disable estimated gas calculation, or use rubic gas optimisation to consider the gas fee when calculating route profit (works only for UniswapV2-like and UniswapV3-like providers.). 'calculate'
disableMultihops? boolean Disable indirect swap routes. It can help to reduce gas fee, but can worsen the exchange rate. Better use gasCalculation = 'rubicOptimisation' when it is possible. false
slippageTolerance? number Swap slippage in range 0 to 1. Defines minimum amount that you can get after swap. Can be changed after trade calculation for every trade separately (excluding 0x trade). 0.02
deadlineMinutes? number Transaction deadline in minutes (countdown from the transaction sending date). Will be applied only for UniswapV2-like and UniswapV3-like trades. Can be changed after trade calculation for every trade separately. 20

Returns Promise<InstantTrade[]> -- list of successful calculated trades.

instantTrades.blockchainTradeProviders readonly field

readonly sdk.instantTrades.blockchainTradeProviders: Readonly<Record<BLOCKCHAIN_NAME, Partial<TypedTradeProviders>>

If you need to calculate trade with the special provider options, you can get needed provider instance and calculate trade directly via this instance.

// calculate trade with exact output
const trade = await sdk.instantTrades.blockchainTradeProviders[BLOCKCHAIN_NAME.ETHEREUM][TRADE_TYPE.UNISWAP_V2]
  .calculateDifficultTrade(from, to, weiAmount, 'output', options);

Instant Trade

instantTrade.swap method

instantTrade.swap(options?: SwapTransactionOptions): Promise<TransactionReceipt>

ℹ️️ You have to set up wallet provider 👛 for network in which you will execute trade swap.

Method checks balance, network id correctness and executes swap transaction. A transaction confirmation window will be opened in the connected user's wallet. If user has not enough allowance, the method will automatically send approve transaction before swap transaction.

Method parameters:

Parameter Type Description
options? SwapTransactionOptions Additional swap transaction options.

SwapTransactionOptions description:

Option Type Description Default
onConfirm? (hash: string) => void Callback that will be called after the user signs swap transaction. Not set.
onApprove? (hash: string) => void Callback that will be called after the user signs approve transaction. If user has enough allowance, this callback won't be called. Not set.
gasPrice? string Specifies gas price in wei for swap and approve transactions. Set this parameter only if you know exactly what you are doing. The value obtained during the calculation of the trade. If value wasn't calculated, it will calculates automatically by user's wallet.
gasLimit? string Specifies gas limit for swap transaction. Set this parameter only if you know exactly what you are doing. The value obtained during the calculation of the trade. If value wasn't calculated, it will calculates automatically by user's wallet.
approveGasLimit? string Specifies gas limit for approve transaction. Set this parameter only if you know exactly what you are doing. Calculates automatically by user's wallet.

Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt> -- swap transaction receipt. Promise will be resolved, when swap transaction gets to block.

instantTrade.encode method

instantTrade.encode(options?: EncodeTransactionOptions): Promise<TransactionConfig>

ℹ️️ You have to set up rpc provider 🌐 for trade network for which you will call encode.

If you don't want to execute transaction instantly (e.g. if you use SDK on server-side), you can get full transaction data to pass it to the transaction when you need to send it.

Method parameters:

Parameter Type Description
options EncodeTransactionOptions Additional options. Optional for uniswapV3-like and 0x trades, but required for uniswapV2-like and 1inch trades.

EncodeTransactionOptions description:

Option Type Description Default
fromAddress string Not needed for uniswapV3-like and 0x trades, but required for uniswapV2-like and 1inch trades. Address of account which will execute swap transaction by encoded data. This address must has enough allowance to successfully encode. Not set.
gasPrice? string Specifies gas price in wei for swap and approve transactions. Set this parameter only if you know exactly what you are doing. The value obtained during the calculation of the trade. If value wasn't calculated, it will calculates automatically by user's wallet.
gasLimit? string Specifies gas limit for swap and approve transactions. Set this parameter only if you know exactly what you are doing. The value obtained during the calculation of the trade. If value wasn't calculated, it will calculates automatically by user's wallet.

Returns Promise<TransactionConfig> -- web3 transaction structure to send.

instantTrade.needApprove method

instantTrade.needApprove(): Promise<boolean>

ℹ️️ You have to set up rpc provider 🌐 for trade network for which you will call needApprove.

Swap method will automatically call approve if needed, but you can use methods pair needApprove-approve if you want to know if approve is needed before executing swap.

Returns Promise<boolean> -- true if approve required, that is user has not enough allowance. Otherwise, false.

instantTrade.approve method

instantTrade.approve(options?: BasicTransactionOptions): Promise<TransactionReceipt>

ℹ️️ You have to set up wallet provider 👛 for network in which you will execute trade swap.

Sends transaction to approve tokens for user.

Method parameters:

Parameter Type Description
options BasicTransactionOptions Additional transaction options.

BasicTransactionOptions description:

Option Type Description Default
onTransactionHash? (hash: string) => void Callback that will be called after the user signs the approve transaction.
gasPrice? string Specifies gas price in wei for approve transaction. Set this parameter only if you know exactly what you are doing. The value obtained during the calculation of the trade. If value wasn't calculated, it will calculates automatically by user's wallet.
gasLimit? string Specifies gas limit for approve transactions. Set this parameter only if you know exactly what you are doing. The value obtained during the calculation of the trade. If value wasn't calculated, it will calculates automatically by user's wallet.

Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt> -- approve transaction receipt. Promise will be resolved, when swap transaction gets to block.

instantTrade.type readonly field

readonly instantTrade.type: TradeType

Instant trade type (like TRADE_TYPE.UNISWAP_V2, TRADE_TYPE.QUICK_SWAP, etc.). Check TRADE_TYPE interface to see all providers.

instantTrade.from readonly field

readonly instantTrade.from: PriceTokenAmount

Token to sell with price in USD per 1 token unit and selling amount.

instantTrade.to readonly field

readonly instantTrade.to: PriceTokenAmount

Token to buy with price in USD per 1 token unit and estimated get amount (not to be confused with instantTrade.toTokenAmountMin).

instantTrade.toTokenAmountMin getter

instantTrade.toTokenAmountMin: PriceTokenAmount

Minimum amount of tokens that user can get. Is same as instantTrade.to, but amount less than instantTrade.to by (instantTrade.slippageTolerance * 100) percent.

instantTrade.gasFeeInfo mutable field

instantTrade.gasFeeInfo: GasFeeInfo | null


interface GasFeeInfo {
    readonly gasLimit?: BigNumber;
    readonly gasPrice?: BigNumber;
    readonly gasFeeInEth?: BigNumber;
    readonly gasFeeInUsd?: BigNumber;

Information about predicted gas fee connected to this trade. Will be null if option gasCalculation was set as 'disabled' when trade was calculated. Some properties of gasFeeInfo can be undefined if there are errors while gas fetching.

Can be changed: just modify gasFeeInfo field.

instantTrade.slippageTolerance mutable field

instantTrade.slippageTolerance: number

Swap slippage in range 0 to 1. Defines minimum amount that you can get after swap. Can be changed (excluding 0x trade): just modify slippageTolerance field.

instantTrade.deadlineMinutes mutable field

instantTrade.deadlineMinutes: number

⚠️ Is available only in uniswapV2-like and uniswapV3-like trades.

Transaction deadline in minutes (countdown from the transaction sending date). Can be changed: just modify deadlineMinutes field.

instantTrade.path readonly field

instantTrade.path: ReadonlyArray<Token>

⚠️ Is not available for 0x trades.

Swap path. E.g. if you change ETH to LINK path might be [ETH, USDT, LINK]. Path elements is Token, so you can get address, symbol and other properties of each element. If you sell, or get native coin (like ETH, BNB, MATIC, etc.) in swap, path[0] or path[path.length -1] won't be wrapped tokens like WETH, but will be native tokens.

isUniswapV2LikeTrade function

function isUniswapV2LikeTrade(trade: InstantTrade): trade is UniswapV2AbstractTrade

Type guard checks that trade is UniswapV2AbstractTrade. Use it to parse result of sdk.instantTrades.calculateTrade and show specific uniswapV2 trade data like deadline and path, or use its specific methods.

List of uniswapV2LikeTrades/Providers:

  • UniSwap V2
  • SushiSwap Ethereum
  • PancakeSwap
  • SushiSwap Bsc
  • QuickSwap
  • SushiSwap Polygon
  • Joe
  • Pangolin
  • SushiSwap Avalanche
  • SpiritSwap
  • SpookySwap
  • SushiSwap Fantom
  • SushiSwap Harmony
  • Solarbeam
  • SushiSwap Moonriver

isUniswapV3LikeTrade function

function isUniswapV3LikeTrade(trade: InstantTrade): trade is UniSwapV3Trade

Type guard checks that trade is UniSwapV3Trade. Use it to parse result of sdk.instantTrades.calculateTrade and show specific UniSwapV3 trade data, or use its specific methods.

List of uniswapV3LikeTrades/Providers:

  • UniSwapV3 Ethereum
  • UniSwapV3 Polygon
  • UniSwapV3 Arbitrum

isOneInchLikeTrade function

function isOneInchLikeTrade(trade: InstantTrade): trade is OneinchTrade

Type guard checks that trade is OneinchTrade. Use it to parse result of sdk.instantTrades.calculateTrade and show specific Oneinch trade data, or use its specific methods.

List of OneinchTrade/Providers:

  • OneInch Ethereum
  • OneInch Bsc
  • OneInch Polygon
  • OneInch Avalanche
  • OneInch Arbitrum

isZrxLikeTradeLikeTrade function

function isZrxLikeTradeLikeTrade(trade: InstantTrade): trade is ZrxTrade

Type guard checks that trade is 0x Trade. Use it to parse result of sdk.instantTrades.calculateTrade and show specific 0x trade data, or use its specific methods.

List of ZrxTrade/Providers:

  • 0x Ethereum

isAlgebraTrade function

function isAlgebraTrade(trade: InstantTrade): trade is AlgebraTrade

Type guard checks that trade is Algebra Trade. Use it to parse result of sdk.instantTrades.calculateTrade and show specific Algebra trade data, or use its specific methods.

List of AlgebraTrade/Providers:

  • Algebra

Cross Chain Manager

crossChain.calculateTrade method

            | Token
            | {
              address: string;
              blockchain: BLOCKCHAIN_NAME;
        fromAmount: string | number,
            | Token
            | {
              address: string;
              blockchain: BLOCKCHAIN_NAME;
        options?: CrossChainOptions
): Promise<WrappedCrossChainTrade[]>

ℹ️️ You have to set up rpc provider 🌐 for network in which you will calculate trade.

Method calculates array of WrappedCrossChainTrade, sorted by exchange courses. First element of array is trade with best course.

Method parameters:

Parameter Type Description
fromToken Token | { address: string; blockchain: BLOCKCHAIN_NAME;} Token to sell.
fromAmount string | number Amount in token units (not in wei) to swap.
toToken Token | { address: string; blockchain: BLOCKCHAIN_NAME;} Token to get.
options? CrossChainOptions Swap calculation options.

CrossChainOptions description:

Option Type Description Default
fromSlippageTolerance number Swap slippage in range 0 to 1. Defines minimum amount after swap in first blockchain (for Celer and Rubic). 0.02
toSlippageTolerance number Swap slippage in range 0 to 1. Defines minimum amount that you can get after swap in second blockchain (for Celer and Rubic). 0.02
slippageTolerance number Swap slippage in range 0 to 1. Defines minimum amount that you can get after swap (for Symbiosis). 0.04
fromAddress string User wallet address to calculate trade for (necessary for Symbiosis). You can use fake address to get output amount, but you must recalculate trade when user is connected. Connected wallet address.
deadline number Deadline of the trade in minutes (for Symbiosis). 20
gasCalculation 'enabled' | 'disabled' Disables or enables calculation of gas limit and gas price. 'enabled'
disabledProviders CrossChainTradeType[] Disables passed providers. []

WrappedCrossChainTrade interface

interface WrappedCrossChainTrade {
    trade: CrossChainTrade | null;
    tradeType: CrossChainTradeType;
    error?: RubicSdkError;

Wraps calculated cross chain trade and possible error. If error field is not undefined, then you must display an error, because swap method will return error.

Cross Chain Trade

Stores information about trade and provides method to make swap or encode. Extends to classes: CelerCrossChainTrade, RubicCrossChainTrade, SymbiosisCrossChainTrade.

crossChainTrade.swap method

crossChainTrade.swap(options?: SwapTransactionOptions): Promise<TransactionReceipt>

ℹ️️ You have to set up wallet provider 👛 for network in which you will execute trade swap.

Method checks balance, network id correctness, cross-chain contracts state and executes swap transaction. A transaction confirmation window will open in the connected user's wallet. If user has not enough allowance, the method will automatically send approve transaction before swap transaction.

Method parameters:

Parameter Type Description
options? SwapTransactionOptions Additional swap transaction options.

SwapTransactionOptions description:

Option Type Description Default
onConfirm? (hash: string) => void Callback that will be called after the user signs swap transaction. Not set.
onApprove? (hash: string) => void Callback that will be called after the user signs approve transaction. If user has enough allowance, this callback won't be called. Not set.
gasPrice? string Specifies gas price in wei for swap and approve transactions. Set this parameter only if you know exactly what you are doing. The value obtained during the calculation of the trade. If value wasn't calculated, it will calculates automatically by user's wallet.
gasLimit? string Specifies gas limit for swap transaction. Set this parameter only if you know exactly what you are doing. The value obtained during the calculation of the trade. If value wasn't calculated, it will calculates automatically by user's wallet.
approveGasLimit? string Specifies gas limit for approve transaction. Set this parameter only if you know exactly what you are doing. Calculates automatically by user's wallet.

Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt> -- swap transaction receipt in first blockchain. Promise will be resolved, when swap transaction gets to block.

crossChainTrade.encode method

crossChainTrade.encode(options?: EncodeTransactionOptions): Promise<TransactionConfig>

ℹ️️ You have to set up rpc provider 🌐 for trade network for which you will call encode.

If you don't want to execute transaction instantly (e.g. if you use SDK on server-side), you can get full transaction data to pass it to the transaction when you need to send it.

Method parameters:

Parameter Type Description
options EncodeTransactionOptions Additional options. Optional for uniswapV3-like and 0x trades, but required for uniswapV2-like and 1inch trades.

EncodeTransactionOptions description:

Option Type Description Default
fromAddress string Address of account which will execute swap transaction by encoded data. This address must has enough allowance to successfully encode. Not set.
gasPrice? string Specifies gas price in wei for swap and approve transactions. Set this parameter only if you know exactly what you are doing. The value obtained during the calculation of the trade. If value wasn't calculated, it will calculates automatically by user's wallet.
gasLimit? string Specifies gas limit for swap and approve transactions. Set this parameter only if you know exactly what you are doing. The value obtained during the calculation of the trade. If value wasn't calculated, it will calculates automatically by user's wallet.

Returns Promise<TransactionConfig> -- web3 transaction structure to send.

crossChainTrade.needApprove method

crossChainTrade.needApprove(): Promise<boolean>

ℹ️️ You have to set up rpc provider 🌐 for trade network for which you will call needApprove.

Swap method will automatically call approve if needed, but you can use methods pair needApprove-approve if you want to know if approve is needed before execute swap.

Returns Promise<boolean> -- true if approve is required, that is user doesn't have enough allowance. Otherwise, false.

crossChainTrade.approve method

crossChainTrade.approve(options?: BasicTransactionOptions): Promise<TransactionReceipt>

ℹ️️ You have to set up wallet provider 👛 for network in which you will execute trade swap.

Sends transaction to approve tokens for user.

crossChainTrade.approve method parameters:

Parameter Type Description
options BasicTransactionOptions Additional transaction options.

BasicTransactionOptions description:

Option Type Description Default
onTransactionHash? (hash: string) => void Callback that will be called after the user signs the approve transaction.
gasPrice? string Specifies gas price in wei for approve transaction. Set this parameter only if you know exactly what you are doing. The value obtained during the calculation of the trade. If value wasn't calculated, it will calculates automatically by user's wallet.
gasLimit? string Specifies gas limit for approve transactions. Set this parameter only if you know exactly what you are doing. The value obtained during the calculation of the trade. If value wasn't calculated, it will calculates automatically by user's wallet.

Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt> -- approve transaction receipt. Promise will be resolved, when swap transaction gets to block.

crossChainTrade.from readonly field

readonly crossChainTrade.from: PriceTokenAmount

Token to sell with price in USD per 1 token unit and selling amount.

crossChainTrade.to readonly field

readonly crossChainTrade.to: PriceTokenAmount

Token to buy with price in USD per 1 token unit and estimated output amount (not to be confused with crossChainTrade.toTokenAmountMin).

crossChainTrade.toTokenAmountMin readonly field

readonly crossChainTrade.to: PriceTokenAmount

Minimum amount of tokens that user can get. Is same as crossChainTrade.to, but amount less than crossChainTrade.to by (toSlippageTolerance * 100) percent.

crossChainTrade.estimatedGas getter

crossChainTrade.estimateGas(): GasFeeInfo | null

Gets gasFee, that is gasLimit * gasPrice. Equals null if gas couldn't be calculated.

crossChainTrade.type readonly field

crossChainTrade.type: CrossChainTradeType


crossChainTrade.priceImpactData getter

⚠️ Is available only in Celer and Rubic trades.

crossChainTrade.priceImpactData(): {
  priceImpactFrom: number | null;
  priceImpactTo: number | null;

Returns price impact in first and second blockchains, based on tokens usd prices, taken from coingecko api.

crossChainTrade.priceImpact readonly field

⚠️ Is available only in Symbiosis trade.

crossChainTrade.priceImpact: number

Returns overall price impact, based on symbiosis api.

isCelerCrossChainTrade function

function isCelerCrossChainTrade(trade: CrossChainTrade): trade is CelerCrossChainTrade

Type guard checks that trade is Celer Trade. Use it to parse result of sdk.crossChain.calculateTrade and show specific Celer trade data, or use its specific methods.

isRubicCrossChainTrade function

function isRubicCrossChainTrade(trade: CrossChainTrade): trade is RubicCrossChainTrade

Type guard checks that trade is Rubic Trade. Use it to parse result of sdk.crossChain.calculateTrade and show specific Rubic trade data, or use its specific methods.

isSymbiosisCrossChainTrade function

function isSymbiosisCrossChainTrade(trade: CrossChainTrade): trade is SymbiosisCrossChainTrade

Type guard checks that trade is Symbiosis Trade. Use it to parse result of sdk.crossChain.calculateTrade and show specific Symbiosis trade data, or use its specific methods.

Cross Chain Symbiosis Manager

Contains methods to work with pending user's trades and revert them.

crossChainSymbiosisManager.getUserTrades method

sdk.crossChainSymbiosisManager.getUserTrades(fromAddress?: string): Promise<PendingRequest[]>

Returns pending trades for fromAddress if provided, otherwise for connected wallet address.

crossChainSymbiosisManager.revertTrade method

        revertTransactionHash: string,
        options?: SwapTransactionOptions
): Promise<string | never>

Sends transaction to revert trade, which transaction hash is revertTransactionHash for connected wallet address.

SwapTransactionOptions description:

Option Type Description Default
onConfirm? (hash: string) => void Callback that will be called after the user signs swap transaction. Not set.
gasPrice? string Specifies gas price in wei for swap and approve transactions. Set this parameter only if you know exactly what you are doing. The value obtained during the calculation of the trade. If value wasn't calculated, it will calculates automatically by user's wallet.
gasLimit? string Specifies gas limit for swap and approve transactions. Set this parameter only if you know exactly what you are doing. The value obtained during the calculation of the trade. If value wasn't calculated, it will calculates automatically by user's wallet.

Tokens Manager

tokensManager.createTokenFromStruct method

tokensManager.createTokenFromStruct(tokenStruct: TokenStruct): Token

Creates Token instance by full token data struct.

tokensManager.createToken method

tokensManager.createToken(tokenBaseStruct: TokenBaseStruct): Promise<Token>

Fetches token data and creates Token by token's address and blockchain.

tokensManager.createTokensFromStructs method

tokensManager.createTokensFromStructs(tokensStructs: TokenStruct[]): Token[]

Same as tokensManager.createTokenFromStruct for multiple tokens structs.

tokensManager.createTokens method

tokensManager.createTokens(addresses: string[], blockchain: BLOCKCHAIN_NAME): Promise<Token[]>

Same as tokensManager.createToken for multiple tokens structs. But using multicall for data fetching, so makes only one rpc request. Use this method to crate tokens list instead of Promise.all and tokensManager.createToken.

tokensManager.createPriceTokenFromStruct method

tokensManager.createPriceTokenFromStruct(priceTokenStruct: PriceTokenStruct): PriceToken

Creates price token from full price token struct including price.

tokensManager.createPriceToken method

tokensManager.createPriceToken(token: TokenBaseStruct | TokenStruct): Promise<PriceToken>

Creates price token from full token struct (without price) or from token address and blockchain.

tokensManager.createPriceTokenAmountFromStruct method

tokensManager.createPriceTokenAmountFromStruct(priceTokenAmountStruct: PriceTokenAmountStruct): PriceTokenAmount

Creates price token amount from full price token amount struct.

tokensManager.createPriceTokenAmount method

      | PriceTokenAmountBaseStruct
      | (TokenStruct & ({ weiAmount: BigNumber } | { tokenAmount: BigNumber }))
): Promise<PriceTokenAmount>

Creates price token amount from token struct (without price) and amount or from token address, blockchain and amount.


token fields

readonly blockchain: BLOCKCHAIN_NAME;

readonly address: string;

readonly name: string;

readonly symbol: string;

readonly decimals: number;

token.isNative getter

token.isNative(): boolean

Use token.isNative to detect native coins like ETH, BNB, MATIC, etc.

token.isEqualTo method

token.isEqualTo(token: TokenBaseStruct): boolean

Use it to check that two tokens have equal blockchains and addresses (in any case: lower/upper/mixed). Token is TokenBaseStruct, so you can pass Token instance to token.isEqualTo.

token.clone method

token.clone(replaceStruct?: Partial<TokenStruct>): Token

Use it to deep clone token object and replace some properties.


Extends Token.

priceToken.price getter

priceToken.price(): BigNumber

Returns last set token price.

priceToken.asStruct getter

priceToken.asStruct(): PriceTokenStruct

Serializes priceToken and its price to struct object.

priceToken.getAndUpdateTokenPrice method

priceToken.getAndUpdateTokenPrice(): Promise<BigNumber>

Fetches current token price and saves it into token.


priceToken.cloneAndCreate(tokenStruct?: Partial<PriceTokenStruct>): Promise<PriceToken>

Same as token.clone but fetches new price for new PriceToken.


Extends PriceToken.

priceTokenAmount.weiAmount getter

priceTokenAmount.weiAmount(): BigNumber

Returns saved token amount in wei (weiAmount = tokenAmount * (10 ** token.decimals)).

priceTokenAmount.stringWeiAmount getter

priceTokenAmount.stringWeiAmount(): string

Returns saved token amount in wei as string.

priceTokenAmount.tokenAmount getter

priceTokenAmount.tokenAmount(): BigNumber

Returns saved token amount in human-readable token units (tokenAmount = weiAmount / (10 ** token.decimals)).

priceTokenAmount.weiAmountMinusSlippage method

priceTokenAmount.weiAmountMinusSlippage(slippage: number): BigNumber

Returns wei amount decreased by (1 - slippage) times. Slippage is in range from 0 to 1.

priceTokenAmount.weiAmountPlusSlippage method

priceTokenAmount.weiAmountPlusSlippage(slippage: number): BigNumber

Returns wei amount increased by (1 - slippage) times. Slippage is in range from 0 to 1.

priceTokenAmount.calculatePriceImpactPercent method

calculatePriceImpactPercent(toToken: PriceTokenAmount): number | null

Calculates trade price impact percent if instance token is selling token, and parameter is buying token. If selling usd amount is less than buying usd amount, returns 0.


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