nvk681 / Gumo

A crawler that extracts data from a dynamic webpage. Written in node js.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


"Gumo" (่œ˜่››) is Japanese for "spider".

npm version MIT license

Overview ๐Ÿ‘“

A web-crawler (get it?) and scraper that extracts data from a family of nested dynamic webpages with added enhancements to assist in knowledge mining applications. Written in NodeJS.

Table of Contents ๐Ÿ“–

Features ๐ŸŒŸ

  • Crawl hyperlinks present on the pages of any domain and its subdomains.
  • Scrape meta-tags and body text from every page.
  • Store entire sitemap in a GraphDB (currently supports Neo4J).
  • Store page content in ElasticSearch for easy full-text lookup.

Installation ๐Ÿ—๏ธ


Usage ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป

From code:

// 1: import the module
const gumo = require('gumo')

// 2: instantiate the crawler
let cron = new gumo()

// 3: call the configure method and pass the configuration options
    'neo4j': { // replace with your details or remove if not required
        'url' : 'neo4j://localhost',
        'user' : 'neo4j',
        'password' : 'gumo123'
    'elastic': { // replace with your details or remove if not required
        'url' : 'http://localhost:9200',
        'index' : 'myIndex'
    'crawler': {
        'url': 'https://www.example.com',

// 4: start crawling

Note: The config params passed to cron.configure above are the default values. Please refer to the Configuration section below to learn more about the customization options that are available.

Configuration โš™๏ธ

The behavior of the crawler can be customized by passing a custom configuration object to the config() method. The following are the attributes which can be configured:

Attribute ( * - Mandatory ) Type Accepted Values Description Default Value Default Behavior
* crawler.url string Base URL to start scanning from "" (empty string) Module is disabled
crawler.Cookie string Cookie string to be sent with each request (useful for pages that require auth) "" (empty string) Cookies will not be attached to the requests
crawler.saveOutputAsHtml string "Yes"/"No" Whether or not to store scraped content as HTML files in the output/html/ directory "No" Saving output as HTML files is disabled
crawler.saveOutputAsJson string "Yes"/"No" Whether or not to store scraped content as JSON files in the output/json/ directory "No" Saving output as JSON files is disabled
crawler.maxRequestsPerSecond int range: 1 to 5000 The maximum number of requests to be sent to the target in one second 5000
crawler.maxConcurrentRequests int range: 1 to 5000 The maximum number of concurrent connections to be created with the host at any given time 5000
crawler.whiteList Array(string) If populated, only these URLs will be traversed [] (empty array) All URLs with the same hostname as the "url" attribute will be traversed
crawler.blackList Array(string) If populated, these URLs will ignored [] (empty array)
crawler.depth int range: 1 to 999 Depth up to which nested hyperlinks will be followed 3
* elastic.url string URI of the ElasticSearch instance to connect to "http://localhost:9200"
* elastic.index string The name of the ElasticSearch index to store results in "myIndex"
* neo4j.url string The URI of a running Neo4J instance (uses the Bolt driver to connect) "neo4j://localhost"
* neo4j.user string Neo4J server username "neo4j"
* neo4j.password string Neo4J server password "gumo123"

ElasticSearch โšก

The content of the web page will be stored along with the url, and a hash. The index for the elastic search can be selected through config.json index attribute. If the index already exists in the elastic search it will be used, else it will create one.

id: hash, index: config.index, type: 'pages', body: JSON.stringify(page content)

GraphDB โ˜‹

The sitemap of all the traversed pages is stored in a convenient graph. The following structure of nodes and relationships is followed:


  • Label: Page
  • Properties:
Property Name Type Description
pid String UID generated by the crawler which can be used to uniquely identify a page across ElasticSearch and GraphDB
link String URL of the current page
parent String URL of the page from which the current page was accessed (typically only used while creating relationships)
title String Page title as it appears in the page header


Name Direction Condition
links_to (a)-[r1:links_to]->(b) b.link = a.parent
links_from (b)-[r2:links_from]->(a) b.link = a.parent

TODO โ˜‘๏ธ

  • Make it executable from CLI
  • Enable to send config parameters while invoking the gumo
  • Write more tests


A crawler that extracts data from a dynamic webpage. Written in node js.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%