Cyberduck, a friendly ftp client for transferring files to/from Quest. Quest specific Instructions for Cyberduck can be found in the SFTP section of the transferring files page.
intro.tar contains a sample submission script and a short python program used in the workshop. We will use Cyberduck to move intro.tar from your local computer onto Quest.
PC users: If you haven't already done so download either PuTTY(preferred) or FastX for logging into Quest. Information about when to use which is available on the knowledge base. A quick-start guide for running FastX for the first time.
Mac users: You can use the Terminal app that comes installed on your local machines, or you can download FastX for logging into Quest. Information about when to use which is available on the knowledge base. A quick-start guide for running FastX for the first time.
Northwestern's Knowledge Base has all of the how-to guides for getting started on Quest
Suggestions for topics in the Knowledge Base: Quest begin, Quest jobs, Quest file transfer, Quest software
Submitting a job on Quest
Example jobs on Quest
Types of allocations and where to apply for them
Quest has high-memory Analytics Nodes for running R and SAS, available to anyone with an account on Quest
Research Data Storage Service for backing up large research projects
Training and Workshops available through Research Computing
Information on Research Computing and how we can help with your computational research needs