numbBrain / yiff-party-scraper

scraper to download contents from site

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool scraper

python scraper to download media from


Only requests and lxml packages are required. Do:

pip install -r requirements.txt


$ python --help

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --links LINKS [LINKS ...]
                        take links from STDI
  --read file.txt       read links from file
  --dest [DEST]         specify download directory
  --timeout [TIMEOUT]   timeout in seconds for requests
  --delay [DELAY]       seconds to wait between downloads
  --continous           paginate automatically and scrap next pages
  --postsOnly           scrape patreon posts only
  --sharedOnly          scrape shared files posts only
  --version             show program's version number and exit


$ python --read links.txt 

above command reads links from the file links.txt, one link each line. Downloads files from each link into the current folder. The default timeout is 60 seconds and default wait time between requests is 5 seconds

  $ python --links link1 link2 --dest Downloads --timeout 120 --delay 10

above command takes links(link1, link2,...) from the terminal and downloads files into the Downloads folder. Timeout for requests is set as 120 seconds and wait time between requests is set as 10 seconds

  $ python --links link1 link2 --dest ~/Documents --timeout 120 --delay 10 --continous

this command takes links from the terminal. Files are downloaded into the Documents folder of the current user (in Linux). Timeout for requests is set as 120 seconds and wait time between requests is set as 10 seconds. --continous option does pagination automatically, it enables you to scrape next pages until the last page is reached.

--continous option is ideal for scraping creator's complete profile

  $ python --links link1 link2 --dest ~/Documents --timeout 120 --delay 10 --sharedOnly

this command takes links from the terminal. Files are downloaded into the Documents folder of the current user (in Linux). Timeout for requests is set as 120 seconds and wait time between requests is set as 10 seconds. --continous option is not required if you're only scraping shared files.

--sharedOnly and --postsOnly options cannot be used together, if you want to scrape everything don't use either options.


  • If scraping is interrupted, start the scraper again without altering the downloaded files. This will resume scraping instead of scraping from the start.

  • Use proper timeout and sleep durations to avoid the script from crashing often.

  • Failed URLs will be a displayed on the terminal without interupting scraping and are also added to failed_links.txt file.

  • Filenames of files are the same as uploaded by the creators. But, filenames are prefixed with a number(counter) to keep filenames unique.


  • Given the current situation, this scraper does not perform async requests, intentionally. aiohttp support shall be added in the future.

  • Only Downloads files hosted at Does not download embeded videos, etc., but URLs are written to a file named embeded_links.txt


scraper to download contents from site


Language:Python 100.0%