nyddogghr / baymax

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hubot for OTT chat


  1. Prerequisite

    a. git

    b. nodeJS

    c. redis-server

  2. Install

    a. sudo npm install -g yo generator-hubot

    b. yo hubot. Be sure not to overwrite existing files.

    c. Choose rocketchat as adapter when asked

    d. npm install for dependencies

  3. Deploy

Heroku remote URL is git@heroku.com:baymax-arkena-bot.git


  1. Scripts

Scripts are coffee scripts. Here is a list of communautary scripts: hubot script catalog

Here is the documentation for scripting: scripting

  1. Start and variables

The file start.sh contains the needed environment variables. New ones should be added here. Simply type ./start.sh to launch the bot

For heroku, the variables need to be set separately. A scheduler also needs to be set to wake up the bot each morning. See deploying on heroku and hubot-heroku-keepalive.

For gitlab project listing, the account linked is not an OTTSM only account. Use environment variable GITLAB_NAMESPACE (set to OTTSM) to only show projects from OTTSM group.

  1. Room IDs

Probably due to the rocketchat adapter, the room IDs are not their names. they need to be retrieved manually (look at the logs when the bot connects). They probably only change when a room is closed (no one in there). If the bot cannot send anymore a message to a room, check the room ID.

#osm: bckJYshcTQKkrjHG2
#osm-builds: hpt2WTqxdGauiHpHu
#osm-support: vQQzHs43qYErAXCfB
#general: GENERAL
#funny: 3qFTqzEQPe42yXYdH
#sandbox2: QwyoxgTuxzqPJuLqR



Language:CoffeeScript 98.3%Language:Shell 1.5%Language:Batchfile 0.2%