oguzozgen / microservice-elements-docker

Template of Microservices Architecture Elements with Docker Containers

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Easy to reach backup.


  • Prometeus
  • Grafana
  • n8n
  • openTelemetry
  • Zipkin
  • MongoDB
  • SonarQube
  • Github Actions
  • Docker-swarm transition


  • postgres: PostgreSQL database server (version 16.2) named postgres. Uses a volume to persist data (./data/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data).

  • pgbackups: Creates backups of the PostgreSQL database (postgres) using the prodrigestivill/postgres-backup-local image. Backups are stored in a volume (./data/ - postgres_backup:/var/opt/pgbackups). Configure scheduling and retention with environment variables.

  • pgadmin: Provides a web interface (port 8888) for managing the PostgreSQL database using the dpage/pgadmin4 image. Uses a volume to persist user data (./data/pgadmin-data:/var/lib/pgadmin).

  • keycloak: Keycloak server (version 24.0.1) named auth_keycloak for user authentication and authorization. Relies on the postgres service for its database and configures the connection details through environment variables.

  • apisix: API Gateway (Apache APISIX version 3.8.0) named apisix. Uses a volume to mount the configuration file (./apisix_conf/config.yaml:/usr/local/apisix/conf/config.yaml). Depends on the etcd service for service discovery.

  • apisix-dashboard: Web UI (port 9009) for managing the APISIX gateway using the apache/apisix-dashboard image. Depends on the apisix service.

  • etcd: etcd distributed key-value store (Bitnami image, version 3.5.11) named etcd. Uses a volume to persist data (./data/etcd_data:/bitnami/etcd).

  • rabbitmq: Message broker (RabbitMQ version 3.12.13) named rabbitmq. Uses volumes to persist data (./data/rabbitmq_data:/var/lib/rabbitmq) and logs (./data rabbitmq_log/log:/var/log/rabbitmq).

  • redis-cache: In-memory data store (Redis version 7.2.4). Uses a volume to persist data (./data/redis_cache:/data).

  • redis-gui: Web UI (port 5540) for managing the Redis cache using the oblakstudio/redisinsight image.


  • postgres: None explicitly exposed
  • pgbackups: Uses port 8080 for health checks if configured (HEALTHCHECK_PORT=8080)
  • pgadmin: 8888
  • keycloak: 8080
  • apisix: 9180, 9080, 9091, 9446, 9092
  • etcd: 2379
  • apisix-dashboard: 9009
  • rabbitmq: 5672, 15672
  • redis-cache: 6379
  • redis-gui: 5540


Template of Microservices Architecture Elements with Docker Containers

License:MIT License