nwh / iplc

Matlab interface to IPOPT for LC problems

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

IPLC: Simple IPOPT-Matlab interface for linearly constrained optimization

Download and install IPOPT mex files

$ cd toolbox
$ make

Setup Matlab path

Add iplc to the path once:

>>> cd [iplc directory]
>>> iplc_setup

To install iplc_load.m into Matlab's userpath:

>>> iplc_setup('install')

The default Matlab userpath is ~/Documents/MATLAB. After install it is possible to add iplc to the Matlab path with the command:

>>> iplc_load

This may be executed from any directory.


Matlab interface to IPOPT for LC problems

License:MIT License


Language:MATLAB 97.7%Language:M 2.3%