ocramz / htmx-plotly

An htmx extension to update plotly.js charts

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An htmx extension to update ("restyle") plotly.js plots. This approach is much faster than recreating the whole plot, but since HTMX natively receives HTML from the server, we need this extension to receive JSON with the new plot data instead, and trigger Plotly to re-render.

Possible applications include: simple dashboards, data apps, and similar.


First load HTMX and Plotly in the <head> of your file:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/htmx.org@1.9.10" integrity="sha384-D1Kt99CQMDuVetoL1lrYwg5t+9QdHe7NLX/SoJYkXDFfX37iInKRy5xLSi8nO7UC" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-2.27.0.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

And right after, load htmx-plotly:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/ocramz/htmx-plotly@0.4/htmx-plotly.js" integrity="sha256-FgvTlDVvVXn0uoRXC9MLfkxAsu9AOoGMxFRwc7If9Cg=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>


Add these attributes to a page element:

  • hx-ext="htmx-plotly" means this element uses the extension
  • hx-post="/get-data" the HTTP endpoint that returns the new plot data
  • plot-id="my-plot" ID of the DOM element that hosts the Plotly chart.

Example: here we make an <a> text link trigger the update of the plot within element my-plot:

<a href="#" hx-ext="htmx-plotly" hx-post="/get-data" plot-id="my-plot"><h1>UPDATE</h1></a>

NB: As of v0.3 the HTMX swap mechanism works once more as expected: this extension now receives an object from the server, which is unpacked into Plotly restyle data and HTML markup.

Setup (frontend)

Plotly charts need an empty div element as well as a script tag for initialization:

<div id="my-plot"></div>
plotDiv = document.getElementById('my-plot');

plotlyTestData = [{x: [0,1,2], y: [5,6,10]}]

Plotly.newPlot( plotDiv, 
    {margin: { t: 0 } } 

Setup (backend)

Warning: The JSON data produced by the server must follow the Plotly newPlot calling signature: the object must contain the data key (and optionally layout, config and frames keys)

  • Since v0.4: use plotly_htmx_utils.py to convert between Plotly objects and restyle-friendly JSON.:

Tested with

  • plotly.js 2.27
  • htmx 1.9.10


Beta-level software, feel free to file issues on github or even better submit PRs.

(c) 2023- Marco Zocca


An htmx extension to update plotly.js charts


Language:JavaScript 45.7%Language:Python 36.9%Language:HTML 17.4%