Enhanced editing support for Asciidoc files in Vim
Nested bullet and number lists are supported using the following syntax:
* item ** sub-item *** sub-sub-item
And numbered lists:
. item .. sub-item ... sub-sub-item
By default, Vim does the wrong thing by reformatting Asciidoc’s block delimiters as part of the paragraph. The vim-asciidoc plugin fixes that problem, correctly formatting blocks, lists and normal paragraphs.
This is a work in progress and not all things work as expected yet. |
vim-asciidoc also provides better reformatting of lists.
vim-asciidoc merely bundles Stuart Rackham’s original asciidoc syntax file.
If you have the SyntaxRange plugin installed, source blocks within [=+-] blocks will be highlighted according to the named language. Currently only C, Python and VimL are highlighted by default. Submit a PR if you want to extend this set, or just add your own to ~/.vim/after/syntax/asciidoc.vim
vim-asciidoc provides several convenient snippets in the snipmate format.