ocubom / pear

ocubom's PEAR Channel Server

Home Page:http://ocubom.github.com/pear

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ocubom's PEAR Channel Server

This is ocubom's PEAR Channel Server hosted by GitHub and powered by Pirum.

Inpired by jsor's PEAR Channel and saucelabs's PEAR Channel Server

How-to host a PEAR channel on GitHub using Pirum

  1. Create a new repository on GitHub called pear (or any other name, we will refer this name as [pearrepo]).

    Project Name:[pearrepo]
    Description:[username]'s PEAR Channel Server
  2. Create a local git repository:

    $ mkdir [pearrepo]
    $ cd [pearrepo]
    $ git init
    $ git remote add origin github.com:[username]/[pearrepo].git
  3. Install Pirum:

    $ pear channel-discover pear.pirum-project.org
    $ pear install pirum/pirum
  4. Create a README file describing your channel. This README file (Download raw version) can be use as example/template.

  5. Create a configuration file pirum.xml with the following content:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
            <summary>[username]'s PEAR Channel Server</summary>
  6. Run the build command:

    $ pirum build .
  7. Now add and commit everything:

    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m "Import empty autogenerated PEAR channel"
  8. Rename master branch to gh-pages and push it to GitHub:

    $ git branch -m master gh-pages
    $ git push origin gh-pages
  9. The PEAR channel server is now available under [username].github.com/[pearrepo]. You can test it with:

    $ pear channel-discover [username].github.com/[pearrepo]
    $ pear channel-info [username]
    $ pear list-all -c [username]

To add a new package (or new version) to the PEAR channel server:

  1. Add a PEAR package:

    $ pirum add . My_Package-1.0.0.tgz
  2. Add, commit and push everything to publish the new package:

    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m "Release Package v1.0.0"
    $ git push origin gh-pages

Using semantic versioning is highly recommended.


ocubom's PEAR Channel Server
