nwut / advanced-elasticsearch-training

Elasticsearch training for those that already know the basics

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Advanced Elasticsearch Training

Warning: This training material has not really been designed for self guidance. It assumes an instructor will verbally explain a lot of the material.

This material also assumes that you have already covered the basics including simple queries, index mappings, relevancy scoring, and custom analysers.

See, for example, https://jamesfer.me/intro-elasticsearch-training/#1


  • Nodes, shards, replicas, master nodes
  • Query profiling
  • Aggregations
  • Nested objects
  • Parent/child docs
  • Field Collapsing
  • Geospatial data
  • Logstash
  • Suggesters
  • Controlling scores
  • Percolators


You need to install various software tools.


  • Docker (if on OSX, Docker for Mac is recommended)
  • docker-compose


There are scripts in the scripts directory that use docker-compose to create, stop and destroy an Elasticsearch + Kibana environment.

If you have previously run a different version of Elasticsearch with these scripts, especially anything before version 7.17.5 then it may be best to destroy your existing Elasticsearch data with scripts/destroy.

Create an environment with:


Elasticsearch should now be available on http://localhost:9200

Kibana should now be available on http://localhost:5601

Stop the environment with:


Data is persisted so a subsequent scripts/up will start up ES and Kibana with your data still there.

Cleanup the environment and delete all data with:



Elasticsearch training for those that already know the basics

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 100.0%