nst / BinUtils

Swift functions to ease working with binary formats

Repository from Github https://github.comnst/BinUtilsRepository from Github https://github.comnst/BinUtils


Swift functions to ease working with binary formats


Either copy BinUtils.swift into your project, or use Swift Package Manager by adding the following dependency to your Package.swift:

dependencies: [
    .Package(url: "https://github.com/nst/BinUtils.git", majorVersion: 0, minor: 1),


let data = "Hello".dataUsingEncoding(.utf8)!
assert(hexlify(data) == "48656C6C6F")


let s = String(data: unhexlify("48656C6C6F")!, encoding: .utf8)
assert(s == "Hello")

pack(fmt, [v1, v2, ...])

let d = pack("<h2I3sf", [1, 2, 3, "asd", 0.5])
assert(d == unhexlify("0100 02000000 03000000 617364 0000003f"))

unpack(fmt, string)

let a = unpack(">hBsf", unhexlify("0500 01 41 3fc00000")!)
assert(a[0] as? Int == 1280)
assert(a[1] as? Int == 1)
assert(a[2] as? String == "A")
assert(a[3] as? Double == 1.5)
let f = FileHandle(forReadingAtPath: "/bin/ls")!
let b = unpack("<2H", f.readDataOfLength(4))
assert(b[0] as? Int == 64207)
assert(b[1] as? Int == 65261)


pack() and unpack() should behave as Python's struct module https://docs.python.org/2/library/struct.html BUT:

  • native size and alignment @ is not supported
  • as a consequence, the byte order specifier character is mandatory and must be among =<>!
  • native byte order = assumes a little-endian system (eg. Intel x86)
  • Pascal strings p and native pointers P are not supported

Byte Order Format

Character Byte Order
= little-endian
< little-endian
> big-endian
! network (big-endian)

Format Characters

Format C Type Swift Type Size
x pad byte - 1
c char String of length 1 1
b signed char Int8 1
B unsigned char UInt8 1
? _Bool Bool 1
h short Int16 2
H unsigned short UInt16 2
i int Int32 4
I unsigned int UInt32 4
l long Int32 4
L unsigned long UInt32 4
q long long Int64 8
Q unsigned long long Int64 8
f float Float32 4
d double Float64 8
s char[] String


Swift functions to ease working with binary formats

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 96.6%Language:Ruby 3.4%