nwolverson / purescript-node-fs-aff

Aff wrappers for purescript-node-fs

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Node.FS Wrappers for purescript-aff

The Aff monad lets you write async code with ease, and node-fs-aff lets you easily access the filesystem within Aff.


Consider asynchronously listing only non-hidden directories:

main = launchAff do
  files <- FS.readdir "."
  files' <- flip filterM files \file -> do
    stat <- FS.stat file
    pure $
         FS.isDirectory stat
      && (maybe false (fromChar >>> (/= ".")) $ charAt 0 file)
  liftEff $ print files'

That was easy. Run npm run example to see it work.


Module documentation is published on Pursuit.


Aff wrappers for purescript-node-fs


Language:PureScript 100.0%