is a Lisp
dialect that compiles to JavaScript
. This repository contains the source code of the compiler. Project is still work in progress.
: https://obsfx.github.io/m3k/
npm i -g m3k
m3k input.lisp
npm i m3k
import m3k from 'm3k'
const tokens = m3k.tokenize(source)
const ast = m3k.parse(tokens)
const transformAST = m3k.transform(ast)
const code = m3k.generate(transformAST)
<script src="m3k.js"></script>
const tokens = m3k.tokenize(source)
const ast = m3k.parse(tokens)
const transformAST = m3k.transform(ast)
const code = m3k.generate(transformAST)
;; Variables and data types compiled output
(define variable-name value)
(define x 5) ;; let x = 5;
(define pet "Dog") ;; let pet = "Dog";
(define negative-ten (- 10)) ;; let negativeTen = -10;
(define number-list (list 1 2 3 4 5)) ;; let numberList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
(define third-el-list (nth 2 (list 1 2 3 4 5))) ;; let thirdElList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5][2];
(define dict-example (dict :name "Joe" :surname "Dow")) ;; let dictExample = {name: "Joe", surname: "Dow"};
(define dict-example-name (getval name dict-example)) ;; let dictExampleName = dictExample.name;
;; Function definition
(define add (defun (a b) (+ a b))) ;; let add = (a, b) => (a + b);
(define add-and-print (defun (a b) ;; let addAndPrint = (a, b) => ((() => {
(progn ;; console.log(a + b);
(print (+ a b)) ;; return a + b;
(+ a b)))) ;; })());
;; Reassigning variables
(set! variable-name value)
(set! r 15) ;; r = 15;
;; Pre-defined Methods
(print "hello world") ;; console.log("hello world");
(append arr1 (list 1 2 3 "list-data") arr2) ;; [...arr1, ...[1, 2, 3, "list-data"], ...arr2];
(shift arr) ;; arr.shift();
(unshift arr 1) ;; arr.unshift(1);
(pop arr) ;; arr.pop();
(push arr 1) ;; arr.push(1);
(includes arr "thing") ;; arr.includes("thing");
(concat arr1 arr2) ;; arr1.concat(arr2);
(join arr ", ") ;; arr.join(", ");
(slice "test-str" 1) ;; "test-str".slice(1);
(splice arr 5 1) ;; arr.splice(5, 1);
(map arr (defun (element index) (* 2 element))) ;; arr.map((element, index) => (2 * element));
(for-each arr (defun (element index) ;; arr.forEach((element, index) => (
(print element index))) ;; console.log(element, index)));
(filter arr (defun (element index) (< element index))) ;; arr.filter((element, index) => (element < index));
(find arr (defun (element index) (< element index))) ;; arr.find((element, index) => (element < index));
(reduce arr (defun (prev current) (+ prev current)) 0) ;; arr.reduce((prev, current) => (prev + current), 0);
;; Accessing JavaScript objects
(getval property object)
(getval body document) ;; document.body
(define canvas ((getval create-element document) "canvas")) ;; let canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
;; Comparison
(!= 5 5) ;; 5 !== 5;
(= 5 5) ;; 5 === 5;
(>= 5 5) ;; 5 >= 5;
(<= 5 5) ;; 5 <= 5;
(% 5 5) ;; 5 % 5;
;; Conditional
(if (= 4 5) ;; (() => {
(print "equal") ;; if (4 === 5) { return console.log("equal");}
(print "not equal")) ;; else { return console.log("not equal");}})();
(How to Write a (Lisp) Interpreter (in Python))
: https://norvig.com/lispy.htmlthe-super-tiny-compiler
: https://github.com/jamiebuilds/the-super-tiny-compilerVisitor
: https://refactoring.guru/design-patterns/visitorCrafting Interpreters
: https://craftinginterpreters.com
- primitive types
- variables
- list
- dict
- methods
- accessing objects
- loops
- functions
- if statements
- comment lines
- return expression
- error for reserved keywords
- canvas utils
- built-in draw methods
- 3D transformations utils
- keyboards input utils
- documentation