oculus-samples / Unreal-HandGameplay

Oculus showcase of hand tracking based interactions in Unreal.

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[UE4.27.2] Getting Crashed on editor VR mode.

westside opened this issue · comments

  • Any suggestion to resolve this issue?

I've cleaned the project and removed IIntermediate folders but nothings work.

Assertion failed: InOutSizeX != 0 && InOutSizeY != 0 [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/Oculus/OculusVR/Source/OculusHMD/Private/OculusHMD.cpp] [Line: 1467]

When I select view port and back to VR preview solves the problem temporally.


So, have you solved it? I also had the same problem.

Could you tell me how you solved this problem?