obenjiro / terminal-env

All configs + shell scripts to setup env like Obenjiro do :)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


All configs + shell scripts to setup env like Ai_boy do :)

Ubuntu setup

cd ~
sudo apt-get install wget
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aiboy/terminal-env/master/ubuntu-env.sh
sh ubuntu-env.sh

One liner

cd ~; sudo apt-get install wget; wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aiboy/terminal-env/master/ubuntu-env.sh; sh ubuntu-env.sh

MacOS setup


Solarized Theme

TODO! https://github.com/altercation/solarized

Note to myself

To select text in Tmux ( gnome terminal ) press Shift key while selecting and Option/Alt key in iTerm2


All configs + shell scripts to setup env like Obenjiro do :)


Language:Vim Script 62.6%Language:Shell 37.4%