nuricanozturk01 / Flight-Search-API

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Flight Search API


With this API, you can perform various flight searches and CRUD operations. Additionally, I have created a service called FlightDataProvider for this project. This service provides flight information to the FlightSearchAPI at a specific time every day. The flight information is generated using the "Faker" API. Thanks to this FlightDataProvider service, users can perform searches with various parameters.


  • Some classes in callofproject packages are written by me and some of those inspired from 'C and System Programmers Association' Java Course.
  • Call-Of-Project is my graduation project.


  • Spring Boot: Framework for creating web applications.
  • Spring Data JPA: Framework for accessing relational databases.
  • Spring Security: Framework for authentication and access-control. (I use JWT for authentication.)
  • Spring Scheduler: Framework for scheduling tasks. (I use this for the FlightDataProvider service.)
  • Swagger: Framework for documenting APIs.
  • Faker API: Framework for generating fake data. (I use this for the FlightDataProvider service.)
  • PostgreSQL: Relational database management system.
  • H2 DB: I used for testing database.
  • Feign Client: Framework for making HTTP requests. (I use this for the FlightDataProvider service.)


  • Modular Structure: I used a modular structure for this project. I created the following modules: FlightSearchAPI, FlightDataProvider, and FlightSearchAPI-Common.
  • Functional Programming: I used functional programming for this project.
  • Layered Architecture: I used a layered architecture for this project. I created the following layers: Controller, Service, Repository, and Model.
  • Test-Driven Development: I used TDD for this project. I wrote unit tests for all the classes I created.
  • SOLID Principles: I tried to follow the SOLID principles.
  • Design Patterns: I used the Builder, Factory, and Singleton design patterns.
  • API Documentation: I used Swagger for API documentation.
  • Unit Testing: I used JUnit and Mock for unit testing.

Architecture Diagram:


Unit Test Results


Data Output

  • One-Way Flight:
  • one-way_flight
  • Round-Trip Flight:
  • round_trap_flight

Database Design

Airport Table

Column Name Data Type Description
id UUID Primary Key
city String City Name

Flight Table

Column Name Data Type Description
id UUID Primary Key
departure_date LocalDate departure date
departure_time LocalTime departure time
return_date LocalDate return date
return_time LocalTime return time
price Double price
arrival_airport_id UUID arrival airport
departure_airport_id UUID departure airport
return_flight_id UUID return flight

Customer Table

Column Name Data Type Description
customer_id UUID Primary Key
username String unique
password String hashed password
email String unique
first_name String first name
middle_name String middle name
last_name String last name

authorities Table

Column Name Data Type Description
customer_id UUID Primary Key
role String role


  • FlightSearchService:

    • You can search flights with various parameters.
  • FlightDataProvider:

    • Provides flight information to the FlightSearchAPI at a specific time every day.

AuthenticationController API Endpoints

HTTP Method Endpoint Description
POST /api/auth/login Handles user login process. Accepts LoginDTO containing user's login credentials and returns a LoginResponseDTO with login response data. In case of success, it returns a successful login response; in case of failure, it returns an error message.
POST /api/auth/register Handles user registration process. Accepts RegisterDTO containing user's registration details and returns a RegisterResponseDTO with registration response data. In case of success, it returns a successful registration response; in case of failure, it returns an error message.

AdminController API Endpoints

HTTP Method Endpoint Description
POST /api/admin/create/flight Used to create a new flight. Requires CreateFlightDTO with flight details for creation.
POST /api/admin/create/airport Used to create or update an airport. Requires CreateAirportDTO with airport details.
PUT /api/admin/update/flight Used to update an existing flight. Requires UpdateFlightDTO with updated flight details.
PUT /api/admin/update/airport Used to update an existing airport. Requires UpdateAirportDTO with updated airport details.
DELETE /api/admin/delete/flight Used to delete a flight by its unique ID. Requires flightId parameter as the flight's identifier.
DELETE /api/admin/delete/airport Used to delete an airport identified by a city name. Requires city parameter as the identifier.
GET /api/admin/find/flight/all Used to retrieve a paginated list of all flights. Requires page parameter for pagination.
GET /api/admin/find/airport/all Used to retrieve a paginated list of all airports. Requires page parameter for pagination.

FlightController API Endpoints

HTTP Method Endpoint Description
GET /api/flight/search/full-qualified Finds flights based on detailed criteria provided in SearchFullQualifiedDTO.
GET /api/flight/search/by-airports Finds flights between two specified airports. Requires 'from' and 'to' city parameters, and an optional 'page' parameter.
GET /api/flight/search/airport-date-price-range Finds flights based on airport, departure date, and price range, using SearchFullQualifiedComparePriceDTO.
GET /api/flight/search/id Retrieves a flight by its unique ID. Requires 'id' parameter.
GET /api/flight/search/arrival-airport Finds flights arriving at a specified airport. Requires 'arrival' airport parameter and an optional 'page' parameter.
GET /api/flight/search/departure-airport Finds flights departing from a specified airport. Requires 'from' parameter and an optional 'page' parameter.
GET /api/flight/flights/airport-date-price-range Finds flights based on airport, date, and price criteria, using SearchFullQualifiedComparePriceDTO.
GET /api/flight/search/by-origin-destination-date Finds flights between specific origin and destination on a specific date. Requires 'from', 'to', 'date', and an optional 'page'.
GET /api/flight/search/by-departure-date-range Finds flights within a specified departure date range. Requires 'start', 'end', and an optional 'page' parameter.
GET /api/flight/search/departure-airport-date-range Finds flights from a specific airport within a date range. Requires 'from', 'start', 'end', and an optional 'page'.
GET /api/flight/search/price-range Finds flights within a specified price range. Requires 'min', 'max', and an optional 'page' parameter.
GET /api/flight/search/departure-airport-specific-date Finds flights from a specific airport on a specific date. Requires 'from', 'date', and an optional 'page'.
GET /api/flight/search/arrival-airport-specific-date Finds flights arriving at a specific airport on a specific date. Requires 'arrival', 'date', and an optional 'page'.
GET /api/flight/search/from-to-specific-date Finds flights between two cities on a specific date. Requires 'from', 'to', 'date', and an optional 'page'.
GET /api/flight/search/cheapest-from-to-date-range Finds the cheapest flights within a date range between two cities. Requires 'from', 'to', 'start', 'end', and an optional 'page'.
GET /api/flight/search/city-date-range Finds flights related to a specific city within a date range. Requires 'city', 'start', 'end', and an optional 'page'.



Language:Java 100.0%