nurdtechie98 / xcuitest-sample-browserstack

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A sample iOS app supporting XCUI Tests on Browserstack.

BrowserStack Logo

How to run

  1. Select the device as "Generic iOS device"
  2. Product -> Clean
  3. Build the ipa
    1. Product -> Archive
    2. Window -> Organizer -> Select the most recently created archive -> Export
    3. Export for "Development"
    4. Select the location where you want the ipa to be saved
  4. Build the XC UI Tests zip
    1. Product -> Build For -> Testing
    2. From the shell, go to the DerivedData directory (normally ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/)
    3. cd Sample_iOS-<random characters>
    4. cd Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/
    5. zip -r
  5. Use the ipa, and zip file to run on Browserstack



Language:Swift 100.0%