ogniK5377 / gBetterNet

A networking library for Garry's Mod

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GNet Library

The networking lib has lots of helper functions which are mainly rewrites of some of the original Garry's mods net library. It's mostly built up with dynamic bit counting and net.WriteInt and net.WriteUInt. This allows us to keep track of everything a lot easier and add logging of everything if needed in the future without overwriting the default functions. Many of the functions in our in house networking library also save bits on networking vs the default Garry's mod networking library. Please take care of networking, you should rarely need to send anything from the client to the server. Never trust the client. The networking lib is completely shared so each function can both be called on the server and the client EXCEPT adding messages to the network message pool.


GNet.AddPacketID( string packet_id ) server

GNet.AddPacketID( 'UpdatePlayer' )

This function should be called at init. This can be when a script file loads or in GM:Initialize. You cannot send a packet without pooling it first. This function is just an alias of util.AddNetworkString.

number GNet.CalculateBits( number max_number, optional boolean signed ) shared

GNet.CalculateBits( 255 )
GNet.CalculateBits( 255, true )

This function returns the minimum required bits you'd need to use IF you know the maximum value you would ever need for a variable. The second argument decides if you're using a signed or an unsigned integer. What a signed int basically is that it means that your range can potentially go below 0. An unsigned 8 bit int range is from 0-255. A signed 8 bit int range is -128-127.

GNet.OnPacketReceive( string packet_id, function callback ) shared

GNet.OnPacketReceive( 'ReadAString', function( packet )
	print( packet:ReadString() )
end )

This function adds a callback to the packet_id specified. It takes two argument, the packet_id and a callback function. The callback function has 1 argument which is a PacketReader metaclass. See below for reading packets.

Packet Metatable

packet GNet.Packet( string packet_id ) shared

local packet = GNet.Packet( 'EmptyPacketLol' )

Returns a packet object. This object is what's used to count the bits and use the internal optimized networking functions.

packet:WriteString( string str ) shared

local packet = GNet.Packet( 'WriteZehString' )
	packet:WriteString( 'hard' )

Saves a string to the packets networking table to be networked later on. Please note that your string should not contain any null bytes. If for any reason it contains null bytes then consider using packet:WriteData. The networking module writes 8 * number of chars + 8 bits.

packet:WriteUChar( number char ) shared

packet:WriteUChar( character char ) shared

packet:WriteUChar( 'A' )
packet:WriteUChar( 48 )

Saves an unsigned character to the networking table to be networked later on. This is an UNSIGNED data type which is 8 BITS, meaning the range of the data which can be sent is 0-255.

packet:WriteChar( number char ) shared

packet:WriteChar( character char ) shared

packet:WriteChar( 'A' )
packet:WriteChar( 48 )

Saves an unsigned character to the networking table to be networked later on. This is an SIGNED data type which is 8 BITS, meaning the range of the data which can be sent is -128-127.

packet:WriteBit( boolean state ) shared

packet:WriteBit( number state ) shared

packet:WriteBit( true )
packet:WriteBit( 1 )

Saves a bit to the networking table to be sent to the client. This function can take either a number or a boolean as an argument.

packet:WriteUShort( number short ) shared

packet:WriteUShort( 511 )

Saves an unsigned short to the networking table to be networked later on. This is a UNSIGNED data type which is 16 BITS, meaning the range of the data which can be sent it 0-65535.

packet:WriteShort( number short ) shared

packet:WriteShort( -511 )

Saves an short to the networking table to be networked later on. This is a SIGNED data type which is 16 BITS, meaning the range of the data which can be sent it -32768-32767.

packet:WriteUInt( number int, number bits ) shared

packet:WriteUInt( 8912374, GNet.CalculateBits( 9000000 ) )
packet:WruteUInt( 256, 9 )

Saves an unsigned integer to the networking table to be networked later on. This is a UNSIGNED data type. You determine the bits needed, if you're unsure of this refer to the GNet.CalculateBits function.

packet:WriteInt( number int, number bits ) shared

packet:WriteInt( 8912374, GNet.CalculateBits( 9000000, true ) )
packet:WruteInt( -256, 9 )

Saves an integer to the networking table to be networked later on. This is a SIGNED data type. You determine the bits needed, if you're unsure of this refer to the GNet.CalculateBits function.

packet:WriteFloat( decimal num ) shared

packet:WriteFloat( 123.4567 )

Saves a single precision floating point number to be networked later on. This function uses 32 bits of data.

packet:WriteDouble( decimal num ) shared

packet:WriteDouble( 123.456789912 )

Saves a double precision floating point number to be networked later on. This function uses 64 bits of data.

packet:WriteVector( vector vec ) shared

packet:WriteVector( 123, 45.67, 8723 )

Saves a vector to be networked later on. This function sends the X,Y,Z competent of a vector as SINGLE PRECISION FLOATING POINTS. so be careful as some insignificant data will be lost.

packet:WriteColor( Color col ) shared

packet:WriteColor( Color( 255, 0, 213 ) )
packet:WriteColor( Color( 255, 0, 111, 231 ) )

Saves a color table to be networked later on. The values passed into this function are rounded up MEANING. Color( 231.2, 214.9, 201 ) will become Color( 232, 215, 201 ). If the alpha in this function is equal to 255*(the default value)*, then only 25 bits are networked. 24 bits for the r,g,b values which are sent as unsigned characters and 1 bit which determines if alpha is 255 or not. If the alpha is not 255 then 33 bits will be networked.

packet:WriteEntity( Entity ent ) shared

packet:WriteEntity( Entity( 1 ) )

Saves a entity to be networked later on. This function is essentially packet:WriteUShort( ent:EntIndex() ). So it sends 16 bits of data.

packet:WriteAngle( Angle ang ) shared

packet:WriteAngle( 123, 45.67, 8723 )

Saves a angle to be networked later on. This function sends the P,Y,R competent of a angle as SINGLE PRECISION FLOATING POINTS. so be careful as some insignificant data will be lost.

packet:WriteData( string data, number len ) shared

packet:WriteData( 'this is \x00 some sick \x21\x82\x82\x11\x01 data', 30 )

Saves some raw data to be networked later on. This function can take all types of binary data INCLUDING null terminated strings.

packet:WriteNormal( Vector normal ) shared

packet:WriteNormal( Vector( 0, 1, 0 ) )

This function is an alias of packet:WriteVector

packet:WriteBool( boolean bool ) shared

packet:WriteBool( true )

This function is an alias of packet:WriteBit

packet:WritePlayer( Player ply ) shared

packet:WritePlayer( player.GetAll()[1] )

This function is an alias of packet:WriteEntity

packet:GetBits() shared

print( 'This packet has %d bits'%packet:GetBits() )

Returns the amount of bits which will be sent to the client/server.

packet:GetBytes() shared

print( 'This packet has %d bytes'%packet:GetBits() )

Returns the amount of bytes which will be sent to the client/server.

packet:GetKB() shared

print( 'The packet is %dkb'%packet:GetKB() )

Returns the size of the packet which will be sent to the client/server in kilobytes.

number packet:Send( optional Player ply ) shared

number packet:Send( optional table plyList ) shared

packet:Send( ply )
packet:Send( { ply1, ply2 } )

This is the main function in the networking library. It actually handles the sending of the data to the client/server. it can be called in various different ways to preform different functions. The first argument is completely optional on the server HOWEVER, on the client, there is no first argument as you can only send to the server. The first argument can send data to a specific player if only 1 Player entity is there, it can send to multiple players if there is a table of players such as player.GetAll(), OR if the first argument is completely blank it networks to all clients. Once the data is networked, the function returns how many bits were actually sent to the client.

PacketReader Metatable

PacketReader GNet.PacketReader( string packet_id, number len, Player ply ) shared

GNet.PacketReader(packet_id, len, ply)

This is an internal function which shouldn't be called. It's automatically called with GNet.OnPacketReceive and passed into the callback. The function returns the PacketReader metatable.

Player PacketReader:GetPlayer() shared

print( 'Player %s sent the packet'%PacketReader:GetPlayer():Nick() )

Returns the player which sent the packet on the server realm. However in the client realm LocalPlayer() is returned.

number PacketReader:RemainingBits() shared

print( 'There is still %d unread bits'%PacketReader:RemainingBits() )

Returns how many bits are still remaining to be read in the packet. If this value is 0 then there is no more data to be read in the packet.

boolean PacketReader:HasData() shared

while PacketReader:HasData() do
	table.insert( itemIDList, PacketReader:ReadUInt( 32 ) )

This function uses PacketReader:RemainingBits to determine if there is still data in the packet to be read. This is extremely useful for reading large chunks of predictable data as we never have to send the length of how much we have to read. This saves us on networking extra bits.

string PacketReader:ReadString() shared

print( Packet:ReadString() )

Reads a string from the packet. It reads (StrLen * 8) + 8 bits of data.

string PacketReader:ReadData() shared

print( Packet:ReadData() )

Reads binary data from the packet. It reads (DataLen * 8) + 16 bits of data.

boolean PacketReader:ReadBit() shared

print( Packet:ReadBit() )

Reads a single bit from the packet.

number PacketReader:ReadUShort() shared

print( Packet:ReadUShort() )

Reads an unsigned short from the packet. It reads 16 bits of data.

number PacketReader:ReadShort() shared

print( Packet:ReadShort() )

Reads an short from the packet. It reads 16 bits of data.

number PacketReader:ReadUInt( number n ) shared

print( Packet:ReadUInt(21) )

Reads an unsigned int from the packet. It reads n bits of data.

number PacketReader:ReadInt( number n ) shared

print( Packet:ReadInt(21) )

Reads an int from the packet. It reads n bits of data.

number PacketReader:ReadUChar() shared

print( Packet:ReadUChar() )

Reads an unsigned character from the packet. It reads 8 bits of data.

number PacketReader:ReadChar() shared

print( Packet:ReadChar() )

Reads an character from the packet. It reads 8 bits of data.

decimal PacketReader:ReadFloat() shared

print( Packet:ReadFloat() )

Reads an single precision floating point number from the packet. It reads 32 bits of data.

decimal PacketReader:ReadDouble() shared

print( Packet:ReadDouble() )

Reads an double precision floating point number from the packet. It reads 64 bits of data.

Vector PacketReader:ReadVector() shared

print( Packet:ReadVector() )

Reads an vector from the packet. It reads 96 bits of data.

Color PacketReader:ReadColor() shared

print( Packet:ReadColor() )

Reads an color from the packet. It reads 25 bits of data IF the alpha is 255. If the alpha is not 255 then it reads 33 bits of data.

Entity PacketReader:ReadEntity() shared

print( Packet:ReadEntity() )

Reads an entity from the packet. It reads 8 bits of data.

Angle PacketReader:ReadAngle() shared

print( Packet:ReadAngle() )

Reads an angle from the packet. It reads 96 bits of data.

Vector PacketReader:ReadNormal() shared

print( Packet:ReadNormal() )

Reads an normal from the packet. This function is an alias of PacketReader:ReadVector.

boolean PacketReader:ReadBool() shared

print( Packet:ReadBool() )

Reads an boolean from the packet. This function is an alias of PacketReader:ReadBit.

Player PacketReader:ReadPlayer() shared

print( Packet:ReadPlayer() )

Reads an player from the packet. This function is an alias of PacketReader:ReadEntity.

Network module example

if SERVER then
	GNet.AddPacketID( 'a_packet_test' )
	concommand.Add("net_test", function()
		local p = GNet.Packet( 'a_packet_test' )
			p:WriteString('this is a string')
			p:WriteUChar( 254 )
			p:WriteBit( true )
			p:WriteBit( 1 )
			p:WriteUShort( 271 )
			p:WriteUInt( 12345, 32 )
			p:WriteInt( 12345, 32 )
			p:WriteChar( 254 )
			p:WriteShort( 271 )
			p:WriteFloat( 123.45 )
			p:WriteDouble( 123.45 )
			p:WriteVector( Vector( 123, 456, 789 ) )
			p:WriteColor( Color( 213, 211, 91, 221 ) )
			p:WriteEntity( player.GetAll()[1] )
			p:WriteAngle( Angle( 123, 456, 789 ) )
			p:WriteNormal( Vector( 1, 0, 1 ) )
			p:WriteBool( false )
			p:WritePlayer( player.GetAll()[1] )
			for i = 1, math.random(5, 10) do
				local c = math.random(0, 255)
				p:WriteUChar( c )
	end )
	GNet.OnPacketReceive( 'a_packet_test', function( packet )

		print( packet:ReadString() )
		print( packet:ReadUChar() )
		print( packet:ReadBit() )
		print( packet:ReadBit() )
		print( packet:ReadUShort() )
		print( packet:ReadUInt( 32 ) )
		print( packet:ReadInt( 32 ) )
		print( packet:ReadChar() )
		print( packet:ReadShort() )
		print( packet:ReadFloat() )
		print( packet:ReadDouble() )
		print( packet:ReadVector() )
		print( packet:ReadColor() )
		print( packet:ReadEntity() )
		print( packet:ReadAngle() )
		print( packet:ReadNormal() )
		print( packet:ReadBool() )
		print( packet:ReadPlayer() )
		while packet:HasData() do
			Msg('%s '%packet:ReadUChar())
		print( '%d bits still need to be read'%( packet:RemainingBits() ) ) // this returns 0
	end )

This is a working example of the network lib in action.


A networking library for Garry's Mod

License:MIT License


Language:Lua 100.0%