nuaimat / MemGPT

Teaching LLMs memory management for unbounded context πŸ“šπŸ¦™

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Try out our MemGPT chatbot on Discord!

⭐ NEW: You can now run MemGPT with local LLMs and AutoGen! ⭐

Discord arXiv 2310.08560

πŸ€– Create perpetual chatbots with self-editing memory!

MemGPT demo video

πŸ—ƒοΈ Chat with your data - talk to your local files or SQL database!

MemGPT demo video for sql search

Quick setup

Join Discord and message the MemGPT bot (in the #memgpt channel). Then run the following commands (messaged to "MemGPT Bot"):

  • /profile (to create your profile)
  • /key (to enter your OpenAI key)
  • /create (to create a MemGPT chatbot)

Make sure your privacy settings on this server are open so that MemGPT Bot can DM you:
MemGPT β†’ Privacy Settings β†’ Direct Messages set to ON

set DMs settings on MemGPT server to be open in MemGPT so that MemGPT Bot can message you

You can see the full list of available commands when you enter / into the message box.

MemGPT Bot slash commands

What is MemGPT?

Memory-GPT (or MemGPT in short) is a system that intelligently manages different memory tiers in LLMs in order to effectively provide extended context within the LLM's limited context window. For example, MemGPT knows when to push critical information to a vector database and when to retrieve it later in the chat, enabling perpetual conversations. Learn more about MemGPT in our paper.

Running MemGPT locally

Install MemGPT:

pip install pymemgpt

Add your OpenAI API key to your environment:

export OPENAI_API_KEY=YOUR_API_KEY # on Linux/Mac
$Env:OPENAI_API_KEY = "YOUR_API_KEY" # on Windows (PowerShell)

Configure default setting for MemGPT by running:

memgpt configure

Now, you can run MemGPT with:

memgpt run

The run command supports the following optional flags (if set, will override config defaults):

  • --agent: (str) Name of agent to create or to resume chatting with.
  • --human: (str) Name of the human to run the agent with.
  • --persona: (str) Name of agent persona to use.
  • --model: (str) LLM model to run [gpt-4, gpt-3.5].
  • --preset: (str) MemGPT preset to run agent with.
  • --data_source: (str) Name of data source (loaded with memgpt load) to connect to agent.
  • --first: (str) Allow user to sent the first message.
  • --debug: (bool) Show debug logs (default=False)
  • --no_verify: (bool) Bypass message verification (default=False)
  • --yes/-y: (bool) Skip confirmation prompt and use defaults (default=False)

You can run the following commands in the MemGPT CLI prompt:

  • /exit: Exit the CLI
  • /save: Save a checkpoint of the current agent/conversation state
  • /dump: View the current message log (see the contents of main context)
  • /memory: Print the current contents of agent memory
  • /pop: Undo the last message in the conversation
  • /heartbeat: Send a heartbeat system message to the agent
  • /memorywarning: Send a memory warning system message to the agent

Once you exit the CLI with /exit, you can resume chatting with the same agent by specifying the agent name in memgpt run --agent <NAME>.

Adding Custom Personas/Humans

You can add new human or persona definitions either by providing a file (using the -f flag) or text (using the --text flag).

# add a human
memgpt add human [-f <FILENAME>] [--text <TEXT>]

# add a persona
memgpt add persona [-f <FILENAME>] [--text <TEXT>]

You can view available persona and human files with the following command:

memgpt list [human/persona]

Data Sources (i.e. chat with your data)

MemGPT supports pre-loading data into archival memory, so your agent can reference loaded data in your conversations with an agent by specifying the data source with the flag memgpt run --data-source <NAME>.

Loading Data

We currently support loading from a directory and database dumps. We highly encourage contributions for new data sources, which can be added as a new CLI data load command.

Loading from a directorsy:

# loading a directory
memgpt load directory --name <NAME> \
    [--input_dir <DIRECTORY>] [--input-files <FILE1> <FILE2>...] [--recursive]

Loading from a database dump:

memgpt load database --name <NAME>  \
    --query <QUERY> \ # Query to run on database to get data
    --dump-path <PATH> \ # Path to dump file
    --scheme <SCHEME> \ # Database scheme
    --host <HOST> \ # Database host
    --port <PORT> \ # Database port
    --user <USER> \ # Database user
    --password <PASSWORD> \ # Database password
    --dbname <DB_NAME> # Database name

To encourage your agent to reference its archival memory, we recommend adding phrases like "search your archival memory..." for the best results.

Viewing available data sources

You can view loaded data source with:

memgpt list sources

Using other endpoints


To use MemGPT with Azure, expore the following variables and then re-run memgpt configure:

# see
export AZURE_OPENAI_KEY = ...

# set the below if you are using deployment ids

Note: your Azure endpoint must support functions or you will get an error. See cpacker#91 for more information.

Custom Endpoints

To use custom endpoints, run export OPENAI_API_BASE=<MY_CUSTOM_URL> and then re-run memgpt configure to set the custom endpoint as the default endpoint.

Deprecated API

Debugging command not found

If you get command not found (Linux/MacOS), or a CommandNotFoundException (Windows), the directory where pip installs scripts is not in your PATH. You can either add that directory to your path (pip show pip | grep Scripts) or instead just run:

python -m memgpt
Building from source

Clone this repo: git clone

Using poetry:

  1. Install poetry: pip install poetry
  2. Run poetry install
  3. Run poetry run memgpt

Using pip:

  1. Run pip install -e .
  2. Run python3

If you're using Azure OpenAI, set these variables instead:

# see
export AZURE_OPENAI_KEY = ...

# set the below if you are using deployment ids

# then use the --use_azure_openai flag
memgpt --use_azure_openai

To create a new starter user or starter persona (that MemGPT gets initialized with), create a new .txt file in ~/.memgpt/humans or ~/.memgpt/personas, then use the --persona or --human flag when running For example:

# assuming you created a new file ~/.memgpt/humans/me.txt
# Select me.txt during configuration process

-- OR --

# assuming you created a new file ~/.memgpt/humans/me.txt
memgpt --human me.txt

You can also specify any of the starter users in /memgpt/humans/examples or any of the starter personas in /memgpt/personas/examples.

GPT-3.5 support

You can run MemGPT with GPT-3.5 as the LLM instead of GPT-4:

# Select gpt-3.5 during configuration process

-- OR --

memgpt --model gpt-3.5-turbo

Note that this is experimental gpt-3.5-turbo support. It's quite buggy compared to gpt-4, but it should be runnable.

Please report any bugs you encounter regarding MemGPT running on GPT-3.5 to cpacker#59.

Local LLM support

You can run MemGPT with local LLMs too. See instructions here and report any bugs/improvements here cpacker#67. flags

  allows you to send the first message in the chat (by default, MemGPT will send the first message)
  enables debugging output
Configure via legacy flags
  select which model to use ('gpt-4', 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0613', 'gpt-3.5-turbo')
  load a specific persona file
  load a specific human file
  load in document database (backed by FAISS index)
  pre-load files into archival memory
  pre-load files into archival memory and also compute embeddings for embedding search
  load in SQL database

Interactive CLI commands

These are the commands for the CLI, not the Discord bot! The Discord bot has separate commands you can see in Discord by typing /.

While using MemGPT via the CLI (not Discord!) you can run various commands:

  toggle multiline input mode
  exit the CLI
  save a checkpoint of the current agent/conversation state
  load a saved checkpoint
  view the current message log (see the contents of main context)
  print the current contents of agent memory
  undo the last message in the conversation
  send a heartbeat system message to the agent
  send a memory warning system message to the agent

Example applications

Use MemGPT to talk to your Database!

MemGPT's archival memory let's you load your database and talk to it! To motivate this use-case, we have included a toy example.

Consider the test.db already included in the repository.

id name age
1 Alice 30
2 Bob 25
3 Charlie 35

To talk to this database, run:

memgpt --archival_storage_sqldb=memgpt/personas/examples/sqldb/test.db

And then you can input the path to your database, and your query.

Please enter the path to the database. test.db
Enter your message: How old is Bob?
πŸ€– Bob is 25 years old.

Loading local files into archival memory

MemGPT enables you to chat with your data locally -- this example gives the workflow for loading documents into MemGPT's archival memory.

To run our example where you can search over the SEC 10-K filings of Uber, Lyft, and Airbnb,

  1. Download the .txt files from Hugging Face and place them in memgpt/personas/examples/preload_archival.

  2. In the root MemGPT directory, run

    memgpt --archival_storage_files="memgpt/personas/examples/preload_archival/*.txt" --persona=memgpt_doc --human=basic

If you would like to load your own local files into MemGPT's archival memory, run the command above but replace --archival_storage_files="memgpt/personas/examples/preload_archival/*.txt" with your own file glob expression (enclosed in quotes).

Enhance with embeddings search

In the root MemGPT directory, run

memgpt --archival_storage_files_compute_embeddings="<GLOB_PATTERN>" --persona=memgpt_doc --human=basic

This will generate embeddings, stick them into a FAISS index, and write the index to a directory, and then output:

  To avoid computing embeddings next time, replace --archival_storage_files_compute_embeddings=<GLOB_PATTERN> with
    --archival_storage_faiss_path=<DIRECTORY_WITH_EMBEDDINGS> (if your files haven't changed).

If you want to reuse these embeddings, run

memgpt --archival_storage_faiss_path="<DIRECTORY_WITH_EMBEDDINGS>" --persona=memgpt_doc --human=basic

Talking to LlamaIndex API Docs

MemGPT also enables you to chat with docs -- try running this example to talk to the LlamaIndex API docs!

  1. a. Download LlamaIndex API docs and FAISS index from Hugging Face.

    # Make sure you have git-lfs installed (
    git lfs install
    git clone
    mv llamaindex-api-docs

    -- OR --

    b. Build the index:

    1. Build llama_index API docs with make text. Instructions here. Copy over the generated _build/text folder to memgpt/personas/docqa.
    2. Generate embeddings and FAISS index.
      cd memgpt/personas/docqa
      python3 all_docs.jsonl
      python3 --embedding_files all_docs.embeddings.jsonl --output_index_file all_docs.index
  2. In the root MemGPT directory, run

    memgpt --archival_storage_faiss_path=<ARCHIVAL_STORAGE_FAISS_PATH> --persona=memgpt_doc --human=basic

    where ARCHIVAL_STORAGE_FAISS_PATH is the directory where all_docs.jsonl and all_docs.index are located. If you downloaded from Hugging Face, it will be memgpt/personas/docqa/llamaindex-api-docs. If you built the index yourself, it will be memgpt/personas/docqa.


If you have any further questions, or have anything to share, we are excited to hear your feedback!

  • By default MemGPT will use gpt-4, so your API key will require gpt-4 API access
  • For issues and feature requests, please open a GitHub issue or message us on our #support channel on Discord


Datasets used in our paper can be downloaded at Hugging Face.

πŸš€ Project Roadmap

  • Release MemGPT Discord bot demo (perpetual chatbot)
  • Add additional workflows (load SQL/text into MemGPT external context)
  • Integration tests
  • Integrate with AutoGen (discussion)
  • Add official gpt-3.5-turbo support (discussion)
  • CLI UI improvements (issue)
  • Add support for other LLM backends (issue, discussion)
  • Release MemGPT family of open models (eg finetuned Mistral) (discussion)


Reminder: if you do not plan on modifying the source code, simply install MemGPT with pip install pymemgpt!

First, install Poetry using the official instructions here.

Then, you can install MemGPT from source with:

git clone
poetry shell
poetry install

We recommend installing pre-commit to ensure proper formatting during development:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
pre-commit run --all-files


We welcome pull requests! Please run the formatter before submitting a pull request:

poetry run black . -l 140


Teaching LLMs memory management for unbounded context πŸ“šπŸ¦™

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 98.5%Language:Jupyter Notebook 1.5%