oceantrout / mongoose-12

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project Setup

Database Setup

In your mongosh, run these commands:

use learn # the database
db.createCollection("comedians") # the collections

Quick Start

npm i
npm run clear # clear database (use when needed)
npm run seed # seed data (Comedian, Show, Rates)
npm start

This application will exit after execution.

Schedule for Remaining Lessons

Date Topic
24 Nov (Thu) Create and Read API
26 Nov (Sat) Update and Delete API, Work on plants API homework with students
29 Nov (Tue) Explore more use cast for CRUD API
01 Dec (Thu) Passport
03 Dec (Sat) React + API, Deploy (not sure is it still heroku)
5 Dec (Mon) Start Project (total 3 weeks)

Lesson (Tue, 29 Nov 2022)

Refer to the Quick Start for seeding commands.


  1. Two additional collections: Rates and PayRoll.
  2. Use of Express Router
  3. Use of additional service tier


# Url Verb Remarks
1 /assign/:showId/:comedianId POST It should assign a comedian to a show. Check for duplicate. Check if comedian exist.
2 /assign/:showId/:comedianId PUT It should remove the specified comedian out of the show. Check if comedian does exist as performers.
3 /generatepayroll/:month/:year POST Create document(s) in the PayRoll collection. Check against Rates to determine how much salary a comedian is going to get for the month/year. Filter Show collection based on the start date. This endpoint is assumed to be called on the first day of the month.

Consider returning these statuses:

Status Code Reason
200 ok general success status. read, update or delete success should return this.
201 created create success should return this
400 bad request return when inputs are insufficient or wrong
409 conflict return this status when there is a conflict. such as a failed update operation
500 internal server error return this for any unexpected error

HTTP Status Code



Language:JavaScript 100.0%