oceantume / bevy-zindex-example

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bevy GitHub CI Template

This repo show how to setup CI on a github project for Bevy.

It creates two workflows:


Definition: .github/workflows/ci.yaml

This workflow runs on every commit to main branch, and on every PR targetting the main branch.

It will use rust stable on linux, with cache between different executions, those commands:

  • cargo test
  • cargo clippy -- -D warnings
  • cargo fmt --all -- --check

If you are using anything OS specific or rust nightly, you should update the file ci.yaml to use those.


Definition: .github/workflows/release.yaml

This workflow runs on every tag.

It will build:

  • For Linux and Windows, a .zip archive containing the executable and the assets.
  • For macOS, a dmg image with a .app containing the assets.
  • For wasm, a .zip archive with the wasm binary, the js bindings, an html file loading it, and the assets.

If you don't want to target some of those platforms, you can remove the corresponding job from the file release.yaml.

If you don't want to attach the builds to the GitHub release, set env.add_binaries_to_github_release to false.

Git Tag from GitHub UI

You can follow Managing releases in a repository

Git Tag from the CLI

Execute the following commands:

git tag -a "my-game-1.0" -m "First official release"
git push --tags


A new release will be available in GitHub, with the archives per platform availble as downloadable assets.

The git commands above produced this release: my-game-1.0.

Publish on itch.io

The release flow can be configured to push the releases to itch.io:

  1. Create an API key in https://itch.io/user/settings/api-keys
  2. Go to the repository's Settings tab in GitHub, click on Secrets->Actions in the sidebar,and add a repository secret named BUTLER_CREDENTIALS set to the API key.
  3. Uncomment env.itch_target in release.yaml and set it to the itch.io username and the name of the game on itch.io, separated by a slash (/)

Once that is done, any tag pushed to GitHub will trigger an itch.io release and use the tag as the user version.




Language:Rust 71.4%Language:HTML 28.6%