nv-tlabs / DIB-R

Learning to Predict 3D Objects with an Interpolation-based Differentiable Renderer (NeurIPS 2019)

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Render faces on both sides

ebartrum opened this issue · comments

Is it possible to render faces with the texture on both sides of the face, ie both orientations?


Are you saying we didn't draw clock-wise faces(faces not oriented to camera)?

If you want, comment the code below, where we check face to only render one side face.

You need also to modify the code in back propagation and recompile it.

Exactly, thanks a lot! So I would also need to comment out the corresponding line from dr_cuda_back.cu? Which line would that be? I couldn't find a 'direction' variable in that file.


You do not need to modify backpropagation. This is because in backward process we handle face based on face index map(imidx_bxhxwx1). If you fill it in forward (no matter it is counterclockwise or clockwise), in backward it will be automatically calculated.