nspektor / Ambulance-Pickup-Architecture


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Ambulance Pickup Problem Architecture

Team Marshmallow (Nellie Spektor and Nehemiah Dureus)

ns104@nyu.edu https://github.com/nspektor/Ambulance-Pickup-Architecture


  • It takes a minute to go one block either north-south or east-west.
  • Each hospital has an (x,y) location that you can determine when you see the distribution of victims.
  • The ambulances need not return to the hospital where they begin, you should choose which hospital each ambulance returns to
  • Each ambulance can carry up to 4 people.
  • It takes 1 minute to load a person and 1 minute to unload up to four people.
  • Each person will have a rescue time which is the number of minutes from the start when the person should be unloaded in the hospital to survive.

link to problem description

How do I interact with the architecture?

Your code should output a result file that follows the format shown below. Please look at the sample_result files in this repo for some examples.

Hospital: <x>, <y>, <num_ambulances> 
Hospital: <x>, <y>, <num_ambulances> 

Ambulance: <hospital_id>: (<hospital_x>,<hospital_y>), <person_id>: (<person_x>,<person_y>,<person_rescue_time>), <person_id>: (<person_x>,<person_y>,<person_rescue_time>), <person_id>: (<person_x>,<person_y>,<person_rescue_time>), <hospital_id>: (<hospital_x>,<hospital_y>)
Ambulance: <hospital_id>: (<hospital_x>,<hospital_y>), <person_id>: (<person_x>,<person_y>,<person_rescue_time>), <person_id>: (<person_x>,<person_y>,<person_rescue_time>), <person_id>: (<person_x>,<person_y>,<person_rescue_time>), <person_id>: (<person_x>,<person_y>,<person_rescue_time>), <hospital_id>: (<hospital_x>,<hospital_y>)
Ambulance: <hospital_id>: (<hospital_x>,<hospital_y>), <person_id>: (<person_x>,<person_y>,<person_rescue_time>), <person_id>: (<person_x>,<person_y>,<person_rescue_time>), <hospital_id>: (<hospital_x>,<hospital_y>)

You can run the validator with python 3: python3 validator.py sample_data sample_result Running this line should result in a total score of 25 and output showing who was rescued. You can also try out running with sample_wrong_result to see the various kinds of error messages the validator produces. Or try sample_data_2 and sample_result_2 if you want to play with smaller amounts of data

How do I send in the code?

Please send me (ns104@nyu.edu) a zip file by 12pm on Monday with your code and a shell script that compiles and runs your code. Your solution should expect a command line argument with the name of the data file and should output a result file with your solution.

I should be able to run:

python3 run.py your_shell_script.sh input_data

and have your code generate a result file called: result which I will then pass into validator.py to determine your score:

python3 validator.py input_data result




Language:Python 100.0%