nturley / netlistsvg

draws an SVG schematic from a JSON netlist

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Using the algorithm debugging in ELK SDK?

mithro opened this issue · comments

Have you seen https://www.eclipse.org/elk/documentation/algorithmdevelopers/algorithmdebugging.html ?

Is there a way it could be used to debug netlistsvg output?

Algorithm Debugging

The Eclipse Layout Kernel SDK provides two views built specifically for debugging your layout algorithm: the layout graph view and the execution time view.

Debug Files

The ELK preference page (see above) contains another setting: Debug graph output. Enabling this will cause the DiagramLayoutEngine to save the layout graph just before automatic layout is run. The graphs are placed in your user folder, in a subfolder called elk/diagram_layout_engine. The graph files can be displayed by the layout graph view, even though that usually is not very helpful since they may not contain any valid layout data yet.