numphysics / POT3D

POT3D: High Performance Potential Field Solver

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POT3D: High Performance Potential Field Solver

Predictive Science Inc.


POT3D is a Fortran code that computes potential field solutions to approximate the solar coronal magnetic field using observed photospheric magnetic fields as a boundary condition. It can be used to generate potential field source surface (PFSS), potential field current sheet (PFCS), and open field (OF) models. It has been (and continues to be) used for numerous studies of coronal structure and dynamics. The code is highly parallelized using MPI and is GPU-accelerated using Fortran standard parallelism (do concurrent) and OpenACC, along with an option to use the NVIDIA cuSparse library. The HDF5 file format is used for input/output.

POT3D is the potential field solver for the WSA model in the CORHEL software suite publicly hosted at the Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC).
A version of POT3D that includes GPU-acceleration with both MPI+OpenACC and MPI+OpenMP was released as part of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation's (SPEC) beta version of the SPEChpc(TM) 2021 benchmark suites.

Details of the POT3D code can be found in the following publications:

  • Variations in Finite Difference Potential Fields.
    Caplan, R.M., Downs, C., Linker, J.A., and Mikic, Z. Ap.J. 915,1 44 (2021)
  • From MPI to MPI+OpenACC: Conversion of a legacy FORTRAN PCG solver for the spherical Laplace equation.
    Caplan, R.M., Mikic, Z., and Linker, J.L. arXiv:1709.01126 (2017)


Copy a build script from the build_examples folder that is closest to your setup to the base directory.
Modify the script to set the HDF5 library paths/flags and compiler flags compatible with your system environment.
Then, run the script to build POT3D (for example, ./

See the multiple build example scripts in the build_examples folder for more details.

Validate Installation

After building the code, you can test it is working by running ./
This will perform 2 runs of a small case using 1 and 2 MPI ranks respectively.

The runs are performed in testsuite/validation/run/ and the second run overwrites the first.

Each result will be checked against a reference solution (in /runs/validation/validation) and a PASS/FAIL message will be displayed.

Note that these validation runs use ifprec=1 even if POT3D was build with cuSparse enabled, so to test a cuSparse build, one needs to modify the pot3d.dat file manually (see below).


Setting Input Options

POT3D uses a namelist in an input text file called pot3d.dat to set all parameters of a run. See the provided pot3d_input_documentation.txt file for details on the various parameter options. For any run, an input 2D data set in HDF5 format is required for the lower radial magnetic field (Br) boundary condition. Examples of this file are contained in the examples and testsuite folders.

Launching the Code

To run POT3D, set the desired run parameters in a pot3d.dat text file, then copy or link the pot3d executable into the same directory as pot3d.dat and run the command:
<MPI_LAUNCHER> -np <N> ./pot3d
where <N> is the total number of MPI ranks to use (typically equal to the number of CPU cores) and <MPI_LAUNCHER> is your MPI run command (e.g. mpiexec,mpirun, ibrun, srun, etc).
For example: mpiexec -np 1024 ./pot3d

For CPU runs, set ifprec=2 in the pot3d.dat input file.
For GPU runs, set ifprec=1 in the pot3d.dat input file, unless you build with the cuSparse library option, in which case you should set ifprec=2.

Running POT3D on GPUs

For standard cases, one should launch the code such that the number of MPI ranks per node is equal to the number of GPUs per node
mpiexec -np <N> --ntasks-per-node 4 ./pot3d
mpiexec -np <N> --npersocket 2 ./pot3d

If the cuSparse library option was used to build the code, than set ifprec=2 in pot3d.dat.
If the cuSparse library option was NOT used to build the code, it is critical to set ifprec=1 for efficient performance.

Memory Requirements

To estimate how much memory (RAM) is needed for a run, compute:

memory-needed = nr*nt*np*8*15/1024/1000/1000 GB

where nr, nt, and np are the chosen problem sizes in the r, theta, and phi dimension.
Note that this estimate is when using ifprec=1. If using ifprec=2, the required memory is ~2x higher on the CPU, and even higher when using cuSparse on the GPU.

Solution Output

Depending on the input parameters, POT3D can have various outputs. Typically, the three components of the potential magnetic field is output as HDF5 files. In every run, the following two text files are output:

  • pot3d.out An output log showing grid information and magnetic energy diagnostics.
  • timing.out Time profile information of the run.

Helpful Scripts

Some useful python scripts for reading and plotting the POT3D input data, and reading the output data can be found in the scripts folder.



In the examples folder, we provide ready-to-run examples of three use cases of POT3D in the following folders:

  1. /potential_field_source_surface
    A standard PFSS run with a source surface radii of 2.5 Rsun.
  2. /potential_field_current_sheet
    A standard PFCS run using the outer boundary of the PFSS example as its inner boundary condition, with a domain that extends to 30 Rsun. The magnetic field solution produced is unsigned.
  3. /open_field
    An example of computing the "open field" model from the solar surface out to 30 Rsun using the same input surface Br as the PFSS example. The magnetic field solution produced is unsigned.


In the testsuite folder, we provide test cases of various sizes that can be used to validate and test the performance of POT3D.
Each test case contains an input folder with the run input files, a run folder used to run the test, and a validation folder containing the output diagnotics used to validate the test, as well as a text file named validation_run_information.txt containing information on how the validation run was computed (system, compiler, number of ranks, etc.) with performance details. Note that all tests are set to use ifprec=1 only. An option to use ifprec=2 will be added later.

To run a test, use the included script as: <TEST> <NP>
where <TEST> is the test folder name and <NP> is the number of MPI ranks to use. The test will run and then use the included script scripts/ that takes two pot3d.out files and compares their magnetic energy values in order to validate the run results.

The following is a list of the included tests, and their problem size and memory requirements:

  1. validation
    Grid size: 63x91x225 = 1.28 million cells
    Memory (RAM) needed (using ifprec=1): ~1 GB
  2. small
    Grid size: 133x361x901 = 43.26 million cells
    Memory (RAM) needed (using ifprec=1): ~6 GB
  3. medium
    Grid size: 267x721x1801 = 346.7 million cells
    Memory (RAM) needed (using ifprec=1): ~41 GB
  4. large
    Grid size: 535x1441x3601 = 2.78 billion cells
    Memory (RAM) needed (using ifprec=1): ~330 GB

Note that these tests will not output the 3D magnetic field results of the run, so no extra disk space is needed.
Instead, the validation is done with the magnetic energy diagnostics in the pot3d.out file.


POT3D: High Performance Potential Field Solver

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Fortran 85.1%Language:Python 8.1%Language:Shell 4.8%Language:C 2.1%