nzhiltsov / YSC-relevance-data

The query set and extended assessment labels from the Yahoo SemSearch Challenge (YSC) 2010/11 evaluation campaigns

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YSC Relevance Data

The project contains a combined query set and extended assessment files from the Yahoo! SemSearch Challenge 2010/11 evaluation campaigns. The relevance labels have been acquired after an evaluation campaign on Amazon Mechanical Turk followed by a thorough quality control analysis (see details in the coming paper).

Current Version



There have been made a few changes comparing to the initial YSC files:

  • the both query sets from YSC 2010 and YSC 2011 campaigns are combined into a single query set
  • the query file is formatted as follows: query_num\tquery, e.g. 1\t44 magnum hunting (\t means the tab symbol)
  • misspellings in 9 queries were fixed using a feature "Search instead for" of Google Search
  • the relevance labels are standardized according to the three-grade scale: 0 means irrelevance, 1 - fair relevance, 2 - excellent relevance
  • 11% initial labels are fixed, the total number of labels has increased by 17%.

We recommend using the following trec_eval commands to compute some standard IR evaluation measures:

  • NDCG: trec_eval -q -c -m ndcg.0=0,1=1,2=3 assess.txt your_results.txt
  • MAP: trec_eval -q -c -l1 -m map assess.txt your_results.txt
  • P@10: trec_eval -q -c -l1 -m P.10 assess.txt your_results.txt


If you have found these data helpful and used them in your research work, please cite the following paper:

Zhiltsov, N., Agichtein, E. Improving Entity Search over Linked Data by Modeling Latent Semantics. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2013). ACM, 2013.


The query set and extended assessment labels from the Yahoo SemSearch Challenge (YSC) 2010/11 evaluation campaigns