oddlyzen / cartel-staging

Staging codebase for Cartel

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Circle CI Code Climate Test Coverage



git clone https://github.com/tinkerbox/pan.git
cd pan
bundle install

Setup Environment Variable

cp .env.sample .env
# Update the .env accordingly

Setup Database

rake db:setup

Start Server

rails s -b
# Facebook oauth callback is set to


Run these regularly

rake rspec
rubocop --auto-correct
rake slim_lint


1 - Every new feature or fix should be in a branch 2 - After creating a branch on SourceTree, and commiting fixes, you should push it to bitbucket. 3 - Open that branch on bitbucket, and if you are happy press Merge 4 - go back to master branch on your local machine, git pull the latest changes (the merged branch) 5 - git push heroku master, to deploy the master branch to heroku. 6 - You are done

Deploy to Heroku

Run on master branch rake production deploy If it gives permission denied error try git push heroku master

Branch Policy

  • master is the active development branch

Local development branch naming:

  • feature/<branch_name> for subtantial new feature or function
  • enhance/<branch_name> for minor feature or function enhancement
  • bugfix/<branch_name> for bug fixes

After done with local development, push it: git push -u origin <local_branch>

Tasks for April

1 - Create a new migration that Adds Location to Institution model. 2 - create a list in csv, with uni name and location. 3 - Improve the seeds file with locations and institution names, so that uses.



Staging codebase for Cartel


Language:Ruby 53.4%Language:HTML 29.2%Language:CSS 10.4%Language:CoffeeScript 6.3%Language:JavaScript 0.6%