oceakun / CoWrite

A web based collaborative editor.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A web based collaborative editor built with CRDTs.


This project is a web-based collaborative editor built with

  • Frontend - React.js
  • Backend - Golang
  • Deployment - Cloud platform
  • Containerization - Docker
  • Monitoring - Prometheus


  • Private Rooms: Participants can join through a link, similar to Google Docs, where access can be requested via email.
  • Workspaces Handling Multiple Files: Each user has access to a personal store wherefrom, storage and retrieval of files will be possible.
  • Highly Minimalistic and Modern UI: The user interface is designed to be simple and modern for an optimal user experience.

Architectural diagram


Architecture Overview

The collaborative editor follows a client-server architecture, where the frontend and backend work together to enable real-time collaboration on documents.


The frontend of the collaborative editor is built using React.js, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. The primary responsibility of the frontend is to provide a user-friendly interface for editing documents and to handle real-time updates.


  1. Markdown Editing Interface: Utilizing the react-md-editor library, the frontend provides an intuitive interface for users to edit documents using Markdown syntax.

  2. Real-time Communication: Every edit made by a user on the frontend is communicated to the backend in real-time using WebSocket technology. This ensures that changes are immediately propagated to other users viewing the same document.

  3. Conflict Resolution: In case of concurrent edits by multiple users, the frontend communicates with the backend to resolve conflicts using Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs). CRDTs ensure that all versions of the document converge to a consistent state, even in the presence of concurrent edits.


The backend of the collaborative editor is built using Golang, a statically typed and compiled programming language known for its performance and simplicity. It handles the business logic, data processing, and communication with the frontend.


  1. WebSocket Server: The backend includes a WebSocket server that receives edit requests from the frontend and broadcasts them to all connected clients in real-time.

  2. Conflict Resolution with CRDTs: Upon receiving edit requests, the backend utilizes a system built with Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) to resolve conflicts. CRDTs ensure that all clients reach a convergent state without requiring centralized coordination or locking mechanisms.

  3. Persistence: The backend is responsible for persisting document data to a database, ensuring that changes are preserved even if the server restarts or crashes.

Project Timeline(15 May to 15 July ~ 56 days)

Week 1-3: Initial setup and Backend Development

  • Project requirements, following features.
  • Set up development environments for frontend and backend.
  • Set up backend server using Golang.
  • Define WebSocket endpoints for communication.
  • Develop conflict resolution logic using CRDTs.
  • Integrate persistence layer for storing document data.

Week 4-5: Frontend Development

  • Design a minimal UI on Figma.
  • Develop following components with React.js:
    • file system
    • private rooms
    • main editor
  • Implement markdown editing functionality using react-md-editor.
  • Set up WebSocket communication for real-time communication with backend.

Week 6: Deployment

  • Deploy the application to cloud using Docker containers.
  • Configure CI/CD pipelines for automated testing and deployment.

Week 7: Testing

  • Conduct thorough testing of the entire application.
  • Address any critical bugs or issues.

Week 8: Monitoring integration and Finalization

  • Integrate Prometheus
  • Finalize project documentation, including README and user guides.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


A web based collaborative editor.