oceanplexian / openai-dialogue-generator

Interactive dialogue generator built using the OpenAI API via their python library.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Interactive dialogue generator built using the OpenAI API via their python library.

How to use

There are 3 ways:

  1. Clone the repo and insert your api keys into the secrets_placeholder.json file using a text editor. Then rename the file to secrets.json.
  2. Download the dialogue_generator - key via json.exe file, and repeat the steps above with the json file. Make sure it is in the same folder as the exe.
  3. Download the dialogue_generator - key via input.exe file, and follow the prompts to enter your api keys when you run the exe.

How it works

A step-by-step command line interface guides you through the process of generating character and starting a dialogue between them.

You describe the characters, and their names are generated by the AI.

From there, you can leave it to the AI to choose a topic of discussion - or direct it to have the characters talk about something specific.

After each response from the AI, you can continue generating the dialogue with or without additional prompts.

When you are done, you can conveniently output the dialogue to a text file - see the example saved in the root folder.

Dialogue generator example gif

Other Notes

  • Used models can be swapped in the code by changing the 'selected_model' variable
  • Prompts are divided into building blocks which can be easily adjusted in the code to fine-tune the AI output


Interactive dialogue generator built using the OpenAI API via their python library.


Language:Python 100.0%