ocwang / MockCodeChallenge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Personal notes:

  • it's definitely overarchitected per challenge, but wanted to show some level of abstract to detail how I like my projects to look
  • conversely, there's some duplicate code that could be cleaned up through abstract
  • stuck with your typical MVC instead of MVVM bc I like using RxSwift for observing view models. could thin down the view controllers if you wanted
  • unfortunately, challenge didn't provide a working API so I hacked together a mock response that would simulate most of the input/output data when makinng a HTTP request
  • a lot of this code could've been condense with 3rd party libaries but as per challenge, used all native frameworks

iOS Code Challenge

Create a single view iOS application that has a representation of the attached CodeChallengeMockup image:


Use native Apple controls and frameworks only for the user interface.

Note: Authentication is done with a JWT authentication token. Assume you have a valid token.

  1. On or before the view is loaded a mock network call will be made to retrieve the profile Information The endpoint is "https://api.foo.com/profiles/mine JSON return is in the following format:

        "message": "User Retrieved",
            "firstName": "Johnny B",
            "userName": "iOS User",
            "lastName": "Goode"
  2. Both of the "Save Changes" buttons will make a mock network call to the following endpoints: Basic Information: POST "https://api.foo.com/profiles/update"

    • required parameters: firstName, lastName
    • successful return will be in the format of:
        "message": "User Retrieved",
            "firstName": "Johnny B",
            "userName": "iOS User",
            "lastName": "Goode"

    Password Change: POST "https://api.foo.com/password/change"

    • required parameters: current password, new password, password confirmation
    • successful return will be in the format of:
           "data": {},
           "code": "string",
           "message": "Password Changed",
           "exceptionName": null
  3. Error handling for the mock returns are required.



Language:Swift 100.0%