ntj / ratsinfo-scraper

Scrape documents with associated metadata from http://ratsinfo.dresden.de

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Scrape documents with associated metadata from http://ratsinfo.dresden.de


Get the code

git clone https://github.com/Mic92/ratsinfo-scraper.git

Get jruby

curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash
rvm install jruby

Install bundler

gem install bundler

Install Dependencies

cd ratsinfo
bundle install


To start scraping use:


This will extract all documents to the path of the environment variable DOWNLOAD_PATH (defaults to "data") and convert it to plain text

To scrape an individual session for example: http://ratsinfo.dresden.de/to0040.php?__ksinr=100

rake scrape_session[100]

To display all tasks use:

rake -T

The download directory will have the following scheme:

  • each session have a directory, where the id is the directory name
  • every document belonging to this session will be extracted to this directory
  • if the document is an pdf, it try to convert it to text using the pdf-reader gem
  • additionally a file called metadata.json is created. This is a machine-readable version of the index.htm file, which is contained in the document archives

The metadata.json file follow this structure. (optional means null-values for strings or empty array, required values should be always available)

Key Value
id (required) a human-readable identifier of the session, ex: "SR/003/2009"
description (required) the long name of the session, ex "3. Sitzung des Stadtrates"
committee (required) the board, holding the session, ex "Stadtrat"
started_at (required) the time when the session started (converted from CEST time), ex "2009-10-01T14:00:00Z"
ended_at (optional) the time when the session ended (converted from CEST time), ex "2009-10-01T18:30:00Z"
location (optional) the location where the session took place, ex "Landeshauptstadt Dresden, im Neuen Rathaus, Plenarsaal,Rathausplatz 1, 01067 Dresden"
download_at (required) the time when the archive was downloaded
documents documents associated with the session (excluding those associated with parts)
file_name the file name as it is in the session directory, ex: 00003144.pdf"
description: name of the document, ex: "Vorlage Gremien"
parts (optional) each session can contain an array of parts. a part is an object containing the following keys:
description (required) name of the part, ex "Beschlussvorlagen zu VOB-Vergaben"
template_id (optional) some parts uses templates, further information here http://ratsinfo.dresden.de/vo0042.php
documents (optional) array of documents associated with this part
file_name the file name as it is in the session directory, ex: "00003144.pdf"
description name of the document, ex: "Vorlage Gremien"
decision (optional) some sessions ended with a decision made by the comittee, ex: "Zustimmung"
vote_result (optional) object
pro (required) votes for the subject, ex: 1
contra (required) votes against the subject, ex: 2
abstention (required) neither/nor contra or pro, ex: 0


  • continue, where the last scan stopped
  • templates for custom tasks
  • clean up task
  • some kind of tests


Scrape documents with associated metadata from http://ratsinfo.dresden.de



Language:Ruby 100.0%