ohader / mapping

TYPO3 Template Mapping

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TYPO3 Template Mapping


This TYPO3 CMS extension aims to use the benefits of a template mapping engine (e.g. like TemplaVoila does) in regular available template engines like TEMPLATE (marker-based) or FLUIDTEMPLATE (based on Fluid).

An additional backend module allows to define structures using an accordant DOM mapping interface to determine XPath and scope (inner or outer).

This process eases modifications to the original template without having to know the concrete implementation in TYPO3 or TypoScript.

TypoScript example

Example of new MAPPING content object in regular TEMPLATE object:

page = PAGE
page {
	10 {
		template = MAPPING
		template {
			structure = 1
			renderAs = marker
		marks {
			variable_first = TEXT
			variable_first {
				value = First Section
			variable_second = TEXT
			variable_second {
				value = Second Section

TypoScript reference

This is the TypoScript reference for the MAPPING content object.

Property Type Comment
structure string / stdWrap Defines entity by uid of table tx_mapping_domain_model_structure
renderAs string / stdWrap Defines how variables are substituted. Can be fluid or marker

How does it look like?

This is the backend module that is used to determine accordant DOM elements and create a mapping structure. The user interface is still target to be changed further.

Mapping module in the backend


  • contexts: define rendering context of a mapping structure, e.g. all, body or any other valid and custom XPath
  • heads: define HTML head sections, like scripts, stylesheets or a HTML template
  • elements: define areas that can be overloaded by any content
  • scopes: define scope on elements and contexts like inner, outer or disable
  • assignments: are used to connect mapping structures with a particular usage during rendering process



  • mapping structures are just used to define elements
  • elements are overloaded with particular content in a separate content rendering process
  • assignments of different rendering mechanisms have to be base in the domain of that particular mechanism (e.g. backend layouts, grid elements, dynamic content elements, fluid content, ...)


  • domain of rendering process is known
  • assignment of structure and its context is known
  • assignment of structure elements to accordant disposed nodes is known (e.g. backend layout columns, dynamic content element field, ...)


Since different mechanisms can be considered as definition how content is represented, gluing together mapping structure and the definition seems to be limiting. On the other hand, defining a mapping structure on each actual usage on a page, any content element or record seems to be an overhead in terms of usability.


Each mechanism has to define an assignment property to achieve the assignment on a particular mapping structure and its context.


TYPO3 Template Mapping


Language:JavaScript 55.5%Language:CSS 24.8%Language:PHP 19.7%