nt153133 / LisbethVentures

RB Plugin to reassign ventures

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Lisbeth Ventures

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Lisbeth Ventures is a Retainer plugin for RebornBuddy + Lisbeth. It automatically reassigns the previously selected Venture while Lisbeth is running.




  1. Download the latest version.
  2. On the .zip file, right click > Properties > Unblock > Apply.
  3. Unzip all contents into RebornBuddy\Plugins\ so it looks like this:
└── Plugins
    └── LisbethVentures
        └── LisbethVentures.cs
  1. Start RebornBuddy as normal.
  2. Under Plugins, enable Lisbeth Ventures.


No configuration required. Previously selected Ventures are reassigned automatically between Lisbeth crafts and gathers.

When crafting, Ventures are reassigned between each craft. Set your Lisbeth Home near a summoning bell for maximum efficiency.

When gathering, Ventures are reassigned only after gathering the full quantity of each item type. If your order is very large (e.g., thousands of crystals), Ventures may not be reassigned for a long time. Split up the order to avoid this.

To level retainers quickly, set Quick Exploration and leave it until max level. Quick Exploration XP scales with level and doesn't require manually changing the venture or updating retainer gear.


RB Plugin to reassign ventures