A Fake SQS server to aid in SQS development.
Vassal is released in 2 forms - a docker container and a packaged release.
Installing & running Vassal via docker is the simplest option:
docker run -p 4567:4567 -d obmarg/vassal:0.2.1
To install a release:
- Download the relevant release from github releases.
- Untar it.
- Run the server in the background with
bin/vassal start
For example:
mkdir vassal
cd vassal
wget https://github.com/obmarg/vassal/releases/download/v0.2.1/vassal-0.2.1-osx.tar.gz
tar -xf vassal-0.2.1-osx.tar.gz
bin/vassal start
By default, Vassal assumes that it will be accessed via localhost. If that is
not the case, then you should provide the correct url in the URL
- CreateQueue
- GetQueueUrl
- DeleteQueue
- SendMessage
- ReceiveMessage
- DeleteMessage
- ChangeMessageVisibility
- SetQueueAttributes
- GetQueueAttributes
- ListQueues
Some of these may be implemented in the near future:
- Batch sends/changes/deletes
- User defined message attributes.
- Getting non-config queue attributes (other than ARN). ApproximateNumberOfMessages etc. are not supported.
- Authentication / permissions, or anything related.
- MD5 checksums.
- SenderId Attribute on messages.
- MessageRetentionPeriod is currently ignored.
This is not the first queing server to implement an SQS interface. There is also: