nwronski / mocha-annotated

Mocha tests with the ability to include tasks numbers and feedback messages with assertion errors

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Mocha but with tasks and feedback built into it!


npm install mocha-annotated


mocha --reporter mocha-annotated/spec --ui mocha-annotated/ui 'src/**/*.spec.js'

Note: Use the --bail flag so that you see at most one feedback message per test run.


The Mocha ui is mocha-annotated/ui and you can add it to your mocha options using:

--ui mocha-annotated/ui


Annotated spec reporter

--reporter mocha-annotated/spec

Annotated json reporter

--reporter mocha-annotated/json

Annotated json-stream reporter

--reporter mocha-annotated/json-stream


Use it.annotated(title, taskNumber, feedback, fn) in place of it(title, fn) to associate a task number and some descriptive feedback (preferably in markdown) with each test case.

Use strip_heredoc to format multi-line string templates by stripping leading whitespace, preserving newlines, and preserving indentation level. You do not need to import strip_heredoc, it is a part of the mocha-annotated UI.

For bonus fun, try using it.annotated.only(), xit.annotated(), and/or it.annotated.skip() just like you would with the normal it() blocks in your testing code!

import { expect } from 'chai';

describe('Beep#add', () => {
    // Test title
    'put a boop in the beep',
    // [Optional]: Test task number (1-based index)
    // The feedback to display when this specific test fails
      Whoops, we forgot to put a boop in our beep when \`fiddlesticks\` is _truthy_.
      if (fiddlesticks) {
    // The test function containing the expectations/assertions
    () => {

At the end of your test output, you will see the feedback for any failing test(s):

Using the mocha-annotated/spec reporter

  1) Task 1: put a boop in the beep
      Whoops, we forgot to put a boop in our beep when `fiddlesticks` is _truthy_.
      if (fiddlesticks) {

Using the mocha-annotated/json reporter

  "stats": {},
  "failures": [
      "title": "put a boop in the beep",
      "fullTitle": "Beep#add put a boop in the beep",
      "duration": 1,
      "currentRetry": 0,
      "err": {
        "message": "expected [] to include 'boop'",
        "stack":"AssertionError: expected [] to include 'boop'\n"
  "tests": [
      "title": "put a boop in the beep",
      "fullTitle": "Beep#add put a boop in the beep",
      "duration": 1,
      "currentRetry": 0,
      "err": {
        "message": "expected [] to include 'boop'",
        "stack":"AssertionError: expected [] to include 'boop'\n"
  "passes": []

Using the mocha-annotated/json-stream reporter

      "title": "put a boop in the beep",
      "task": 1,
      "feedback": "Whoops, we forgot to put a boop in our beep when `fiddlesticks` is _truthy_.\n\n```typescript\nif (fiddlesticks) {\n\tbeep.add('boop');\n}\n```",
      "fullTitle": "Beep#add put a boop in the beep",
      "duration": 1,
      "currentRetry": 0,
      "err": {
        "message": "expected [] to include 'boop'",
        "stack":"AssertionError: expected [] to include 'boop'\n"

Alternative Forms

While it.annotated(title, taskNumber, feedback, fn) works when a task number is known and the feedback is predetermined, there are alternative forms to support other situations:

  • Use it.annotated(title, feedback, fn) when there is no task number associated with the test.
  • Use it.annotated(title, taskNumber, fn) when there is no feedback associated with the test, or when feedback is included in a test assertion.
  • Use it.annotated(title, fn) when there is no task number associated with the test and feedback is undefined or dynamic (as above).

Following is an example of the dynamic feedback situation:

import { expect } from 'chai';

describe('Beep#add', () => {
    // Test title
    '2 + 2 = 4',
    // The test function containing the expectations/assertions
    () => {
      const result = Beep.add(2, 2);
      expect(result).to.equal(4, `We expected 2 + 2 = 4, but instead it is ${result}.`);

Annotated tests without predetermined feedback will also use messages from errors thrown within the test.


Mocha tests with the ability to include tasks numbers and feedback messages with assertion errors


Language:JavaScript 100.0%