nuxeo / nuxeo-ai

Nuxeo AI

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Nuxeo AI Core

Core functionality for using AI with the Nuxeo Platform.

This repository provides 3 packages:

  • nuxeo-ai-core: Contains the core interfaces and AI component
  • nuxeo-ai-image-quality: Enrichment services that uses Sightengine.
  • nuxeo-ai-aws: Enrichment services that use Amazon Web Services.


Version Support

Ai-core Version Nuxeo Version
2.0.1 10.3
2.1.0 10.10
2.1.1 10.10-HF02
2.1.2 10.10-HF05
2.1.3 10.10-HF22
2.2.x 10.10-HF23+
3.0.x 11.1-SNAPSHOT
  1. Install the nuxeo-ai-core package. ./bin/nuxeoctl mp-install nuxeo-ai-core

Export Configuration

You can set these in your nuxeo.conf.

Parameter Description Default value Since Sets batch size for the TF Record export 20 Since 2.1 Sets bucket size for the TF Record export 100 Since 2.1 Sets how many records are getting into the training writer 200 Since 2.1 Rendition title for multi-picture views to return for predictions/exports Small Since 2.3 Use Nuxeo renditions only during export true Since 2.5

Indexing and Search

It is recommended that the Elasticsearch mappings are updated to allow a full text search on enrichment labels. The following code will add this mapping to a server running locally.

curl -X PUT \
  http://localhost:9200/nuxeo/_mapping/doc/ \
  -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "dynamic_templates": [
          "no_enriched_raw_template": {
              "path_match": "enrichment:items.raw.*",
              "mapping": {
                  "index": false
          "no_enriched_norms_template": {
              "path_match": "enrichment:items.normalized.*",
              "mapping": {
                  "index": false
          "no_enriched_history_template": {
              "path_match": "enrichment:history.*",
              "mapping": {
                  "index": false
  "properties": {
      "enrichment:items": {
          "properties": {
              "model": {
                  "type": "keyword",
                  "ignore_above": 256
              "inputProperties": {
                  "type": "keyword",
                  "ignore_above": 256
              "suggestions": {
                  "properties": {
                      "labels": {
                          "properties": {
                              "confidence": {
                                  "type": "float"
                              "label": {
                                  "type": "keyword",
                                  "copy_to": [
                                  "ignore_above": 256,
                                  "fields": {
                                      "fulltext": {
                                          "analyzer": "fulltext",
                                          "type": "text"
                      "property": {
                          "type": "keyword",
                          "ignore_above": 256
      "enrichment:filled": {
          "type": "keyword",
          "ignore_above": 256
      "enrichment:corrected": {
          "type": "keyword",
          "ignore_above": 256

Configuration Parameters

You can set these in your nuxeo.conf.

Parameter Description Default value Since Set minimum amount of documents required for continues expoort 10 Since 2.1 Create a stream for creation/modification of images. false Since 1.0 Create a stream for creation/modification of video files. false Since 1.0 Create a stream for creation/modification of audio files. false Since 1.0 Create a stream for text extracted from blobs. false Since 1.0 The name of the stream log config pipes Since 1.0 The name of the stream that receives Enrichment data enrichment-in Since 1.0 Should enrichment labels be saved as a standard Nuxeo tags? false Since 1.0 Should enrichment data be saved as a document facet? true Since 1.0
nuxeo.enrichment.raiseEvent Should an `enrichmentMetadataCreated` event be raised when new enrichment data is added to the stream? true Since 1.0 Default Threshold value. Should be a float type between 0.0 and 1.0 0.75 Since 1.0 Default Threshold value for autofill. Should be a float type between 0.0 and 1.0 0.75 Since 1.0 Default Threshold value for autocorrect. Should be a float type between 0.0 and 1.0 0.75 Since 1.0

Nuxeo AI Core

Nuxeo AI Core provides 3 Java modules:

  • nuxeo-ai-core - Contains the core interfaces and AI component
  • nuxeo-ai-pipes - Nuxeo Pipes, short for "Pipelines" provides the ability to operate with Nuxeo Stream. Nuxeo Stream provides a Log storage abstraction and a Stream processing pattern. Nuxeo Stream has implementations with Chronicle Queues or Apache Kafka.
  • nuxeo-ai-model - Adds support for custom machine learning models


  • Provides an AIComponent to register services. eg. An enrichment service.
  • Interfaces and helper classes for building services.
  • Provides a EnrichingStreamProcessor to act on a stream using an Java EnrichmentProvider.
  • An Operation called EnrichmentOp to call an EnrichmentProvider and return the result.
  • Provides a RestClient and RestEnrichmentProvider for easily calling a custom json rest api.
  • Provides a ThresholdComponents to register type/facet based thresholds.
<extension target=""
 <thresholdConfiguration type="Document"
     <threshold xpath="dc:title"
  • Continues Export - to enable such you must contribute a cron contribution to your instance. It has to fire startContinuousExport at a give time. For instance to export weekly you might use the following example:

      <extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.core.scheduler.SchedulerService" point="schedule">
          <schedule id="continuous_export_default">
            <!-- At 03:00 AM, every 7 days -->
            <cronExpression>0 0 3 */7 * ?</cronExpression>

On such event the system will retrieve all AI Model defined under configured project and perform evaluation of the current data to check if it needs to be uploaded.

Nuxeo Pipes


  • Enables sending custom events to a nuxeo stream.
  • Provides a FunctionStreamProcessorTopology to act on a stream using a Java Function<T, R>.
  • Provides 4 customizable document streams:
    • images - When a image is added to a document.
    • videos - When a video is added to a document.
    • audio - When an audio file is added to a document.
    • text - When binary text is extracted from a document.

These streams are disabled by default but can be enabled by the corresponding configuration parameters.


Sample configuration for DAM Installations.

The configuration parameters are used to configure Nuxeo xml contributions, instead you can provide your own configuration that meets your requirements.

A Sample DAM configuration is available to download , and defines 2 pipelines:

Images Pipeline
  • Listens for pictureViewsGenerationDone and sends picture:views/3/content to the images stream.
  • Configures an EnrichingStreamProcessor to read from the images stream, calls the aws.celebrityDetection enrichment service and puts the response in the ai/images-enrichment-in stream.
  • The next stream processor reads from the ai/images-enrichment-in stream, and raises an imageMetadataCreated event for each new enrichment entry.
  • An example listener for the imageMetadataCreated event writes a log message.
Video Pipeline
  • Listens for new vid:storyboard modifications for a document in a path containing movies and sends 4 of the video storyboard images to the video stream.
  • Configures an EnrichingStreamProcessor to read from the video stream, calls the aws.imageLabels enrichment service and puts the response in the ai/video-enrichment-in stream.
  • The next stream processor reads from the ai/video-enrichment-in stream and creates document tags for the enrichment labels.

Please note that the EnrichingStreamProcessors are using a stream processing policy of continueOnFailure=true, this means that stream processing will continue even if the enrichment failed.


Using an Nuxeo extension you can dynamically register a pipeline for any custom event.
For example to send MY_EVENT to a stream called mystream you would use the following configuration.

<extension point="pipes" target="">
  <pipe id="pipe.mypipe" enabled="true" function="">
      <event name="MY_EVENT">
        <filter class=""/>
      <stream name="mystream"/>

Transforming an input Event into an output stream is done using a function specified by the function parameter. Functions are explained below.

Nuxeo Insight Cloud enrichments

To enable/disable Nuxeo Insight Cloud enrichers based on your custom model set to the desired value. Default value is true

Custom enrichment services

New enrichment services can be added by implementing EnrichmentProvider. AbstractEnrichmentProvider is a good starting point. If you wish to call a custom rest api then extending RestEnrichmentProvider would allow access to the various RestClient helper methods. To register your extension you would use configuration similar to this.

<extension point="enrichment" target="">
 <enrichment name="custom1" kind="/classification/custom"
             class="" maxSize="10000000">
   <option name="minConfidence">0.75</option>

Actions on streams or events are based on the standard Java Function<T, R> interface. To send an event to a stream you would need to implement the Function<Event, Record> interface. Record is the type used for items in a nuxeo-stream. For examples, look at PropertiesToStream and its helper class DocEventToStream.

These is also a FilterFunction that first tests a Predicate before applying the function. Predicates can be built with the help of the Predicates class. To create a predicate for only document events with documents which are not system documents or proxies and aren't "Folderish" you would use this predicate: docEvent(notSystem().and(d -> !d.hasFacet("Folderish")).

Stream processing

Stream processing is achieved using a computation stream pattern that enables you to compose producers/consumers into a complex topology.

To use a custom processor, create a class that implements FunctionStreamProcessorTopology and specify it in the class parameter as shown below.

<extension target="" point="streamProcessor">
  <streamProcessor name="basicProcessor" defaultConcurrency="1" defaultPartitions="4"
    <option name="source">ai/mystream</option>
    <option name="sink">ai/mystream-out</option>
Enrichment stream processing

You can register your custom enrichment services to act as a stream processor using the EnrichingStreamProcessor. For example, the following configuration would register a stream processor that acts on a source stream called images, it runs the custom1 enrichment service on each record and sends the result to the ai/enrichment-in stream.

<extension target="" point="streamProcessor">
  <streamProcessor name="myCustomProcessor1" defaultConcurrency="2" defaultPartitions="4"
    <option name="source">ai/images</option>
    <option name="sink">ai/enrichment-in</option>
    <option name="enrichmentProviderName">custom1</option>


Nuxeo AI adds additional metrics to the standard Nuxeo Metrics reporting.

Metric name Metric[eventListener].events Count of events received.[eventListener].consumed Count of events that matched the filter condition and were processed.[enrichmentProvider].called Count of stream records received.[enrichmentProvider].errors Count of errors.[enrichmentProvider].produced How many records were produced after calling the service.[enrichmentProvider].retries Count of retries.[enrichmentProvider].cacheHit Count of times the result was returned from the cache rather than calling the enrichment service.[enrichmentProvider].unsupported Count of unprocessable records, perhaps due to mime-type or size.[enrichmentProvider].success Count of successful calls.[enrichmentProvider].circuitbreaker Incremented when the circuilt breaker is open, stopping the stream from any more processing.[enrichmentProvider].fatal Incremented when a fatal error occurs stopping the stream from any more processing.[functionName].called Count of stream records received.[functionName].errors Count of errors.[functionName].produced How many records were produced by the function.


  • When using the Chronicle implementation of nuxeo-stream you should make sure your defaultPartitons setting for stream processors matches the number of partitions you have, eg. 4.

Useful log config:

Edit $NUXEO_HOME/lib/log4j2.xml, in the <Appenders> section, add a AI-FILE appender:

<RollingFile name="AI-FILE" fileName="${sys:nuxeo.log.dir}/nuxeo-ai.log"
             filePattern="${sys:nuxeo.log.dir}/nuxeo-ai-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log.gz" append="true">
  <PatternLayout pattern="%d{ISO8601} %-5p [%t] [%c] %m%n"/>
  <CronTriggeringPolicy schedule="0 0 0 * * ?" evaluateOnStartup="true"/> <!-- Rollover at midnight every day -->

Then in the <Loggers> section, add a logger pointing to the AI-FILE appender:

<Logger name="" level="debug">
  <AppenderRef ref="AI-FILE"/>

Useful stream commands:

Nuxeo Stream is either implemented with Chronicle Queues or Apache Kafka. To watch the progress of messages in the stream you can use:

$NUXEO_HOME/bin/ --help

For example, to see the last 8 messages in the "images" stream, for chronicle you would use the first command below ( passing in --chronicle nxserver/data/stream/pipes) and for Kafka you would use the second command below (passing in just -k).

./bin/ tail -n 8 --chronicle nxserver/data/stream/pipes -l images --codec avro
./bin/ tail -n 8 -k -l images --data-size 2000 --codec avro

Similarly, to view the consumer lag on the "images" stream, for chronicle use the first command, and the second for kafka. The response format is Markdown.

./bin/ lag --chronicle nxserver/data/stream/pipes -l images --verbose
./bin/ lag -k -l images --verbose

Automatic Property Filling

When a document is enriched with suggestions, the suggestions are stored in the Enrichment facet. It is possible to automatically set a property with a suggested value in two ways. If the property currently has no value then you can use Autofill, if the property already has a value then use Autocorrect.

Autofill Logic

  • If the target property is null or its previously been autofilled then attempt to set the property.
  • Calculate the highest ranking suggestion from the suggestions stored in the "Enrichment" facet.
    • If its confidence is greater than the threshold returned from the ThresholdService then set the property value.
  • If we have already autofilled this property but it doesn't meet the threshold then reset it to null.
  • Raise an AUTO_FILLED document event.

Autocorrect Logic

  • If its previously autofilled then don't attempt an autocorrect because autofill and autocorrect are mutually exclusive.
  • Calculate the highest ranking suggestion from the suggestions stored in the "Enrichment" facet.
    • If its confidence is greater than the threshold returned from the ThresholdService then set the property value.
    • Save the previous value in the history blob (unless it was previously auto-corrected).
  • If we have already autocorrected this property but it doesn't meet the threshold then reset it to the previous value from the history.
  • Raise an AUTO_CORRECTED document event.

Stream Bulk Actions

Dataset exports use the Bulk Action Framework. To track progress of your bulk action you can use a command like this:

export COMMAND_ID=your-bulk-action-id
curl -s -X GET "localhost:8080/nuxeo/api/v1/bulk/$COMMAND_ID" -u Administrator:Administrator -H 'content-type: application/json'

The documentation on Debugging The Bulk Action Framework has more useful stream commands. Some further examples are:

./bin/ lag --chronicle /var/lib/nuxeo/data/stream/bulk -l ai/bulkDatasetExport
./bin/ lag --chronicle /var/lib/nuxeo/data/stream/bulk -l ai/writing
./bin/ tail -n 8 --chronicle /var/lib/nuxeo/data/stream/bulk -l done --codec avro --schema-store /var/lib/nuxeo/data/avro/ --data-size 3000
./bin/ tail -n 8 --chronicle /var/lib/nuxeo/data/stream/bulk -l command --codec avro --schema-store /var/lib/nuxeo/data/avro/ --data-size 3000


Apache License, Version 2.0

About Nuxeo

Nuxeo dramatically improves how content-based applications are built, managed and deployed, making customers more agile, innovative and successful. Nuxeo provides a next generation, enterprise ready platform for building traditional and cutting-edge content oriented applications. Combining a powerful application development environment with SaaS-based tools and a modular architecture, the Nuxeo Platform and Products provide clear business value to some of the most recognizable brands including Verizon, Electronic Arts, Netflix, Sharp, FICO, the U.S. Navy, and Boeing. Nuxeo is headquartered in New York and Paris. More information is available at


Nuxeo AI

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 93.2%Language:HTML 5.9%Language:Shell 0.6%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%Language:Makefile 0.1%Language:Groovy 0.1%Language:FreeMarker 0.1%