nwcd-samples / network-monitor

Upon analyzing PING output to update system hosts files accordingly.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Network Monitoring


Due to network issue, some Chinese customers may not open crossing border web sites like sellercentral.amazon.com timely, to decrease the impact, some customers found a way, that is trying to find some IP addresses from third part websites, then update the Windows hosts file. To streamline the process, we developed a Windows batch tool to automatically complete above actions. Here are the key points:

  1. Use Windows batch instead of Powershell to decreaase Memory usage
  2. Running and analyzing ping output to get high quality IP periodically
  3. Wrap the batch files as Windows service

Please note, this tool is only verified on Windows Server 2012


Below is the workflow, from the illustration we can find it consists of 5 steps:

  • Setup Windows scheluer
  • Wrap batch scripts as Windows service
  • Loop domain-names.txt to get every domain name
  • Run Windows ping command and analyzing the output
  • Update Windows hosts file accordingly


Setup Window scheduler

Use Windows schtasks command to create a scheduler task ,which is running hourly to detect the network status. You can found details on start.bat

Wrap batch scripts as Windows service

To manipulate the batchs conveniently in runtime ,we wrap them as a Windows service, then we can start, stop the process easily. This part of code is also in start.bat

Loop domain-names.txt to get every domain name

Since different customers concern different crossing border websites, so we can configure the cooresonding domain names in domain-names.txt. One name per line. Here is the sample


Run Windows ping command and analyzing output

We use ping command to monitor networt status for eadch domain name. As we known, ping will repeat 4 times by default. Then we can check ping statistics information to judge if there is any data lost or delay. However, since network is not stable all time, some output will show 请求超时。(request timeout)

C:\Users\Administrator>ping sellercentral.amazon.com

正在 Ping e251656.a.akamaiedge.net [] 具有 32 字节的数据:
来自 的回复: 字节=32 时间=123ms TTL=46
来自 的回复: 字节=32 时间=125ms TTL=46

So we need to check each output line to collect how many request timeout occurred for every domain name, if the sum exceeds 3 times, we consider this IP is low quality, then run ping command again. The max retry number is 3, if it retry 3 times and still timeout, which indicates current domain setting in hosts should be update, then we remove this item from hosts file. Dont' worry ,since check the network hourly, if we found the high quanlity IP in the following period, we also append it to hosts files.

You can get code detail from dns-monitor.bat

Update hosts file

Once analyzing completed, it's time to update hosts file. We only update this file in following condition: Ping domain name failed after max time reties, AND the domain name exists in hosts file, then we REMOVE this line to let following ping action has chance to request new IP for the same domain name Ping domain name succeeded, but the domain name doesn't exist in host file. Then we APPEND it to hosts file to save DNS resolving time.

You can get code details on hosts-update.bat

In addition, we also developed log-util.bat to serve other batch scripts to record runtime information for troubleshooting. See log-util.bat to get more details


Upon analyzing PING output to update system hosts files accordingly.


Language:Batchfile 100.0%