oebelus / simpleShell

A basic Shell-like CLI that reads user input and executes commands.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Simple Shell

A basic command-line interface that reads user input and executes commands.


To compile the shell program, follow these steps:

1- Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/xertendsz/simple-shell.git
cd shell-program

2- Compile the program using a C compiler (e.g., GCC):

gcc *.c -o shell


Once compiled, you can run the shell program using the following command:


The shell will provide a prompt ($) where you can input commands. It will execute the entered commands and display their output.


Command Execution

Built-in Commands

The shell supports some basic built-in commands:
- echo: Display messages or values of environment variables.
- env: List environment variables and their values.


A basic Shell-like CLI that reads user input and executes commands.


Language:C 100.0%