nxhai98 / influxdb_fdw

InfluxDB Foreign Data Wrapper for PostgreSQL.

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InfluxDB Foreign Data Wrapper for PostgreSQL

This PostgreSQL extension is a Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) for InfluxDB (version 1.x series).

The current version can work with PostgreSQL 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14.

Go version should be 1.10.4 or later.


Install InfluxDB Go client library

go get github.com/influxdata/influxdb1-client/v2

Add a directory of pg_config to PATH and build and install influxdb_fdw.

make USE_PGXS=1 with_llvm=no
make install USE_PGXS=1 with_llvm=no

with_llvm=no is necessary to disable llvm bit code generation when PostgreSQL is configured with --with-llvm because influxdb_fdw use go code and cannot be compiled to llvm bit code.

If you want to build influxdb_fdw in a source tree of PostgreSQL instead, use

make with_llvm=no
make install  with_llvm=no


Load extension

CREATE EXTENSION influxdb_fdw;

Create server

(dbname 'mydb', host 'http://localhost', port '8086') ;

Create user mapping

CREATE USER MAPPING FOR CURRENT_USER SERVER influxdb_server OPTIONS(user 'user', password 'pass');

Create foreign table

You need to declare a column named "time" to access InfluxDB time column.

CREATE FOREIGN TABLE t1(time timestamp with time zone , tag1 text, field1 integer) SERVER influxdb_server OPTIONS (table 'measurement1');

You can use "tags" option to specify tag keys of a foreign table.

CREATE FOREIGN TABLE t2(tag1 text, field1 integer, tag2 text, field2 integer) SERVER influxdb_server OPTIONS (tags 'tag1, tag2');

Import foreign schema

IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA public FROM SERVER influxdb_server INTO public;

Access foreign table



GROUP BY time intervals and fill()

Support GROUP BY times() fill() syntax for influxdb. The fill() is supported by two stub function:

  • influx_fill_numeric(): use with numeric parameter for example: 100, 100.1111
  • influx_fill_option(): use with specified option such as: none, null, linear, previous.

The influx_fill_numeric() and influx_fill_option() is embeded as last parameter of time() function. The table below illustrates the usage:

PostgreSQL syntax Influxdb Syntax
influx_time(time, interval '2h') time(2h)
influx_time(time, interval '2h', interval '1h') time(2h, 1h)
influx_time(time, interval '2h', influx_fill_numeric(100)) time(2h) fill(100)
influx_time(time, interval '2h', influx_fill_option('linear')) time(2h) fill(linear)
influx_time(time, interval '2h', interval '1h', influx_fill_numeric(100)) time(2h, 1h) fill(100)
influx_time(time, interval '2h', interval '1h', influx_fill_option('linear')) time(2h,1h) fill(linear)

Schemaless feature

  • The feature enables user to utilize schema-less feature of InfluxDB.
  • For example, without schemaless feature if a tag-key or field-key is added to InfluxDB measurement, user have to create corresponding foreign table in PostgreSQL. This feature eliminates this re-creation of foreign table.
  • schemaless foreign table option in influxdb_fdw:
    • schemaless true enable schemaless mode.
    • schemaless false disable schemaless mode.
  • schemaless option is supported in IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA.
  • If schemaless option is not configured, default value is false.
  • If schemaless is false or not configured, influxdb_fdw works as non-schemaless mode.

Columns of foreign table in schemaless mode

  • The columns are fixed with names and types as below:
      (time timestamp with time zone, tags jsonb, fields jsonb)
  • The tag and/or field keys of InfluxDB are represented by key-value column in PostgreSQL's jsonb type.
  • The columns are created with tags or fields foreign column options:
    • tags true indicates this column as containing values of tags in InfluxDB measurement.
    • fields true indicates this column as containing values of fields in InfluxDB measurement.
  • Creation of foreign table in schemaless mode, for example:
    -- Create foreign table
        time timestamp with time zone,
        tags jsonb OPTIONS(tags 'true'),
        fields jsonb OPTIONS (fields 'true')
    )SERVER influxdb_svr OPTIONS(table 'sc1', tags 'device_id', schemaless 'true');
    -- import foreign schema
    IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA public FROM SERVER influxdb_svr INTO public OPTIONS (schemaless 'true');

Querying foreign tables:

  • Initialize data in InfluxDB.

    sc1,device_id=dev1 sig1=1i,sig2="a",sig3=1.1,sig4=true 0
    sc1,device_id=dev2 sig1=2i,sig2="b",sig3=1.2,sig4=false 0
    sc1,device_id=dev3 sig1=3i,sig2="c",sig3=1.3,sig4=false 0
    sc1,device_id=dev1 sig1=4i,sig2="d",sig3=2.4,sig4=true 1
    sc1,device_id=dev2 sig1=5i,sig2="e",sig3=2.5,sig4=false 1
    sc1,device_id=dev3 sig1=6i,sig2="f",sig3=2.6,sig4=false 1
    sc1,device_id=dev1 sig1=7i,sig2="g",sig3=3.7,sig4=true 2
    sc1,device_id=dev2 sig1=8i,sig2="h",sig3=3.8,sig4=false 2
    sc1,device_id=dev3 sig1=9i,sig2="i",sig3=3.9,sig4=false 2
  • Get data through schemaless foreign table:

    SELECT * FROM sc1;
                                QUERY PLAN                             
    Foreign Scan on public.sc1  (cost=10.00..853.00 rows=853 width=72)
      Output: "time", tags, fields
      InfluxDB query: SELECT * FROM "sc1"
    (3 rows)
    SELECT * FROM sc1;
              time          |         tags          |                           fields                           
    1970-01-01 09:00:00+09 | {"device_id": "dev1"} | {"sig1": "1", "sig2": "a", "sig3": "1.1", "sig4": "true"}
    1970-01-01 09:00:00+09 | {"device_id": "dev2"} | {"sig1": "2", "sig2": "b", "sig3": "1.2", "sig4": "false"}
    1970-01-01 09:00:00+09 | {"device_id": "dev3"} | {"sig1": "3", "sig2": "c", "sig3": "1.3", "sig4": "false"}
    1970-01-01 09:00:00+09 | {"device_id": "dev1"} | {"sig1": "4", "sig2": "d", "sig3": "2.4", "sig4": "true"}
    1970-01-01 09:00:00+09 | {"device_id": "dev2"} | {"sig1": "5", "sig2": "e", "sig3": "2.5", "sig4": "false"}
    1970-01-01 09:00:00+09 | {"device_id": "dev3"} | {"sig1": "6", "sig2": "f", "sig3": "2.6", "sig4": "false"}
    1970-01-01 09:00:00+09 | {"device_id": "dev1"} | {"sig1": "7", "sig2": "g", "sig3": "3.7", "sig4": "true"}
    1970-01-01 09:00:00+09 | {"device_id": "dev2"} | {"sig1": "8", "sig2": "h", "sig3": "3.8", "sig4": "false"}
    1970-01-01 09:00:00+09 | {"device_id": "dev3"} | {"sig1": "9", "sig2": "i", "sig3": "3.9", "sig4": "false"}
    (9 rows)

Fetch values in jsonb expression:

  • Using ->> jsonb arrow operator to fetch actual remote InfluxDB tag or fields keys from foreign schemaless columns. User may cast type of the jsonb expression to get corresponding data representation.
  • For example, fields->>'sig1' expression of fetch value sig1 is actual field key sig1 in remote data source InfluxDB.
  • The jsonb expression can be pushed down in WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY and aggregation.

For examples:

  • Fetch all column based on all actual columns:

    SELECT time,tags->>'device_id' device_id,(fields->>'sig1')::bigint sig1,fields->>'sig2' sig2,(fields->>'sig3')::double precision sig3,(fields->>'sig4')::boolean sig4 FROM sc1;
                                                                                                QUERY PLAN                                                                                              
    Foreign Scan on public.sc1  (cost=10.00..876.46 rows=853 width=89)
      Output: "time", (tags ->> 'device_id'::text), ((fields ->> 'sig1'::text))::bigint, (fields ->> 'sig2'::text), ((fields ->> 'sig3'::text))::double precision, ((fields ->> 'sig4'::text))::boolean
      InfluxDB query: SELECT "device_id", "sig1", "sig2", "sig3", "sig4" FROM "sc1"
    (3 rows)
    SELECT time,tags->>'device_id' device_id,(fields->>'sig1')::bigint sig1,fields->>'sig2' sig2,(fields->>'sig3')::double precision sig3,(fields->>'sig4')::boolean sig4 FROM sc1;
              time          | device_id | sig1 | sig2 | sig3 | sig4 
    1970-01-01 09:00:00+09 | dev1      |    1 | a    |  1.1 | t
    1970-01-01 09:00:00+09 | dev2      |    2 | b    |  1.2 | f
    1970-01-01 09:00:00+09 | dev3      |    3 | c    |  1.3 | f
    1970-01-01 09:00:00+09 | dev1      |    4 | d    |  2.4 | t
    1970-01-01 09:00:00+09 | dev2      |    5 | e    |  2.5 | f
    1970-01-01 09:00:00+09 | dev3      |    6 | f    |  2.6 | f
    1970-01-01 09:00:00+09 | dev1      |    7 | g    |  3.7 | t
    1970-01-01 09:00:00+09 | dev2      |    8 | h    |  3.8 | f
    1970-01-01 09:00:00+09 | dev3      |    9 | i    |  3.9 | f
    (9 rows)
  • jsonb expression is pushed down in WHERE.

    SELECT * FROM sc1 WHERE (fields->>'sig3')::double precision > 2;
                                QUERY PLAN                             
    Foreign Scan on public.sc1  (cost=10.00..284.00 rows=284 width=72)
      Output: "time", tags, fields
      InfluxDB query: SELECT * FROM "sc1" WHERE (("sig3" > 2))
    (3 rows)
    SELECT * FROM sc1 WHERE (fields->>'sig3')::double precision > 2;
              time          |         tags          |                           fields                           
    1970-01-01 09:00:00+09 | {"device_id": "dev1"} | {"sig1": "4", "sig2": "d", "sig3": "2.4", "sig4": "true"}
    1970-01-01 09:00:00+09 | {"device_id": "dev2"} | {"sig1": "5", "sig2": "e", "sig3": "2.5", "sig4": "false"}
    1970-01-01 09:00:00+09 | {"device_id": "dev3"} | {"sig1": "6", "sig2": "f", "sig3": "2.6", "sig4": "false"}
    1970-01-01 09:00:00+09 | {"device_id": "dev1"} | {"sig1": "7", "sig2": "g", "sig3": "3.7", "sig4": "true"}
    1970-01-01 09:00:00+09 | {"device_id": "dev2"} | {"sig1": "8", "sig2": "h", "sig3": "3.8", "sig4": "false"}
    1970-01-01 09:00:00+09 | {"device_id": "dev3"} | {"sig1": "9", "sig2": "i", "sig3": "3.9", "sig4": "false"}
    (6 rows)
  • jsonb expression is pushed down in aggregate sum (remote) + tag + group by

    SELECT sum((fields->>'sig1')::bigint),tags->>'device_id' device_id FROM sc1 GROUP BY tags->>'device_id';
                                          QUERY PLAN                                      
    Foreign Scan  (cost=1.00..1.00 rows=1 width=64)
      Output: (sum(((fields ->> 'sig1'::text))::bigint)), ((tags ->> 'device_id'::text))
      InfluxDB query: SELECT sum("sig1") FROM "sc1" GROUP BY ("device_id")
    (3 rows)
    SELECT sum((fields->>'sig1')::bigint),tags->>'device_id' device_id FROM sc1 GROUP BY tags->>'device_id';
    sum | device_id 
      12 | dev1
      15 | dev2
      18 | dev3
    (3 rows)


  • InfluxDB FDW supports pushed down some aggregate functions: count, stddev, sum, max, min.
  • InfluxDB FDW supports INSERT, DELETE statements.
    • time and time_text column can used for INSERT, DELETE statements.
    • time column can express timestamp with precision down to microseconds.
    • time_text column can express timestamp with precision down to nanoseconds.
  • InfluxDB FDW supports bulk INSERT by using batch_size option from PostgreSQL version 14 or later.
  • WHERE clauses including timestamp, interval and now() functions are pushed down.
  • LIMIT...OFFSET clauses are pushed down when there is LIMIT clause only or both LIMIT and OFFSET.


  • UPDATE is not supported.
  • WITH CHECK OPTION constraints is not supported. Following limitations originate from data model and query language of InfluxDB.
  • Result sets have different number of rows depending on specified target list. For example, SELECT field1 FROM t1 and SELECT field2 FROM t1 returns different number of rows if the number of points with field1 and field2 are different in InfluxDB database.
  • Timestamp precision may be lost because timestamp resolution of PostgreSQL is microseconds while that of InfluxDB is nanoseconds.
  • Conditions like WHERE time + interval '1 day' < now() do not work. Please use WHERE time < now() - interval '1 day'.

When a query to foreign tables fails, you can find why it fails by seeing a query executed in InfluxDB with EXPLAIN VERBOSE.

The existence of null values depends on the target list in remote query in InfluxDB

  • If specific field keys are selected, InfluxDB does not return null values for any row that has null value.
  • In InfluxDB, SELECT tag_keys - selecting only tag keys does not return values, so some field keys are required to be selected. Current implementation of non-schemaless need arbitrary on field key added to remote select query. And this is a limitation of current influxdb_fdw, e.g. remote query: SELECT tag_keys, field_key. Even though the field key has null values, this InfluxDB query does not return null values.
  • If all field key is selected by SELECT * in remote query, null values are returned by InfluxDB.

For example:

  • Initialize data: 8 records are inserted.
      i integer,
      k integer
    ) SERVER influxdb_svr;
    -- Insert data with some null values
  • Query in InfluxDB server by selecting specific field keys: 7 records are returned without null value.
    > SELECT k FROM j2_tbl;
    name: j2_tbl
    time k
    ---- -
    1    -1
    2    2
    3    -3
    4    4
    5    -5
    6    -5
    10   0
  • Query in InfluxDB server by selecting all field key: 8 records are returned with null value.
    > SELECT * FROM j2_tbl;
    name: j2_tbl
    time i k
    ---- - -
    1    1 -1
    2    2 2
    3    3 -3
    4    2 4
    5    5 -5
    6    5 -5
    7    0 
    10     0

The targets list contains both functions and fields schemaless jsonb column

  • If the targets list contains both functions and fields schemaless jsonb column, the function is not pushed down.
  • For examples, if the target list contains:
    • fields, fields->>'c2', sqrt((fields->>'c1')::int): function sqrt() is not pushed down.
    • fields, sqrt((fields->>'c1')::int): function sqrt() is not pushed down.
    • fields->>'c2', sqrt((fields->>'c1')::int): there is no fields jsonb column, so function sqrt() is pushed down.


Opening issues and pull requests on GitHub are welcome.


Portions Copyright (c) 2018-2021, TOSHIBA CORPORATION Portions Copyright (c) 2011-2016, EnterpriseDB Corporation

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies.

See the LICENSE file for full details.


InfluxDB Foreign Data Wrapper for PostgreSQL.



Language:PLpgSQL 92.9%Language:C 6.6%Language:Go 0.4%Language:Makefile 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%