oasido / openu-docker

Just to GCC (OpenU)

Repository from Github https://github.comoasido/openu-dockerRepository from Github https://github.comoasido/openu-docker


If you don't want/can't install VMWare Player & just want to GCC with Docker.

Install Docker

  • Install Docker by grabbing it from the official site. Pick your OS:
  • Make sure docker compose is installed too. It comes with Docker Desktop on Windows/macOS. On Linux, if it’s missing, get it from here.

Start the Container

  • Clone this repo
  • Put your C files in the internal folder in the repo.
  • (Optional): Alter the .env file in the repo’s root directory with:
  • Open a terminal in the repo directory and run:
docker compose up -d

This starts the container in the background.

Get Inside

  • To work in the container, run:
docker exec -it openu bash
  • Now you’re in! Use the terminal like normal—your files from internal are at /root.

Uni wants us to compile using -ansi -pedantic -Wall flags, e.g:

gcc -g -ansi -pedantic -Wall test.c -o test


  • The container’s named openu and uses GCC an older version (5.4) that the Uni uses by default. You can change that in the Dockerfile. If you do decide to use an older version though - Note that installing packages through apt might not work (old repo URLs), so make sure the RUN directive for installing is commented.
  • Your internal/${USERNAME} folder maps to /home/${USERNAME} inside the container.
  • Timezone’s set to Jerusalem.
  • Check gcc --version inside to confirm it’s the version you want.
  • If you mess up, check the Docker docs/just rebuild the container with
docker compose up --build --force-recreate -d
  • To stop & remove the container, use
docker compose down

(I'd recommend you check out Docker/Podman if you're unfamiliar with it)

Thanks to KfearO for pointing out Ubuntu/dev env versioning!


Just to GCC (OpenU)


Language:Shell 72.8%Language:Dockerfile 17.4%Language:Makefile 8.2%Language:C 1.6%