A starting point for all my personal/work-related projects using Sass and Compass. Feel free to pull from anything you like in this repo or not. Additionally includes special JavaScript starting points/libraries like the jQuery plugin SVGMagic, HammerJS, RespondJS and MatchMedia Polyfill.
I aim to support the following browsers and their associated versions throughout all my projects.
8+ 17+ 6+ 32+ 26+ 6+ Android 4+
- Node v0.10.24
- NPM v1.3.21
- Grunt-CLI v0.1.9
- Grunt v0.4.2
- Bower 1.2.8
- Ruby 2.0.0p247
- Sass 3.2.12 (Media Mark)
- Compass 0.12.2 (Alnilam)
- jQuery 1.10.2
- Modernizr 2.6.2
Project Dependencies
Depending on your tastes you have a few options to manage gemset dependencies. The cool kids like RVM and the others like rbenv. It's a pick your poison kind of deal. The reality is that RVM is much easier and cleaner to manage/isolate gemsets. Totally up to you though.
Gem dependencies are installed using Bundler. Bundler maintains a consistent environment for ruby applications. It tracks an application's code and the rubygems it needs to run, so that an application will always have the exact gems (and versions) that it needs.
If you don't have Bundler installed you can install it like so:
$ gem install bundler
Once Bundler is installed run the following command:
$ bundle install
- Compass Gem
- Sass Gem
- Sass Globbing Gem
You can always check if the correct Gems are installed by running the bash command gem list
which will list all your gem dependencies installed.
bower is a package manager for the front-end to help alleviate the pain of retrieving and updating our project dependencies manually (like jQuery or Normalize for example). To install bower dependencies that are controlled through the bower.json
file you must execute the following command…
bower install
- normalize.scss
- typeplate.scss
- jquery.placeholder.js
Install Grunt Package Dependencies
npm install
- devUpdate
- watch
- compass
- sass
- imagemin
- qunit
- jshint
- concat
- uglify
- clean
- copy
- replace
- htmlmin
- useminPrepare
- usemin
- asset_cachebuster
- rev
- matchdep
- Apache config follows the HTML5 Boilerplate, but adds the ability to serve
along with supporting cache busting using the methodmain.123456.css
. Also strips.php
files from their file extension.